Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is a definition of insanity, or much of America's foreign policy.

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The Houthi are tough proud people. Americans are weak of mind and diplomacy but strong in brut mindless savagery.

We all know what happened to the Neaderthal evolutionary line.

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I fear the nuclear option. Our U.S. under the Dem.s refusing to accept political demotion and resorting to the naked power of the hydrogen bomb...Trump seems to favor a "sphere of influence" solution which is a demotion from world, Empire hegemony, despite his obvious dictatorship tendencies.

300,000 years of evolution can be brought down in 72 MINUTES with our current thermo-nuclear weapons. We can all be living in Gaza like conditions in about an hour.Bloy, is that progress!

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If the US can keep Israel off its back whats the matter with trying a smarter DIPLOMACY.

We are keeping Zelinsky out of the loop in the Ukraine why not keep mad dog Netanyahu

out othe loop with Yemen?

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I read through this, and honestly, I don’t understand the logic… "We are proud people, we can survive this crisis. It’s up to the USA to take care of us."

You say you’re proud, but you’re also relying on the US to fix your problems? That’s not pride, that’s dependence. You live in a shithole where people can barely afford food, not because of some unavoidable fate, but because the people running your country are corrupt and incompetent. Worse, they let foreign powers turn your land into their battleground, and you just go along with it instead of dealing with them.

Yes, the terror designation on the Houthis makes things even harder, but let’s not pretend this crisis wasn’t already in full swing before that. The Houthis are Iran’s religious nutjob proxies, dragging the entire country into war while your leaders either enable it or are too weak to stop it. Yemen is a mess because of the people running it, not because the U.S. called someone a terrorist.

Pride is great and all, but maybe channel it into actually fixing things instead of just enduring misery like it’s some badge of honor. Deal with your own shit before pointing fingers at others.

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Trump doesn't have a clue about poor people because he only cares about money. Poor people are invisible to him.

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Sanctions should always be linked to conditions for their removal. For example, Trump could say “you are on the FTO list until you stop targeting our shipping”. But in the end, when an organization has “Death to America” in its official slogan, that really limits the opportunities for cooperation and dialogue with the US

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