Thank you for this, excellent report! The U.S. needs a national voter's list along with federal elections held under federal rules, rather than the present state/county shambles. And paper ballots!

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I made an appeal to some of the swing states' election commissions to conduct these post-election audits, with no response. I'm glad to read that this is usually conducted yet horrified to see evidence of malfeasance from the MAGA ranks in regard to the two most-often used systems. Why aren't states willing to do audits if they believe the results will support the outcome? Having confirmation that the 2024 vote was conducted fairly is essential for future elections.

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God bless your effort. You may have a good case against the former and current president and his tech enablers--and financers.

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I strongly agree with Kathleen McCroskey. In addition, there is another investigative reporter who has already exposed how the 2024 election was stolen. He has evidence to support his assertions. He has spoken on some Pacifica radio stations; he is not getting much airtime elsewhere.

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You're talking about Greg Palast. See below.

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Maybe that should read 'the greatest hypocrisy in the world.' From phony flowery words by Founding Fathers who kept slaves and excluded women - to today's wonderful representation by major political parties that openly rig their own primaries, the USA has never been an example of democracy worth emulating. Then there's that conundrum of clandestine foreign operations from unaccountable agencies (i.e. CIA; USAID; NED) destroying every fledgling democracy not kissing empire's ass, for almost a century now. A shining example - of something that can't be fixed.

That this country should ever lecture others about "democracy" is theater of the absurd. ;(

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"The city of Kenosha put out a press release that simply reports their audit was complete as of November 25, 2024, and no discrepancies have been found. It finishes with a link labeled “Information about audits generally can be found here” which renders a 404 error."

The wayback machine at archive.org shows what was previously on that 404 error page:


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It's not just the obvious nation states that might undermine our elections but their proxy lobbies. An excellent documentary on our cybersecurity vulnerability is "Zero Days" by Alex Gibney. It's particularly relevant now.

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Why is the software in private hands. How about 1 system, publically supported, with open source so anyone can check the software. This state by state system is a joke…why vote with this system?

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EXACTLY. Fully open-source software is necessary, no proprietary black boxes should be allowed for something so crucial as the US election system.

The patchwork state-by-state setup is a big part of why elections have been a mess, particularly since the introduction of the Dominion and ES&S & other electronic, computerized, touch-screen systems.

A change is needed now, and it has to be forced by ordinary people, and real election-integrity groups, unlike the totally fraudulent "True the Vote."

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I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Voter suppression was in high gear leading up to November. Can audits detect that?

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BOTH things -- voter suppression (see:


AND wildly insecure voting-machine software -- are the causes of these deep problems with the US voting system.

Both things need to be WAY more widely recognized, and corrected. You can bet that all US presidential elections have been compromised since at least 2000, and probably well before that.

An election-rights movement is what's needed, to put serious pressure on these lame tactics used by state election-functionaries and other election obstructionists.

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Too long. No way can I read all of. this.

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Now that Democrats lost the election they're going full "Stop the Steal"?

I remember this whole discourse happening after losses in 2004, 2016, and now 2024. Curious that I didn't hear anything from Democrats in 2008, 2012, or 2020.

There _ARE_ problems with our elections but it's only talked about when your favored political party loses.

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