"U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking suggested the Houthis are using the Gaza conflict to their own ends. [...] Instead, Ansarallah should be “doing things to help the Yemeni people,” Lenderking said."

The hypocrisy of this hyper-militaristic empire, where its veterans live under bridges or commit suicide for lack of help, and where flood victims are told by federal emergency agencies there's no money, is staggering.


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Great!! Very informative and inspiring articule.

Little Yemen standing up to those mass murderers.

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Thank you for this informative article. Should justice prevail, Ansarallah will have its name recorded on the right side of history.

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The US and Israel have invested heavily in the military to keep itself and its allies safe. That is a reasonable position and would be supported by realists the likes of John Mearsheimer. But a line gets crossed when you take actions and positions that threaten and provoke other nations – those not on your “friends” list.

The investment/provocation scenario eventually breaks down; it’s not foolproof, as witnessed by 9/11 and Oct 7th. Our worldwide provocations have, and will continue to provoke hatred, and those willing to put that hatred into action. Eventually it will find a target. And then, like after 9/11, we invest more into military spending and provocations, and curtail our own civil liberties. There is no good outcome to such a foreign policy. It will come home to roost; it’s only a matter of time.

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Excellent work Shuaib! Your remission is a gift to those of us who wish to be better informed without having to sort through propaganda.

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I was in a Zoom virtual vigil last Thursday night for two executions scheduled for Texas and Alabama. It was a moving, powerful, and motivating experience.

It occurred to me that we need an on-going, non-stop, 24/7, every-time zone, virtual vigil for all the victims of Gaza, for what has happened on and since October 7, 2023. (Full well knowing it didn’t start then.)

There could be religious leaders sharing their rituals honoring the dead. We could read the names of everyone killed.

Invite musicians, poets, and others to share their artistry. I'm sure that there is much else that could be part of this.

It could have people from all over the world, all religious faiths, and leaders, all us atheists too. I am not claiming it will solve the issue, or that we should do this instead so all the other efforts, but it might help ease a bit of the pain, might help build community, show solidarity, and let us know we are not alone.

Is it a good idea? If so, who has the skills and contacts to do this? How can we make this happen?

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Interesting. The US supports and is aligned with Saudi Arabia. The country that the majority of the 9/11 terrorists were from. The Saudi’s murder Jamaal Khashoggi , an American citizen and journalist. Biden goes over and does a fist bump with its leader after he ran for the presidency saying they were a pariah. Our other alliance is with Egypt who has an authoritarian regime running the show following the Arab Spring. Biden/Harris administration giving us a Gaza, West Bank and now Lebanon genocide with leeked plans for an attack on Iran. The US is the taking the world down the rabbit hole with assistance from Russia and the western alliance.. After a year with genocide and no appearance of a change in policy, perhaps those with an awareness might have sympathy for the oppressed underdog. What to think? What more to say?

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Hearing Israel may have bombed Iran today. If so, Saudi Arabia might've approved flyover for the attack, not to mention US mid-air refueling. Perhaps the real two-fold purpose of Ant-knee Blinken's visit, other than diverting MbS from the BRICS summit, was to deliver some bribe for that approval.

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turned out it was Jordan

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Until the people understand that the US with the worlds largest GDP,

the largest military is under complete Zionist control nothing is going

to change. Israel will always be calling the shots and doing what it wants.

Zionism has to be controled.

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Thank you for your journalism.

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