Oct 21Liked by Ryan Grim

Thanks for writing this. I've been trying to listen to Yarvin for a few months now. If it wasn't for Vance, I would not have made the effort. I'm 74 years old and have seen these guys come and go. In fact, my brother used to work at the Pentagon back in the 90's. He often described similar plans but by the military. Thiel has probably gained access to all kinds of data with Palantir. Oh and I believe they are all batshit crazy messed up little boys. Even if they could get close to pulling it off, it will crash and burn under it's own weight. The problem is, many many people will get hurt. Let's hope Vance stays out of the WH.

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If Harris wins the killing and the wars will accelerate. With Trump in the WH for 4 years and then Vance the following 8 years mostly Palestiniabs will suffer greatly. Horrible as that is with Harris it will be worse, much worse.

I don't care one bit for the American ppl, they share resoinsibility for everything since the first regime change in Tripoli in 1805, 219 years ago.

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This is intriguing work from the Drop Site night shift. I'm not sure what to think of this since I do not trust any billionaire or politician to do a single thing that would be in the best interest of anyone but themselves.

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I’m a tech entrepreneur since ‘88. This piece is right on.

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"What the gods and all reasonable humans fought in vain wasn't stupidity at all. It was sheer, wanton, bloody indifference to anybody's interest but their own." -- John le Carré

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Oct 21·edited Oct 21Liked by Ryan Grim

We’re selling our Model X, going to buy a Rivian. And I deactivated X on 7-21-24.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

How blind can these movers and shakers be?

Capitalism is doomed but not because of being hobbled by government. It is doomed by its very design. It demands more tomorrow than today and more the day after. It depends on unending growth and has no ability to handle physical limits such as are becoming more obvious all the time in our warming world.

There are 3.5 times as many people on the planet today as there were when I was born in 1950 and the growth has not stopped. Throughout this very short 74 year period, every business has wanted to increase business, the vast majority of human beings have wanted more of everything, whether it be merely enough to eat or another car, or a flight to who knows where for fun.

As can be seen by checking the NOAA atmospheric monitoring site at Mauna Loa, HI, there is not the slightest sign of moderation in the relentless increase in CO2, methane following right along. This in spite of the shift to solar power, the increase in EV's on the road and all the pledges of governments to reduce CO2.

Musk and friends are in a dream of power that has no connection with reality. Your article establishes that all they want is a more efficient, unrestricted capitalism. They are cheerleading acceleration of an economic system that is rapidly approaching the terminal fate that is inherent in it. Judging by the American rush to huge pickup trucks and SUV's, Americans share the delirium.

Here is a joke to close my comment: "man is the rational animal"

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Jeremy was outstanding as usual on camera, spat out every relevant fact a human being can in the limited time allowed, complete with blood curdling detail. And this scheme by the billionaires just shows how futile the neolib call for "transparency" is. Until legalized bribery ends, this country's demise will be fast and brutal. Relegating "democracy" to political campaigns was a disaster. Now people feel completely disenfranchised by the rich, from local and statewide resolutions to greasing the wheels for every developer who drops a fat wad of cash to buying media access to focus on nothing we care most about, like billions spent on wars to profit so few.

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Jeremy Scahill for the win, as always.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Ryan Grim

We’re grateful, just gave $25.

I would increase our monthly if it would help you leave X.

Long may you run,


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History repeats itself and this experiment has been tried before with Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany. As large corporations consolidated their control over the German economy they decided to back Hitler financially. He promised to discipline labor and effectively stimulated the economy with rearmament. However the notion that any one corporation could control the state was proven completely false. The state is by its nature coercive. It possesses a army. The dictator can compel any corporation to conform to his policy. The minute a Musk tries to impose his corporate interests on a Hitler like dictator he will find out who has the real power. How does the state operate in circumstances where there is no accountability? Like a mafia. Trump makes it very clear that he wants personal benefits from power. If Musk studies China he should look at what the purge of Communists on the corporate take was all about. Musk will be the first to go the minute he tries to control Trump.

German corporations came out of WW2 with a wrecked economy and their factories in ruin. There will be no US unscathed coming out of an imperialist war with nuclear weapons to rebuild Musk's empire.

Recently FT editorialized that Musk needed to go back to what he does best. That isn't running a political system where power ultimately is derived from the people and their consent.

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"With SpaceX, Starlink and X, Musk has more foreign policy sway than probably any unelected person in US history."

The Guardian 26.9.2024

The horrid little man Musk has been given far too much power. He and buddy Trump are twin megalomaniacal minds. So much of concern in this report. It sounds like accountability could be totally overridden by corporate control of all government services and thus corporate in confidence type laws which would kill open democracy in US. A rogue state on steroids. I can't vote in US and despair of both parties on Gaza, but Trump should be banished.

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Question for Vance: Rome became an empire, spending more on the military than everything else - which reminds me of something or other - so what happened ultimately?

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Just watched Scahill interview on MSNBC. A brilliant and urgent plea for sanity ... telling it like it is in Palestine. Most media in Aust sanitizes the truth. My local grocer has family in south Lebanon and experiences constant great anxiety about their well being. Palestinians are experiencing living hell. Israel is acting with extreme psychosis and a savagery that goes well past warfare. It's horrifying that US keeps arming them with bombs etc. It's horrifying that UK, NZ, Canada and Australia are not putting enormous pressure on US to stop. Instead they turn meekly away. So pathetic.

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On HongKong-->>"...the party will run things smooth and safely for you"? Ask Ai Weiwei how that worked out. (Ai has been called China's most famous artist. His works focus on human rights abuses using video, photography) “The government maintained strict censorship and control over people’s thoughts,” Ai had begun to overtly question the role of art in a restrictive society. He and Feng Boyi curated an exhibition titled “Fuck Off” to coincide with the Shanghai Biennial. Ai’s submission was a series of photographs titled “Perspective.” Each featured a close-up of his hand giving the finger to a cultural icon—the Washington Monument, the Forbidden City and Musk among many others.

'If you want freedom, we need to learn from Hong Kong' -->>nothing will thrive, real culture will die in Thiel or Musk's dollhouse and nobody wants to live there.

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This is incredibly disturbing. Since Musk openly endorsed Trump and recently began doing solo rallies, my first thought was that he is lobbying for the presidency himself. But since he is a foreign born citizen, he would be ineligible. So here’s the frightening workaround. The United States of America, Inc. with himself the CEO.

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Whats is Bibbi Netanyahu's opinion? I mean he is running the USA and

must know Musk.

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Just in the first quarter or so of the article, and I am seeing quite a few typos, like Must for Musk and fermement. Is this article really a Drop site news article?

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12 hrs agoLiked by Ryan Grim

How is this any different from any other news/opinion article we encounter these days? There are no editors fluent in proofreading - that's being left to inadequate machines, because it saves money. That's okay! So long as people can still speak freely and tell the truth openly.

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About Musk’s role in coups that will give him financial gain -

‘The seeds for Musk’s eventual purchase of Twitter can actually be traced back to this exchange [on Twitter] in 2020:

Armani @historyofarmani

You know what wasn’t in the best interests of the American people? The U.S. government organising a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the Lithium there

Elon Musk


Replying to @historyofarmani

We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.

July 25, 2020

Musk coup tweet

Retrieved from Twitter on September 25, 2024

Musk has since deleted the tweet, but this post, published two years before Elon started buying up Twitter stock, which eventually led to his purchase of the app, points to the logic in why he sees such value in the company.

The tweet above is in reference to a political coup in Bolivia, which led to the ousting of then Bolivian President Evo Morales. Rumors have long suggested that the U.S. was involved in the coup, with American authorities reportedly seeking to gain control over the nation’s lithium resources, and keep it out of the hands of Russia and China.’

Source : socialmediatoday.com 1 Oct 2024

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