Of all Arab states in the region, it is the Little Engine that could, Yemen, who is actively honoring the Palestinians!!!!!! Long may they reign!!!!

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It is a sad commentary that almost all of the Western "developed" countries who talk endlessly about freedom, international law, and democracy have steadfastly supported the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The only exceptions appear to be Ireland and Spain.

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Yes we stand solely with the Palestinians and fully understand what they are up against, Ireland

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Luv you guys stay strong stay resolved til: Palestine be Free

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Lets hear it for the Houthis..A bright light in the dark Zionist agression.

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Well God bless the Houthis and may they stay strong

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2. Donald Trump has made this happen, who can think otherwise? Not, after 15 months of shameless pandering by the criminal Biden Administration, of which, each and every member should be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 1091, the statute that incorporates the Genocide Convention into US criminal law. Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having this statute in their faces, up front and center, at every protest, at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad. Let them consider what is looming, now, as they are about to leave office. They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives. Let us find the way.

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But Trump is much worse, he is shipping 2,000lb bombs, banned by Biden to Israel, he and J Kushner, Steven Witkoff and Netanyahu want to develop Gaza by building ‘beachfront’ properties, but they have to get rid of the Palestinians first, thus the bombs

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Maybe this is a better time to make the Holy Land holy again. The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran.

May it be his road to Damascus moment, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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Three points.

1. Ceasefire or no ceasefire; scam or no, we cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

You might find the recent interview that Glenn Greenwald did with the head of this organisation very informative.

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Thank you for letting us know

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3. Trump will be getting a lot of negative blowback from the Zionists, many of whom he has surrounded himself with. He won't like that.

What if he got a lot of love, and high praises, from all the rest of the world who wants this ceasefire to be a big, huge, success, and not be broken as soon as possible? I can't imagine anything more likely than that to make him keep Netanyahoo's feet to the fire . Can you? So, irrespective of how odious we may feel Trump is personally. I am hoping enough people make him feel better about himself than anything that has happened in the past few decades at least.

What could be more gratifying to a complete narcissist than winning, and actually deserving to win, the Nobel Peace Prize. So much better than Obama. Let's find ways to shower, golden or otherwise, the man with our praise. If this happens and Gaza is left in peace and can develop, what a gift. Are you with me here, or what?

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Trump probably already promised things to Netanyahu like - you can get out of the deal after Phase 1.

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Of course he did, Netanyahu is Trumps son in laws’ family friend

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At least they have a fighting force willing to respond to the terror the Israelis Zionists are inflicting on Palestinians

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