Excellent reporting. It is important to understand the atrocities reach far beyond just what is going on in Gaza.

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The Hind Rajab Foundation (Not to be confused with PA war criminal Brig. General Rajab, mentioned in the article) has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

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I wish this article had done more to explain why the PA is attacking Palestinians in the West Bank. I try to understand what is going on in Gaza and the West Bank, but sometimes I feel like I don't have a complete understanding of the complexities.

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Read it again, see the US influence to try to make the PA forces built up enough to be deployed in Gaza, as a proxy army, trying to pretend to begin governing Gaza, but for the sole purpose of enabling israeli settlement. (I'm not capitalizing israel ever again)

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Every mature colony has its native police; the PA is Israel's. It flatters its master by imitation.

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The PA is an Israeli front trying to prevent the very popular Hamas from gaining control.

Most Palestinians deep down want Hamas.

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Definitely not that simple. Neither the PA nor Hamas are “very popular”. The PA coordinates security with Israel and their funding is controlled by the US and Israel. So they do what they are told so they can keep their positions and keep getting paid. They do what Israel and the US tell them which is why Palestinians hate them. There are no elections so Palestinians can’t vote them out. Everything is under US and Israel control. It’s an apartheid system.

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Thank you for the explanation. Israeli’s killing Palestinians, Palestinian Authority killing Palestinians. And the US supporting both.

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Thank you for this! All these people who actually live there are in the way of Greater israel, and redevelopment. Hotel Trump Jenin?

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So now the Palestinian Authority is killing Palestinians? I do not understand.

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The PA has been bought and paid off for decades. They are beholden and take orders from Israel, lest they themselves be the ones under the Israel guns. This is not a new phenomenon, nor is it something that has only happened in Occupied Palestine. Throughout colonial history, there are many similar stories of collaborators who turned on their fellow humans seeking justice, for sometimes even less than 30 pieces of silver.

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Americans should remember that in the Indian Wars of the 19th century, the US allied with some Indians to defeat others. In the end this did not work well for any Indian, whether siding with the colonizer of not. Likewise, the PA, used as a tool of Israel and the US, has nothing to look forward to in return for doing the bidding of the oppressor,

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I am hesitant to admit my own ignorance on this. But I learned something new today. That the Palestinian population suffers assault from all sides for no crime other than existing on their own land is bestowed upon them by the US and its participating allies. But that the PA is complicit is a shock. Thank you Joy, Huey and DropSite.

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Interesting article appreciate the reporting. Would be interesting to know which cities in the WB supports the raids by the PA. I know the political map of the us but not West Bank

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And almost all U.S. media resolutely turns its back on the story. This has been going on since December? This story is the first I've heard of it.

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