Pakistani Generals are pathetic. Seriosuly pathetic. Destroying the lives of millions of innocent people just so they can remain in power and control. They are sad, sadistic, pathetic goons.

Military Industrial complex is deplorable. We should only elect politicians that ban profitering from war, death and destruction. Seriosuly this and banning big money from politic needs to be the next thing we all fight for.

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On the contrary, the US Empire might pitch army vs PTI to create chaos in the country and eventually push it towards permanent balkanization to satisfy the goal of a neutered nuclear armed Pakistan.

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Regardless of how the current political crisis in Pakistan concludes, the military's legitimacy in the eyes of Pakistani civilians has eroded. It may begin a war in Afghanistan, but it is almost certain to face opposition in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and northern Balochistan, notwithstanding the ongoing insurgency that is gaining strength in the rest of Balochistan.

I struggle to imagine a world in which the Pakistani military – a famously untrustworthy security partner – will convince Trump to assist it in a war in Afghanistan. One of Trump's many big claims is that he began the process of ending US engagement in Afghanistan. What does he stand to gain by supporting a Pakistani war in the region? That too one based on the premise of eliminating ISKP, a group which, ironically, the Taliban accuses Pakistan of supporting.

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Good article. Pakistani military is controlling Pakistani politics for seventy years. They have multiple businesses and franchises. They will never relinquish this authority. Only uprising by people will dislodge them. Hopefully West will not support the military as this is major reason for it to keep control.

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Feb 7Edited

The Taliban is Pakistani originally. The US created them in Pakistan to destabilize Afghanistan. When the US was waging a "war" there, they never actaully fought the Taliban. The Taliban said so themselves multiple times. They said they wanted to surrender, but the US told them not to. They were receiving their weapons and all through Pakistan (the Pakistani military did that for the US), you can google '#sanctionPakistan' (FI: https://opencanada.org/sanction-pakistan/), the Afghans were desperate for Pakistan to stop financing The Taliban. This is why the Pakistani army is against Imran Khan, he too suggested Pakistan stop financing the Taliban. The whole withdrawal and takeover by the Taliban was so planned. Even the whole sanctioning of Afghanistan was to starve the population so they couldn't resist their new rulers placed there by the US.

Now that army suddenly wants to fight terrorists. They really care about that.. right... They couldn't give a shit about anybody. They are only using this 'fighting terrorism' just now to get a new angle so the Pakistanis stop resisiting the establishment army. Suppression didn't work, now they are trying the 'fear', 'danger' and 'united against an enemy' angle. Fund the terrorist yourself and use that against the people so they fall in line out of fear. Truly original. Unfortunately might be effective.

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