I call bullshit.

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Did you call bullshit when reports said Russian invasion was imminent? Did you call bullshit when reports said Russia was using North Korean Soldiers? Did you call bullshit when Ukraine first offensive/counterattack was successful or only for the second one? Is it bullshit when employers pull a switcharoo on new employees or only when Russia is accused of it (after evidence is presented).

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Russia isn't using North Korean soldiers. No proof has been given. Have a look at the guys in these pictures, and if you think they look like North Koreans, I have some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona...cheap.


The Russian Federation is very large and includes multiple 'Asiatic' countries populated by people who look a lot more like those men in the photos than they do like Koreans.

**REGARDLESS** Even if there are North Koreans (soldiers, advisors, military tactics students, etc.) on the ground in the Russia Ukraine war, so what? Aren't there French, British, Americans fighting for Ukraine? So I guess why wouldn't some Ansar Allah fighters want to go gain some warfighting experience too? Until there is proof, however, I still call BULLSHIT on "the Houthis" being in Ukraine.

Show me maps where Ukraine has recaptured *and held* any significant territories since the first vaunted counterattack began. I'll wait....

The topic of the Russian SMO/invasion is far more complex than you apparently understand. One thing missing from a lot of US/EU media coverage of the war is that Russia has invoked the R2P doctrine (that's important later). Here are a couple of main points:

1) Numerous "experts" who did not have adequate intel were saying that Russia would not invade, including the Atlantic Council.

https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/why-putin-wont-invade-ukraine/ (February 16, 2022)

2) In fact, those who *did* think it highly likely that Russia would invade were members of the Biden administration who - unbeknownst even to most experts - were busy *provoking* the invasion behind the scenes. The Biden regime was actively provoking the Russians to invade, thus they had what amounted to 'insider information' of the type that is allegedly illegal for making stock trades.


More specific to the Jan/Feb 2022 timeframe, the OSCE documented a heavy uptick in shelling of the Donbass region coming primarily from west to east (from Ukraine's armed forces against the rebel held oblasts) in December and January of 2022. This was done on purpose, with the express permission and encouragement of the Biden regime, who thought it likely Russia would feel compelled to take action under the R2P doctrine, which has previously been invoked by the US and NATO elsewhere. It's important to note that as far back as 2014, the rebels in the east had been begging "Putin" to step in and help, and the Russians refused; instead insisting that the Minsk I and Minsk II protocols be adhered to by all parties involved.


"European Politics and Policy is a multidisciplinary academic blog run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. Our central aim is to increase public understanding of European politics and policy by providing accessible academic commentary and research. We have no editorial ‘line’ beyond a commitment to communicating social science research and commentary in ways that enhance public debate and understanding."

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Not sure if you’re trying to “own” me or change my mind. Either way you failed at both.

Main issue is you didn’t address each of my points in order. So will assume you’re not trying to educate.

You disagree that North Koreans are on in the Ukrainian front?

I end that with a question because the article you linked yourself after saying “russia is not using any North Korean soldiers.” shows captured North Koreans fighting for Putin which has sub links supporting that Kim sent North Korean soldiers to fight for Putin.

You just owned yourself. The only thing you educated me on was you’re an idiot.

But it doesn’t even stop there in your FIRST effort in rebuttal.

You mention that Russia federation is large (I agree! See it’s not that hard) and “includes multiple ‘Asiatic’ countries(????)..”

Which asiatic country (????) in the Russian federation does those people look like?

Maybe you don’t tell me because you’re still trying to find those locations?

But I’ll help you… maybe use





Federal cities

Next time instead of countries

You even used oblasts in later in your post for UKRAINE… but ‘Asiatic’ countries in the Russian federation in your not so robust rebuttal here

For what it’s worth North Korea borders Russia (primorsky krai).

You’re an idiot x2

But I’m not finished

You then throw your whole argument away and concede that even if they do it so what non Ukrainian nationals fight for Ukraine.

Um okay nice fallacy dude…

You then ask for proof on Yemenis fighting in Russia in the same article showing proof of Yemenis fighting in Russia…

You’re an idiot x3

So let’s recap for the artist still known as a dummy in order of importance for this one part in an attempt at owning/educating.

1You ask for proof then reject it (shows you will never change your view)

2You will link articles proving you wrong except for the pictures (maybe??) (shows you only comprehend pictures and not sentences)

3You know what countries in Russia ‘Asiatic’ people are from but refuse to tell me (shows you’re not very helpful)

Okay now we have that established let’s speed through the next points

You want me to show you a map of Ukraine after the second counter attack

Why? It failed if you read my post above you can comprehend that. Show me a map of the asiatic countries in the Russia federation!!

Your last points have nothing to do with my post but for what it’s worth I’ll dive in just this time

1 why link the Atlantic council when Russia itself said they were not going to invade after massing troops on the Belarus Ukraine border and the Russia Ukraine border and questioned if they were going to invade… primary sources bro!

2. So Russia had no agency in whether or not to invade Ukraine because Biden made them do it? But then Biden slow walks weapons to Ukraine. Which he doesn’t do that for Israel. And looses a lot of political capital for a funding too slowly and funding at all. Which ultimately helped tarnish his legacy and lose Democratic control of the country. I guess tricking Russia into killing its men and becoming a better military was the easiest part.

Ps Oh yes and let’s forget to have Crimea into the analysis

You’re welcome.

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" Show me a map of the asiatic countries in the Russia federation!!"

Good gawd you're fucking stupid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republics_of_Russia#/media/File:Republics_of_Russia_(labeled).svg

Look up Buryatia and do an image search for what the people who live there look like. Compare it to the western tabloids' coverage of the "North Koreans" captured in Ukraine. Next do the same for Tuva. Then do it for Sakha (the Yakuts).... that's "multiple" in case you didn't know the definition. But ooohhh wait, you think you "owned" me on a "gotcha" bit of semantics because I said "countries"! LMAO

Next, please explain to us your knowledge about how companies integrate into battalions and how battalions integrate into larger groupings of the RFA. Then demonstrate to us how a massive language and systems-integration barrier would play out on the battlefield, especially one as nasty and complex as the line of contact in Ukraine. Finally, tell me what role you think these alleged North Koreans are playing, in the numbers in which they are purportedly active on the front, and how it wouldn't be actively HARMFUL to the Russians' objectives and operations.

P.S. - Have the Ukros made ANY verbal interview audio in Korean available yet? I would love to hear some of the captives speak Korean, rather than the perfect Russian they used in the one video with audio that was actually published a few weeks ago.

P.P.S. - When do you expect we'll see the first audiovisual evidence of captured "Yemenis" along the LOC in Ukraine? Because I have different bridge in addition to the one I already offered to sell you....

It's geopolitical PR, you NAFO wanker. RAND laid it all out and they're following the script to the letter. https://www.rand.org/pubs/commentary/2024/10/a-russia-north-korea-alliance-in-the-works-dont-be.html (check the date against the first reported "sightings" of "North Koreans" in the Russia Ukraine war before you start jumping around and celebrating another "win".)

Go back to sleep, bootlicker. You really are in over your head and you're not any good at this. I guess you can take comfort in knowing that the majority of western chauvinist liberal idiots in the US think just like you. And hey, it *does* look like I "owned" you, doesn't it? If your ninth grade definition of "owned" is "demonstrated far more relevant knowledge and presented actual, credible evidence for my points" while you gave us angry-monkey-types-on-keyboard (like a typical reflexive Putler hating OFAN Ukraine flag Twitter/X fanboi).

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I tell idiot that there are no 'Asiatic' countries in the Russian Federation per idiot's post because I cannot follow his argument. I tell idiot to use Russian approved terms like republics instead. I ask idiot (rhetorically) to send a map of the 'Asiatic' countries in the Russian Federation. Idiot sends a link of Russian Republics. Idiot calls me fucking stupid. I literally can't make this shite up.

It gets better.

I assert North Koreans Soldiers are used by Russia. Helpful idiot counters "Russia isn't using North Korean soldiers. No proof has been given.". Helpful idiot links article from a newspaper article with supporting sublinks affirming North Korean Soldiers are utilized by Russia. Helpful idiot also offers me to sell me ocean property in Arizona (maybe next time). I realize that helpful idiot may not know geography so I educate him on his favorite country Russia. In his own helpful idiotic way he thanks me by posting another link about North Koreans in Russia from the Rand Corporation (which I rate higher than the Daily star). In article, it affirms North Korean soldiers in Russia

"In addition, the United States should recognize that North Korean military advisors are supporting Russian use of North Korean military supplies in occupied areas of Ukraine. The North Korean regime has likely only sent elite North Korean personnel to perform such functions, fearing that other North Koreans would probably defect to the West.

It has been reported that six officers from this group were killed in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine, a message that will likely anger their families in Pyongyang and thus should also be broadcast into North Korea. The South Korean Defense Minister has said that North Korea will likely send more of its troops to support Russia, probably on the battlefield. Given Russian attitudes, those troops may well serve as cannon fodder. The North Korean elites need to hear what Kim may do to their sons."

So honestly thank you for sending that!

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You have got to be the best example of the Dunning Kruger effect I've ever encountered on the iNTErnETz. LOL

Dunning Kruger (DK for short) says: "Helpful idiot links article from a newspaper article with supporting sublinks affirming North Korean Soldiers are utilized by Russia."

Here's what I said immediately after the link to the Rand article: "check the date against the first reported "sightings" of "North Koreans" in the Russia Ukraine war before you start jumping around and celebrating another "win."

Rand doesn't publish a "newspaper" you shit-for-brains DK-afflicted psych ward patient. It's a "think tank" and they publish POLICY ADVICE to include PR/propaganda dissemination talking points.

To wit, moron: First actually READ the Rand report, which had likely been in the works for several weeks or months was published in EARLY OCTOBER of last year. Then, DK, go out online and find me the first alleged sighting (or capture) of alleged North Koreans in Ukraine.

I'll wait...

You clearly have zero idea about how the "think tank" community integrates with the national security and policy state.

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Awww. So you're reduced to name calling. LOL only a total fucking child would issue a response that long, full of complete BS, predicated on being a willful sucker to US propaganda and starting it off by projecting your own insecurity about being "owned."

Bwahahaa...and you read "The Free Press" 'nuff said.

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"why link the Atlantic council when Russia itself said they were not going to invade after massing troops on the Belarus Ukraine border and the Russia Ukraine border and questioned if they were going to invade… primary sources bro!"

Can you translate that into post-secondary non-remedial English for me, please? I really have no idea WTF you think you're saying/asking. But I'll bite - WHEN did "Russia" say they were not (ever) going to invade or take military pre-emptive action, under any circumstances? Show me primary sources, bro! In Russian if you can. LOL ... You can't. Because "Russia" didn't, at least any time after the Ukrainians, French and Germans shat on the Minsk accords. And I kind of doubt they ever did AT ALL.

"You want me to show you a map of Ukraine after the second counter attack"

Was that a question? You seem not to be very good with punctuation. If so, yeah I do want you to show me the map, and then I would like you to go re-read what I initially said...which was "actually held" the territory. So, sure, let's look at some maps with chronological data and we can discuss how much territory the Ukrainians have "actually held" and for how long. It'd be really nice if you could cross-correlate the map with the timeline of when Ukraine (blackmailed by its western "partners") started steadily lowering the forced age-of-conscription and press-ganging 19 year olds into white vans to send to the meat grinder. I'll wait...

"So Russia had no agency in whether or not to invade Ukraine because Biden made them do it?"

Where did I make any comment or judgment on "agency"? I said they were provoked. Let's do analogy time. What if the Russians were arming up the Mexican military shortly after the Russians helped a faction of far-right Mexicans stage an unconstitutional violent coup d'etat and spent the next few years pumping billions of rubles into the country, only to see a portion of Mexico - say the parts along the Texas border - attempt to assert some autonomy after which the new Mexican-Russian government started shelling them mercilessly and labeled them "terrorists" and "cockroaches".... Then they effectively criminalized or officially stigmatized the "American culture" or English language, built up an army larger than any in the EU and dramatically increased the shelling, made statements they were actively seeking nuclear weapons and membership in some new version of the Axis or Warsaw Pact, despite decades of well publicized statements from the US that this would not be tolerated. Maybe someone even told Washington "not one inch northwards" prior to also bringing Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama and the Bahamas into their aggressive military alliance.

What then, goober? What would Uncle Scam do?

P.S. what about Crimea? Spill it. I'm sure it's as vapid and full of NAFO talking points as everything else you've spewed. You just hate Slavs, don't you? You want as many of them to die as possible and since it may be subconscious you slough it off with "It's all PUUUUUUTLER and THE ORCS faulllllt!"


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1. Here are links of a timeline to lead up of the invasion of Ukraine.


Here are links of reports of Official Russian statements. (You can find the Russian translations by sourcing below if that helps)




2. I'll make it real clear this time. As alluded to my first post (and second). The Second counter offensive was not successful at all (ie virtually no regained territory). The first was. So it wasn't a question it was literally reiterating you statement of

"Show me maps where Ukraine has recaptured *and held* any significant territories since the first vaunted counterattack began."

Don't be daft (maybe impossible but please try)

But I am a nice guy I will find a truthful and accurate map starting beginning in 2020 to now of all territory regained by the Ukraine forces of the second counteroffensive if you show me the 'Asiatic' Countries in the Russian Federation for the same period!

3. Being provoked removes personal agency. Also, your analogy sucks, Mexico was never physically/culturally a part of the United States like Ukraine was to Russia/Historical SU/RE. Cuba Missile Crisis would have been better but not perfect. Russian republic was never in threat of losing territory during the millennium by NATO and they still are not now. Kaliningrad is and has always been easiest territory to take... you need a map for that or video 4k video of a Russian speaker telling you really slowly using a power point? Let me know when the invasion will happen by NATO forces. Seems like they are taking their sweet fucking time.

3.5 Crimea was annexed with minimal bloodshed to Russia. NATO/US and Ukraine didn't do shit before and afterward. You think the Crimeans can vote which country they want to join every year with rotating band of different countries occupying forces?

Oh and remember, please read AND comprehend before answering!

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No, idiot. Mexico was never part of the United States...LARGE parts of the United States WERE, however, part of MEXICO!

And I love how you disingenuously focus only on "territory" when, in fact, the whole point of the Russian SMO was to stop the KILLING OF HUMANS in the Donbass regions. Allow me to repeat: The people of the Donbass region had petitioned Moscow for more than 7 years to annex them. Moscow refused over and over again. Only in 2022, with the dramatic uptick in shelling from the west and the statements about obtaining nukes and crushing the rebellion with massive force, did Russia finally accede to the demands and launch a military invasion. If you actually bothered to read anything but carefully curated US/EU propaganda, you'd find plenty of examples of the Russians claiming over and over and over that they DID NOT WANT any of those territories.

Re: Crimea - Once again you're woefully mis/disinformed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2015/03/20/one-year-after-russia-annexed-crimea-locals-prefer-moscow-to-kiev/

Quote: "With two studies out of the way, both Western-based, it seems without question that the vast majority of Crimeans do not feel they were duped into voting for annexation, and that life with Russia will be better for them and their families than life with Ukraine. A year ago this week, 83% of Crimeans went to the polling stations and almost 97% expressed support for reunification with their former Soviet parent. The majority of people living on the peninsula are ethnic Russians."

(actually read it and the embedded links before you issue another dimwitted reply)

Crimea is the home of the Russian Navy's main warm water ports. It was under lease with the previous Ukrainian government for about 40 more years. The Kyiv coup government, however, made many overtures that they were going to strongly consider violating the lease and kicking the Russians out 40 years ahead of schedule. Never mind that the majority of Crimeans (to include civilians) did not want to kick the Russians out and identify far more strongly with Russia than Ukraine, let alone the new coup government that was illegally enshrined and proceeded to declare the oblasts and regions who rebelled "terrorists" - and this included Crimeans.

"I will find a truthful and accurate map starting beginning in 2020 to now of all territory regained by the Ukraine forces of the second counteroffensive if you show me the 'Asiatic' Countries in the Russian Federation for the same period!"

So where is your map, and does it show how long the Ukrainians held onto the territory it depicts? Oh wait, you're being a disingenuous DK inflicted fuckwit again and wussing out of actually producing said map because I used the word "country" when I mentioned that there are "asiatic" communities/territories/oblasts/republics in the RF. Only intellectual cowards and lightweights argue like that.

LMAO go back to NAFO/OFAN headquarters and brush up on your world history.

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I so much appreciate this report and the work of Ali Younes in bringing into the light the details about how this horrible trafficking in humans is brought about, and how destitute Yemenis are being victimized. I also hope a lot more reporting will be done on the topic of mercenaries and all the many countries hiring/abducting. They are being used all over the world by countless countries besides Russia; the colonial US/CIA, Israel, Ukraine/US/NATO, Pakistan, Afghanistan, GB, Saudi Arabia, US/CIA/Israel in Iraq and Syria, Sudan and on and on and on. And the multinational global corporations hire their own private armies - Blackwater and it's offshoots, G4S, etc., neither held accountable nor prosecuted by almost anyone. They are a vast, lucrative and growing profitable business. Continual addictive wars make continual gargantuan profits. But if a country loses too many of it's own soldiers, its citizens may start to object, rebel. Sanctioned, starved and bombed countries are breeding grounds for "recruits." And the growing number of refugee camps, especially, are breeding grounds full of despairing young men with no future and no where to go, easily preyed upon, tricked, abducted (as are women to "service" them (slaves)). All planned by the ruthless Powers That Be, whether for defense (genuine or in one case strategically imagined), oil, resources, profit/greed, expansion, at any cost to Life on Earth. A few of the many many articles speaking to different scenarios below. Question: How many mercenaries, hardened or newly victimized, feeding and fed to wars can the Earth hold???




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I want to suggest in the last 100yrs nobody but nobody has recruited more mercenaries and terrorist proxies, trying to overthrow foreign governments, than the US empire. Frequently those murderous proxies have even been the foreign police and military themselves, especially when stamping out civilian socialist movements with mass murder for CIA (The Jakarta Method : Bevins). How many foreign men earned US citizenship fighting in its fabricated War on Terror the last 20+yrs, I wonder?

Perhaps Russia will teach them to build Oreshnik, and then send them home. ;(

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Winning hearts and minds? It’s one thing submitting for military service, another to be unwitting canon fodder. First North Korean’s and now Yemenis.

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