The Litani River...this takes me back to the invasion of Lebanon by Israel in 1982. The area south of the Litani was, Israel hoped, to be a buffer zone that would be controlled by a pliable Lebanese force. The opposite happened in that Hezbollah came into being, a far stronger force than the Lebanese army, true right up until now. It is said that proof of insanity is trying the same thing again and expecting different results, but perhaps the mighty US can overcome logic.

History records that the entry of Zionism into the area has been a disastrous loss for the natives, many times the number of Israeli dead are the number of Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese plus the relatively few Iranians who have died through Israeli espionage/assassination runs into Iran, all of it contrary to international law, law that the US allows Israel to ignore.

But Israel tells the world that it is the innocent victim and defender, the image that is burned into Israeli minds by holocaust education, the holocaust an event that none of Israel's victims conducted. Self righteousness and the desire for revenge is so strongly inculcated that the end of Nazism with WW2 required a replacement target - the Palestinians, this so easily seen in the behavior of the IDF eagerly destroying with a will and Netanyahu spouting nonsense about facing Amalek/the forces of darkness. The man and his troops are stone blind.

As Cornel West has said, one either believes all human lives are equally valuable or one doesn't. One is either moral or one isn't. It could not be more clear that Israel is dedicated to destroying all who oppose its ethnic supremacist rule, even Americans have been killed for this. A monster is on the loose and the US makes it possible for that monster to kill and destroy without limit.

The only thing that restrains power is opposing power. Without any meaningful opposing power, Israel is free to do as it has been doing, slaughtering Palestinians and openly talking about taking over the land it has devastated with US weapons and unlimited/unquestioning US support.

As a result the US and Israel have sunk to the bottom before the rest of the world that has witnessed this atrocity of conquest, of blatant and proud might making right and the extinction of the liberty and justice for all the US once claimed to stand for. The American Pledge of Allegiance is now and empty chant as Zionist wealth has moved to control a Congress openly corrupted by the Supreme Court rulings that money is speech and that unlimited private money may be spent on election campaigns.

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Excellent! Jeremiah

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Well said!

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Lebanon has been bombed into submission by US/Israel. Fighting on the ground can't compete with cowardly massive bombs dropped on civilians, infrastructure, homes etc. So far more than 3000 killed in Lebanon, at least 185 children. 13,492 injured. Biden is just a vile duplicit mouthpiece for Netanyahu and his obsessive pursuit of Iran. Gaza and the West Bank are now more vulnerable.

While ever Israel, with a complicit US, pursues its agenda of expansion this killing won't stop.

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Isreal must be destroyed to save it.

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As is true of the American empire.

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I am sick of the Netanyahu/Biden administration.

Lets hope its not going to be a Trump/Netanyahu administration.

I mean the capitol of the US seems at present to be in Israel.

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I trust nothing that comes out of the Biden administration’s mouth.

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The Biden administration is made in Israel.

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One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. - Carl Sagan

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Gaza will be destroyed, but it is not Hezbollah's fault. The fault is with the rest of the world's governments that don't want to get involved.

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Yes, the governments of the US and Europe have displayed nothing but cowardice in the face of Israeli aggression. I don't know how Biden can look at himself in a mirror.

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Biden has honest to god lost his mind. Is he trying to be remembered as the president who paid for israelis to become monstrously evil and determined to destroy as much of the region as they can? Having handed the election to trump, how much more damage can he do? Oh, thats right— he can get us into a nuclear conflict with russia by poking the bear incessantly. I am with the commentator above— i dont believe a word he says.

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Still no truce possible, ceasefire in Lebanon although nothing is certain.

NetnYahoo still free with his permanent Get Out Of Jail card, thanks to the pitiful losers

particularly USA

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Not buying it.

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Divide and rule is what it looks like with a police force like the Palestinian Authority, ISIS 2.0, that can be eliminated at will: “Makdisi said, “I think now the U.S. is going to double down on this because it's clear that they will not give the Lebanese army any form of proper equipment, proper mechanisms to be able to defend themselves,” he added. “The plan is to try and make Lebanon’s army purely in opposition to Hezbollah.””

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A "ceasefire" where one side's still shooting and dropping bombs is - something else.

The Biden/Harris administration legacy is genocide; baby-killers.


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I think it's ridiculous that as they are signing or talking about a "truce or ceasefire" Israel goes on a bombing rampage in Lebanon. This is sickening. Imagine if these bombs were dropped all over Israel! The world would be in an uproar. Well the world should be in an uproar over Lebanon. Lebanon is a such a beautiful place. It's known as the "Riveara of the Middle East ". So much culture and history. When will this horror end. No one in Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon deserve this nightmare. Enough is enough. Praying to God for miracles seen and unseen. 🤲

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Why does an Egyptian delegation need to go to Tel Aviv to negotiate for Gaza. Why don't the Israelis go to Qatar or Cairo? And is there going to be Palestinian representatives at any of these meetings? That's important.

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The US government at present is made up of pro Zionist Israeli ass kissers.

They love that Israeli AIPAC money!! "Oh boy do they."

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Take in the 40,000’ view: Look at what has happened in the Middle East since the end of WW II. It’s been controlled carnage largely directed by the western powers – the US, Britain, and France. Has it been a success? The answer to that seems obvious, at least to me… and it seems also to many astute minds outside of the mainstream media. Ultimately we should expect blowback from more of the same, and yet that is all that is being offered here.

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Time to make the Holy Land, Holy again. The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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The Hind Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


I think they might could use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

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I grew up in Norfolk, VA. My next door neighbor was a young sailor on the USS Liberty. During the Israeli 6-day war, Israel shelled and torpedoed the Liberty and nearly sank it. 34 American sailors were killed and 171 were wounded. Israel claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, but all evidence points to the contrary. Israel did not want the Liberty to report back to Washington what it was doing. LBJ was furious, but chose not to do anything due to his Vietnam problem. Having gotten away with it, Israel continued to violate international law with impunity. The US and Israel share the same values - arrogance, self-righteousness and racism.

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