Thanks for keeping this very important story alive. BTW, it would also be interesting to know who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. The good news is that people in Europe are waking up to the fact that they are being lied to. Unfortunately, many of the political parties that rise up are rather nasty. It if would interesting to see what would happen if the traditional workers' parties, like the social democrats and labour, returned to their roots and started promoting peace and high taxes for the rich.

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My only hope for world peace is BRICS. Ironic that it was Tik Tok whose influencers "stole" this election. The West is goin' down.

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This is absolutely wild. I spend so much time reading about CIA coups from the past, and I would have completely missed this massive story had you not shoved it under my nose.

Dropsite is shaping up to be the Intercept, but without all the compromising tech bullshit. Very glad you exist.

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Thank you for this insightful analysis of the current situation in Romania. Democracy is such an embarrassment for the global elites. Their contempt is no longer capable of being disguised.

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Even though newspapers or even online news platforms are admittedly less targeted than TikTok, it’s difficult to see this same action being taken by a government if a politician was able to run a super successful newspaper ad in the week prior to their election.

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It seems that Georgescu might damage a US interest. Romania has a " Aegis missile defense system, and an air base near Constanta on the Black Sea that is currently being expanded; when completed, it will displace the U.S. Air Force-NATO Ramstein base as the largest U.S. military outpost in Europe."

This might make the US interested in the Romanian election.

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Yup the battle is on: East versus West. Both leave me wanting. Do you have to pick a side. It's kinda like Harris vs Trump. I couldn't vote for either. I went 3rd party. (Greens) Sounds like Romania has multiple parties giving its citizens a multitude of choices. Not so?

The internet has made politics world politics... So get over it. Now the world can have a voice...that's good imho

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Senators Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Jim Risch (R-ID), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), are like New Jersey’s Robert Menéndez stuffing gold bars in their closet to close a deal for kosher meat. McDonnell V US integrated into the empire, “reminiscent of the Clinton campaign’s support of Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries”!!!

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So called “democracy” in the west has just revealed itself (again) as a hegemonic alliance of national security spooks, foreign-funded “NGO”s, corrupt judiciary and a main stream media complex crawling with representatives of the above groups. They know better what's good for the retarded common rabble. They decide when and where to proclaim democracy. They transformed former Warsaw Pact countries like Romania like Poland, into rabid zombie minions of EU, NATO and USA.

An excellent, comprehensive and well-researched piece. Many thanks.

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The EU is finished, NATO too, a matter of time now. One has to wonder if any of those countries will change course and save themselves, or just continue letting empire sucker punch 'em.

And I also have to wonder if it's a mischievous CIA, that's always been playin' the public, ever since I first heard of TikTok. That particular incident was years ago at a Trump campaign rally, in Oklahoma I believe, where a great number of people had somehow RSVP'd - and then no-showed. Mockingbird media made a big deal about it being "TikTok users." Uh huh.

Anymore, I already know who I don't trust about anything they tell me. So if they're finally now saying it was the Wuhan lab, I'm forced to suspect it was always the Ft Detrick lab. ;(

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Wow. Insane.

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Mmmmmmm? A forewarning of US 2027 US election?

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It took me ages to find an unbiased article explaining what actually happened around the cancellation of the Romanian election. Thanks guys.

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