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This article is a resource gem, especially with the list and descriptions of the weather disasters.

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Thank you for what you do, and do so well.

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Twenty years ago Thomas Frank wrote "What's the Matter with Kansas", which looked at why so many people (from his home state, in this case) continually voted against their own economic interests. It was always obvious to me that this could be said about almost anywhere, not just Kansas. Not much has changed. In Idaho (a bright red state), a significant number of USFS employees have just been DOGEd. Throughout history it is easy to find examples of folks falling prey to hateful and malicious propaganda that, over time, works against them. Critical thinking is not a pervasive trait amongst the human species. Anthropogenic climate disruption - coming soon to a city or shoreline near you.

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When shit happens we think its our fault!

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Thank you Drop Site for the way you presented the disasters year by year. I had no real

idea of the magnitude of our countries natural disasters. To cut off aid in time of need

to fellow Americans at the same time sending billions to Israel is wrong.

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So proud to subscribe to you! This is such important information. Curious what you think long-term and big-picture. I can't help but surmise that the duopoly is presenting us with a facade of disharmony because the two parties are promoting the same agenda, a mass human (and species) die-off designed by the elites to allow for their own survival and restoration of the planet to health even as they prolong their own lives to . . . immortality? Homo Deus? Yes, this is the conspiracy theory to beat all conspiracy theories. Call it the unifying theory of our own extinction. Only problem is. . . the elites will fail. They will not survive. This is the ultimate Prometheus moment when human hubris hits the wall. A handful of people may indeed survive, but the billionaire tech bros won't be among them.

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Anything explicit about their depopulation plans in the Project 2025 texts? Their scarcity consciousness is anti-natural. Whatever opposes nature will not prevail.

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"Ukraine's ongoing war with Russia..." Ah yes, Ukraine is the one prolonging the war. How dare Ukraine defend itself! Extraordinary how this logic of blaming the victim applies to Ukraine but not, say, the Palestinians. George Monbiot recently had a thread on Bluesky about how some on the left (e.g. Chomsky, Pilger, Hersh) have disgracefully supported authoritarians like Assad and Putin in their "unreconstructed" (to use one of Grim's weasel words) anti-imperialism. He should have added Greenwald and Grim to this list.

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Typo Alert:

Ayman was the only remaining voice left on the network who consistently >>stoop / stood<< up for Palestinian dignity.

Hope this helps.


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The acceleration of scarcity is the self-fulfilling vision of Abrahamism founded in the Anti-Nature text of Genesis. Calvinism, Adam Smith's devout spiritual passion, revitalizes the Old Testament concept of "God favoring the wealthy", rejecting the great dying Jew's remarks about the obesely rich riding camels through needle eyes. This is the basis for Smith's aristocratic, slave based, Calvinist Capitalism and obs the anthrocene. Pretty simple dots to connect. Supremacist Abrahamist Capitalism's violent anti- naturalism is the core ideological source of our coming near or complete extinction. Most other world cultural ideologies acknowledge the incredible abundance of our planet. Scarcity consciousness is the self-fufilling fallacy of the Fall. The sooner we eradicate Abrahamic and all other tech billionaires and all unsustainable technologies the better, in terms of the coming loss of human lives. We need to accelerate bringing a full stop to their rapaciousness.

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United States of Acceleration

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Hi Peter. Just DM'd you!

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I dod not get it. Can you email me? pbyrne@sonic.net

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Wow, You cant be more bastardy than that.

Go for the little man, Go for the sufferers, That will make the big guy feel good,

That will help him sleep well.

I always thought that the best description of a right wing intellectual was "psychopath."


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Gee, seems like you can't trust anybody nowadays.

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