You know, if they wanted fewer immigrants, perhaps they should consider not sending down death squads to foment coups. They are fleeing to America to avoid being killed by American foreign policy.

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El Salvador being the best example of this among many others

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Anyone doubting western wealth, built on centuries of slavery and imperialist piracy, isn't still protecting that wealth by every means possible - is not paying attention. To this day the number one purpose of the Senate and the Electoral College is thwarting the will of the people. Throw in the legalized bribery of bundled campaign contributions and now even scraps of social justice have evaporated to this king-of-the-hill society. Wanna watch yankee-doodle heads explode? Suggest the American Revolution was fought because the Crown was considering abolishing slavery, and "capitalist" wealth had to be protected.

I vote we put a bullet between the eyes of the Monroe Doctrine and dismantle empire.

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Their message isn’t just limited to Ohio and it’s not new.

Their message is fear black and brown people everywhere, and immigrants.

It’s right out of the GOP playbook.

Nixon and Haldeman did it with “law and order”, “states rights”.

Reagan did it with “welfare queen”.

Bush senior did it with “Willie Horton” whose real name is William.

It’s sickening.

And it’s sad that millions of Americans are falling for it.

But I’m grateful “my friend my friend” Ryan and company are telling us the truth.

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I'm wondering how long it will take the pundits to start refering to Ms Loomer as Looney Loomer, or Loomer the lunatic? Her appearance on the Presidential campaign, while seeming to add a bit of levity to the fiasco also, sadly, says volumes about the collapse of our political system, culture and society.

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Thanks for this and for all your work! Could you please cover the Green Party? The only alternative to the duopoly and ignored by most left media as well as the corporate. Have you seen the recent episode of the Breakfast Club with Jill Stein and Butch Ware? Really important and impressive.

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Drop Site's mission isn't to prop up your favorite candidate.

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Because they're an irrelevant party that only shows up every four years to make money and then piss off into obscurity. The Libertarians hold more elected offices nationwide. I've also heard from people who tried to join their local Green Party branch that they tend to treat it more like some old hippie social club rather than an actual serious organizing effort.

If we want to challenge the duopoly with a third party, we need to actively build up a new party over more than just an election year, probably even more than an election cycle, with our noses to the grindstone with grassroots organization and vetting for a candidate that people will get behind

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Does the Democratic Party really better represent the concerns of Americans of color? No one did more than James Clyburn to give the presidency to Joe Biden. And yet Joe made it very clear following the election that policing policy would not change. And now we have Joe 2.0 represented by a woman of color who has a checkered history as attorney general of California. Republicans do it. Democrats do it. Using race and ethnicity as a means of winning elections. To me it is hard not to view the US policy in Israel as not racist. How to move forward? Neither duopoly options are the answer.

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I did a lot of grad work on the cultural side of this, how Hollywood in particular supported all kinds of racist ideas and tropes. What's interesting now is that there is no need for this cultural mediation. The clowns *are* the candidates.

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A bit off topic perhaps, but this is an interview with information anyone trying to keep their eyes open about the world possibly ending should possess. Fwiw, the Ansar Allah hypersonic travels at between 10K and 12K mph, and every US Navy ship in the area is a sitting duck. Dismantle empire or surely we all will die.



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Also. Where do I find Ryan and Jeremy in the Fediverse?

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