I call bullshit.

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I so much appreciate this report and the work of Ali Younes in bringing into the light the details about how this horrible trafficking in humans is brought about, and how destitute Yemenis are being victimized. I also hope a lot more reporting will be done on the topic of mercenaries and all the many countries hiring/abducting. They are being used all over the world by countless countries besides Russia; the colonial US/CIA, Israel, Ukraine/US/NATO, Pakistan, Afghanistan, GB, Saudi Arabia, US/CIA/Israel in Iraq and Syria, Sudan and on and on and on. They are a vast profitable business. Continual addictive wars make continual gargantuan profits. But if a country loses too many of it's own soldiers, its citizens may start to object, rebel. Sanctioned, starved and bombed countries are breeding grounds for "recruits." And the growing number of refugee camps, especially, are breeding grounds full of despairing young men with no future and no where to go, easily preyed upon, tricked, abducted (as are women to "service" them (slaves)). All planned by the ruthless Powers That Be, whether for defense (genuine or in one case strategically imagined), oil, resources, profit/greed, expansion, at any cost to Life on Earth. A few of the many many articles speaking to different scenarios below. Question: How many mercenaries, hardened or newly victimized, feeding and fed to wars can the Earth hold???




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Winning hearts and minds? It’s one thing submitting for military service, another to be unwitting canon fodder. First North Korean’s and now Yemenis.

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