I'm not voting for Trump but really can't figure out, besides having a 'D' by her name, why anyone wants to vote for Harris. The anti-Democratic Party of starting wars has become a Borg collective and will absolutely continue this embargo crap.
Starvation siege warfare against poor countries, to enforce the doctrine of an imperialist pos …
I'm not voting for Trump but really can't figure out, besides having a 'D' by her name, why anyone wants to vote for Harris. The anti-Democratic Party of starting wars has become a Borg collective and will absolutely continue this embargo crap.
Starvation siege warfare against poor countries, to enforce the doctrine of an imperialist pos like Monroe from 200yrs ago, exemplifies empire's exceptionalism.
Vote for the Green Party. It is going to be ugly no matter who wins - both major parties are just a bunch of assholes serving their masters - corporations and mercenaries. They cause havoc in the whole world, support genocide, hate poor people - see what is happening to unsheltered people who, in Florida, are being chased in the woods, the only place they thought they were allowed to sleep. The more votes the Green Party gets, the stronger it grows. I am not registered Green Party but it is the only party right now that can cause some disturbance and discomfort. It is a matter of building a whole new party and there will be a lot of suffering in the near future because I believe Trump will win and this country will see things we think only happen elsewhere (mostly because we cause them), things we say we are "shocked by" but ultimately just go on living our relatively comfort and safe lives. We have never really experienced what we cause around the globe. We are about to get a bit of our own terrorism - yes, I do think we are a terrorist state. Half the world would agree with me. If we keep passing the problems to the next election, then the next, then the next, those two parties are only going to get worse. I live in a red state and my vote will not matter but I do hope, even if I fear a Trump administration, that the uncommitted block in the swing states stays true to their resolve to not vote for Harris or Trump and I hope they vote for a third party
I'm not voting for Trump but really can't figure out, besides having a 'D' by her name, why anyone wants to vote for Harris. The anti-Democratic Party of starting wars has become a Borg collective and will absolutely continue this embargo crap.
Starvation siege warfare against poor countries, to enforce the doctrine of an imperialist pos like Monroe from 200yrs ago, exemplifies empire's exceptionalism.
Vote for the Green Party. It is going to be ugly no matter who wins - both major parties are just a bunch of assholes serving their masters - corporations and mercenaries. They cause havoc in the whole world, support genocide, hate poor people - see what is happening to unsheltered people who, in Florida, are being chased in the woods, the only place they thought they were allowed to sleep. The more votes the Green Party gets, the stronger it grows. I am not registered Green Party but it is the only party right now that can cause some disturbance and discomfort. It is a matter of building a whole new party and there will be a lot of suffering in the near future because I believe Trump will win and this country will see things we think only happen elsewhere (mostly because we cause them), things we say we are "shocked by" but ultimately just go on living our relatively comfort and safe lives. We have never really experienced what we cause around the globe. We are about to get a bit of our own terrorism - yes, I do think we are a terrorist state. Half the world would agree with me. If we keep passing the problems to the next election, then the next, then the next, those two parties are only going to get worse. I live in a red state and my vote will not matter but I do hope, even if I fear a Trump administration, that the uncommitted block in the swing states stays true to their resolve to not vote for Harris or Trump and I hope they vote for a third party
Vote for Trump, holding your nose. The alternative is FAR worse, and there will be no going back.