Always remember - the CIA exists for no other reason than destroying any outbreaks of democracy that would interfere with elite profits.

As always, I would ask anyone who disagrees with me to provide an example of them doing anything that doesn't serve this purpose.

No one has. Not one.

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I maybe have one but I don't disagree with you, that they fund much of their covert operations by running a worldwide illicit drug cartel. It can be argued even that indirectly serves the elites' purpose by helping preserve the agency's existence and infiltration powers. It's a criminal organization by charter, above all laws everywhere.

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Drop Site is rapidly establishing itself as the vanguard of what investigative journalism should be. Your work should be a wake up to news platforms worldwide.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Yeah, you know what China is not doing? They're not militarily occupying huge chunks of other sovereign nations for bases (Iraq) or to steal petroleum (Syria). They're also not using drones from neighboring countries, on multiple continents, to terrorize whole civilian populations on a daily basis. When you throw around terms like China's "strategic interests" and "global military strategy, " you make it sound like China just wants to do to the world what empire's currently doing. :(

May the peaceful Belt-and-Road Initiative replace empire's gunboat-diplomacy for "democracy," everywhere.

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Decades of US foreign policy failures continue to chip away at US hegemony.

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Hegemony is overrated. Learning to share and collaborate may actually bring more benefits to the people of the US, rather than benefit only the establishment who won't share domestically either.

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I hope we all work together towards peace and how to peacefully settle our differences!

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The US projects too much. Just because the US establishment most definitely would want US military bases all over the world to control populations with no say in how US treats them, it doesn't mean everyone else prioritise offensive military bases over trade. China made contact with Africa before Europe landed on the Americas, yet China did not colonise Africa - unlike Europe's brutal colonisation of the whole of the Americas, Africa, Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Asia Pacifics.

Look in the mirror if you're going to critise others. It's just as likely the ugly image you see is your own reflection. What a waste of human effort to be instigating conflicts and waging wars instead of collaborating to solve common problems and respecting each other's unique circumstances that necessitate different strategies to good governance and improving people's lives.

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Great international-news reporting. Not just the facts but the unflinching analysis of their implications, and of what caused what to happen. International-news reporting that's of this high quality is extremely rare.

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Agree it's pretty good for a Western perspective. And it is still just a Western perspective - a projection of what the West would do if they were China, an unexamined assumption about the "superiority" of the Western ideas about how the world should work, a tyranny of Western ideas over other civilisations with different needs and circumstances.

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Wonder why the policy makers in US do not learn from there experiences of past and not back unpopular undemocratic corrupt regimes. This is a doomed policy it has never worked and never will despite wasting trillions of tax payers money on propping up tyrants

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So surprising that the USA would be meddling in another country's issues and not forthcoming with the agreed arrangement for IMF assistance, which no doubt is run behind the scenes by the USA! The USA has exported ruination, corruption, destabilization, drug dealing and Grand Resource Theft to to many country's around the world, too numerous to name. Understanding that there will be reprisals from USA, the trapped Pakistanis don't know what to do. And I'm not saying there's not plenty of corruption to go around in Pakistan, but the USA has elevated and encouraged it everywhere and made it the law of the land!

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A brief abstract on top of your essay would have been helpful

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Im surprised that this article doesn’t provide a little more context on the longstanding arrangements with Pakistani military going back to the 1970s and the 1980s running the Afghan militias, on the one hand, and Pakistans nuclear program and its rivalry with India and relationship with Saudi Arabia. Between nukes, India, the Middle East, and China, the US cannot afford to ditch the Pakistani military as a partner.

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It looks to me, unfortunately, we're getting ready to attack China. Adjusting supply lines to manufacturing locally, maneuvering to maintain our Empire's mono polar world instead of the more democratic multi polar world that's coming. Very unfortunate; we'll be lucky to survive IMO.

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i think the pakistanis generals always doomed to fail like yehya khan. They are corrupt and make money and settle in europe or elsewhere..they fuck their country for dollar.

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It is so ironic that when we watch shows like Nikita, where the CIA and the American political clique manipulate events to line their pockets, we think it is a fiction after all, I am afraid it is not, Pakistan's military Junta is the most influential cartel in the world, the weapons which they laid their hands on, over the course of the Afghan war, millions of Kalashnikovs and other weapons, are being supplied to terrorist groups, militias and para-militaries and cartels , as well third world criminal governments, causing loss of life all around. They should have been cleaned out long time ago, but the corrupt media and the utterly amoral literate class in Pakistan has built a holy aura around the military as if they are Prophet's warriors, thus blind folding the wide-eyed average Pakistani. These Junta members have no sense of democracy or rule of law, only the rule of graft and illicit gained opportunity.

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The U.S. has sat quiet while Pakistan is pushing out 2 million Afghan refugees. It sat quiet while Pakistan had fraudulent elections. All to advance the strategic goal of keeping Pakistan away from China. Are these moral compromises worth it when the strategic goal is failing?

To be clear, CPEC and IPP are working just fine for China. They are getting paid regardless of Pakistan's lack of industrial policy and capacity to bring down unit costs. Meanwhile, as Pakistan fails to protect Chinese workers and keeps asking for rollovers, China can secure a base. Whose fault is it?

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Post 2019 skirmishes b/w Pakistan and India had been a milestone in bringing a conventional military balance in SA. In pursuit of rearming better military hardware Indians quest for western equipment forced her to have better ties with West. However India had been cautiously moving not to be seen leaning on any one side. Probably which led US to use Pakistanis regime change as a fulcrum to convince Indians to be on their side. Pakistani politics and role of army is redefing after the regime change. Public which had little say is now armed with wealth of information and loudly speaking through social media. Interestingly presence of Chinese military though not talked about openly is not welcomed in any part of Pakistan. This is evident from criticism over CPEC projects which had little socio-economic impact on Pakistani common person. Pakistan earlier may have been maintaining foreign policy made behind close doors, which after regime change may no longer be business as usual.

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