Thanks for this. Thanks for mentioning Hamas’s 2017 Charter, which includes, “The Islamic Resistance Movement ‘Hamas’ is a Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project. Its frame of reference is Islam, which determines its principles, objectives and means.”

“Israel is not a state of all its citizens… [but rather] the nation-state of the Jewish people and only them.” - Israel’s then, and again, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (message posted online in March 2019)

Jeremy, can you help us understand how various Hamas leaders understand a secular, humanist, multicultural state? Is that a goal for them? If, instead, Israelis and Palestinians each see people of other religions as inferior or illegitimate, that would seem to me (an atheist) to be a powerful barrier to lasting peace.

Thanks for your reporting.

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Great article, have missed your in-depth work and am so grateful to have better access to it now.

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While the Biden administration keeps talking about a 2 state solution, it seems difficult to imagine based on Israel's behavior. They have been stealing more of the West Bank and it seems like they may be planning to take at least part of Gaza. And as you point out, the problem of the 2 million Palestinians living in Jerusalem/Al-Quds is difficult to solve. Who really expects the Palestinians to accept the injustice of a tiny sovereign state? I really think we are looking at Israel making a 3rd choice that is so horrific that it's hard for most of us to believe. Hamas has successfully provoked a crisis that may eventually lead to the end of Israel and all the hate Zionism represents. The repression of north American voices is possibly the only way that Israel as an apartheid Jewish supremacist state can survive over the long term. It's our duty to continue to resist. And I'm sorry, but I feel that there has to be a political cost for the Democrats/Biden admin for spending our money killing innocent people to perpetuate white supremacy as the dominant global ideology.

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Jeremy- Thank you for this excellent in-depth story. You and Ryan continue to produce powerful work through your commitment to honest, intelligent journalism. I am proud to support your work.

Also, if I may add, I found Mr. Baskin’s comment as perhaps one of most powerful statements captured in your story: “Without resolving the Palestinian issue, there is no future for Israel. This war really has to be the last war. It simply makes no sense for anyone here to continue the path that we’re on.”

Best of luck with Drop Site . . . I'll be reading and doing my best to help spread the word.

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William H. Slavick It is time for the West to give Israel an ultimatum to recognize an independent Palestine state with the Green Line (a mutually adjusted); to withdraw military and governmental personnel therein; remove the confiscation wall whereever it crosses the adjusted Green Line; to return all confiscated land and structures to Palestine and to take responsibility for the reconstruction of Gaza snd restoration of water and other resources within Palestine or suffer a total blockade by other nations until it conforms. whslavick@gmail.com 242 Ludlow St., Portland, ME 04102 Retired coordinator of Pax Christi Maine

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William - you hit the nail, if that's the expression. This is how easy it could be done. If just everyone, or most everyone would think like you:) And like the United Nations of 1983, as I'm writing about here. Why haven't we heard this repeated over and over again from the present Secretary General? All resolutions are active still - they don't go away. https://mariannebergvall.substack.com/p/sever-all-relations-with-israel

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I believe nothing GOOD will really happen in Palestine until US politicans pull

thier heads out of thier asses & see that Israel is WRONG.

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Thank you for a detailed analysis of the current -Israeli-Palestinian crisis. It would be helpful to learn more about the views of the Israeli public on this long running conflict. Are there a sufficient number of Israeli citizens who support a fair resolution of the conflict to put an end to the perpetual cycle of violence?

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Excellent journalism, and I am proud to support your work.

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Thank you for this extraordinarily in-depth article. I look forward to reading more.

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Unsafe for all living things. Is that why they formed the state of Israel? Of course not. Americans need to hear more from Israeli’s as they unravel what happened on October 7.

Thank You for the reporting on Hamas’sleaders. I have heard Palestinian’s say they would unite behind Barghouti, the Mandela of Palestine. Like Sinwar he used his decades in Israeli torture chambers to learn Hebrew.

Impressive to learn that Hamas wants his release as part of the return of IDF hostages. I have never heard that he has pledged membership to Hamas.

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He certainly has not. He was a member of Fatah. His stature among the Palestinian people is recognized and respected across party lines. And that's why Hamas wants him free. He is the one leader that could organize the entire peoples of the occupied territories as well as Palestinians living in Israel proper.

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...and then came the strike at Khan Younis, which seems to put another nail in the ceasefire coffin.

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Great read

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Secretary Austin, of the Biden Department if Defense is signing iff on all of the bomb shipments.

Early in the slaughter in Gaza it was reported in main stream American press that the Israeli Strategy in Gaza is not attainable. He gave them room for their revenge, being who he is, but said clearly ling term it cannot work.

Similarly, IDF big shots have said the same, the Israeli people are in the streets saying the same thing day after day and night after night. Why isn’t that on MSNBC?

For years American press reported that Israel was the only democracy in the region. Is this what democracy looks like here, or there?

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Exceptional work! Keep these articles coming man, the insight they provide is necessary for people to read and know.

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For the algorithm

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This and the PIJ article have provided me with more color from the Arab perspective than I’ve seen in just about all of my corporate media reading in the subject combined. Thank you for putting together such excellent work - I’m looking forward to supporting you guys in the years to come.

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