“Your support allowed us to get my son and his elite sniper unit the most advanced scopes needed in order to have an advantage over Hamas when they go into Gaza.”
Murderous cowards, killing children from a safe distance, gloating about it, and getting financial rewards from an even safer distance here in the U S.
Just when you think this whole Gaza/Middleast/Lebanon and now Syria mess could not possibly get any more gruesome, this comes along. It opens up an entire new path of investigation that demands investigation. The most disturbing part is that the fundraising is framed as protecting Israeli children. How??? By improving the head-shot accuracy when executing children in Gaza?
“to ensure that soldiers have access to the necessary resources, support systems, and amenities that can enhance their comfort, safety, and well-being while they are actively serving their duty.”
Amenities? Perhaps a chocolate bar on their pillow or lovingly placed on their shiny new sniper scope to greet them every morning? Let's never forget, THEY are the real victims here.
On December 11th in Geneva. Francesca Albanese commented that her next report will be on activities outlined in this excellent piece. Here is an excerpt from the the transcript.
“also because to a to a large extent the perpetrators are also nationals of other countries and therefore they should be held accountable under their National framework and I'm referring to Nationals who have been fighting in the Israeli Army. Individuals who live in the settlements and might have committed violence against the Palestinians. There are many who have double nationalities, Western nationalities but also Arab nationalities a number of them and there are Western citizens who are selling and purchasing property stolen from the Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory. I recently discovered that this happens in Canada and elsewhere in the world and also there are businesses, charities, pension funds banks. For this you will have to wait for my next report because this is what I'm investigating but again it's an incredible realm of untapped opportunities for justice.”
I would like to find a list of the names of the 1000 soldiers contained in the complaint filed with the ICC last October by Dutch lawyer Harun Rida. Specifically the names of the 12 Americans included in the complaint, to see if Daniel Rabb made the cut.
Excellent, and courageous reporting, and documenting of the cold-blooded brutality of the IDF.
It raises an obvious question: Why, when the U.S. has given more than $15 billion since Oct. 7 to Israel in military aid, does the IDF need non-profits here to buy equipment?
This has got to be illegal, right? These bastards are soulless and heartless. Sniping children playing, dancing, singing, begging. Sniping innocent people every effing chance they get. It infuriates me so I become mute.
Murderous cowards, killing children from a safe distance, gloating about it, and getting financial rewards from an even safer distance here in the U S.
Que the song: "Proud to be an American"
Don't foreget to give to your favorite AIPAC owned politican.
Just when you think this whole Gaza/Middleast/Lebanon and now Syria mess could not possibly get any more gruesome, this comes along. It opens up an entire new path of investigation that demands investigation. The most disturbing part is that the fundraising is framed as protecting Israeli children. How??? By improving the head-shot accuracy when executing children in Gaza?
“to ensure that soldiers have access to the necessary resources, support systems, and amenities that can enhance their comfort, safety, and well-being while they are actively serving their duty.”
Amenities? Perhaps a chocolate bar on their pillow or lovingly placed on their shiny new sniper scope to greet them every morning? Let's never forget, THEY are the real victims here.
On December 11th in Geneva. Francesca Albanese commented that her next report will be on activities outlined in this excellent piece. Here is an excerpt from the the transcript.
“also because to a to a large extent the perpetrators are also nationals of other countries and therefore they should be held accountable under their National framework and I'm referring to Nationals who have been fighting in the Israeli Army. Individuals who live in the settlements and might have committed violence against the Palestinians. There are many who have double nationalities, Western nationalities but also Arab nationalities a number of them and there are Western citizens who are selling and purchasing property stolen from the Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory. I recently discovered that this happens in Canada and elsewhere in the world and also there are businesses, charities, pension funds banks. For this you will have to wait for my next report because this is what I'm investigating but again it's an incredible realm of untapped opportunities for justice.”
The Hind Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They can use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg
Let’s give now while we still are allowed to.
I would like to find a list of the names of the 1000 soldiers contained in the complaint filed with the ICC last October by Dutch lawyer Harun Rida. Specifically the names of the 12 Americans included in the complaint, to see if Daniel Rabb made the cut.
Done... let me rephrase that... Proudly done!
Excellent, and courageous reporting, and documenting of the cold-blooded brutality of the IDF.
It raises an obvious question: Why, when the U.S. has given more than $15 billion since Oct. 7 to Israel in military aid, does the IDF need non-profits here to buy equipment?
America's Zionist Jews in action. Why do they need all that fancy equipment? They
only kill unarmed women & children at long range most of the time.
What would happen if Palestinian Americans wanted to give the same to protect
thier unarmed families in GAZA?
Who knew that organizations committing war crimes could be tax-exempt? Yet another reason for my outrage.
Add Isreal Zionist to the terrorist roll call.
This has got to be illegal, right? These bastards are soulless and heartless. Sniping children playing, dancing, singing, begging. Sniping innocent people every effing chance they get. It infuriates me so I become mute.
Repent your ways...you are complicit to the US/Israel genocide of our century.
Disgusting. Not surprised. There needs to be legal accountability.
The US is a wholly owned subsidiary of Israel. Check out the BIRD Foundation.
Disgusting! and it goes even further when you dig deeper and learn more about what ongoing is.
Yes we are all outraged again. Are there any groups taking action to stop these nonprofits who are arming a foreign military?
Murderous thugs. They will learn that he'll is real and they will twist and burn in the 9th circle. The sooner the better.
On October 8th of last year, Biden shipped $20M of high powered sniper rifles for use in the West Bank.