Aug 2Liked by Murtaza Hussain

I love you guys finished with a down is up quote by State's weasely vampire dude. People really should just start laughing at Miller as soon as he opens his mouth. I mean, you know some total bs lipstick for the empire pig is coming. I truly cannot imagine having zero honesty or integrity, what it must take to be that soulless day after day.

May Pakistan (and Venezuela) eventually shake off empire's evil and thrive in peace.

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Aug 2Liked by Murtaza Hussain

before i read anything, i am extremely happy to see this by-line :)

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Ha! Glad to be here

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Welcome to Drop Site, Murtaza. I have been hoping to see you here. I value your work, including the podcasts. I look forward to more of your reporting and thoughtful analysis. I appreciate your consistent focus on the story rather than self-promotion. Your work shows that you seek to find the truth because you yourself want to know the truth. And then you systematically present us with the facts, rather than shout your opinion.

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That's really kind Gregory thank you

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Aug 2Liked by Murtaza Hussain

Thank you for this reporting. I remember reading that Khan took a neutral position on the Ukraine war, a position that angered the US and also contributed to the "lawfare" against him.

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So the US government is implicated in taking out another democratically elected leader. All the while claiming to promote democracy around the globe. The MO since its worked so well in other countries like Iran, Chile…etc.

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"[Now that we are getting plenty of artillery shells for our proxy war against Russia] Internal political matters in Pakistan are something that we do not take a position on," U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a July 25 press briefing.

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Wait… that’s an actual quote? !!

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verbal square brackets and all! ;)

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It was 43 minutes long. I skipped around but didn’t land on Max Headroom making that statement. If you could give a timeline, that would be great. Hard to imagine him calling it a proxy war although that would be an accurate statement.

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No no comrade, haha. I'm just joking around. But that is effectively the root of the issue. Of course the US wants its allies to indicate support for their proxy war but Pakistan specifically is special because they produce some artillery shells that the Ukrainians really need. I think 150mm? So anyways, that was one of the big reasons the state dept pushed the pakistani military to drop Imran. These same journalists wrote about all this for the Intercept late last year.

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this govrnment and army are not only currupt, now have become fascist to hide thier corruption, they are living in luxury on public expense when public is suffering from sky high inflation and poverty

they need to be tried and hanged for treason and curruption! they have destroyed Pakistan"s already weak institutions, including Army! this currupt army will not be able to defend Pakistan in any real war

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Healthy reminder to always look thrice at anything on social feedia!

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