Hopefully this trend continues across the states. A dedicated Labor party would be welcome as well...

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Past time to 'upend' the two-party system's complete corruption and flush it all. The Senate is an anachronism of past royal governance and the minor lordships of feudalism. It's purpose in the United States was originally to protect slave-wealth from the will of the people, regardless of what we're told, preemptively thwarting their so-called "democracy" by design (and wherein women, slaves and indigenous had no vote).

May the US Senate eventually go the way of the horse and buggy, and slavery.

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The system is broken. Our approved choices, and often the only thing that's allowed on the menu, is between flat-out grifting and genocide, with a large helping of both on either side. We have been on this same road for decades, and it has led up to exactly where we are right now. How about spending our time and analytical skills in coming up with a viable alternative to this system/atic failure?

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This is the real path forward - the ready potential and growing leverage of progressive independents and progressive Democrats. Made increasingly possible by progressive media and social media, the People's media at its best.

As for a "constitutional crisis" - wherein crucial gears of government lock-up and can't function - in the US these struggles are typically intragovernmental power grabs with effects that are hard to distinguish from the regular operations of the deplorable status quo.

Since the US government is essentially a one party police state with a thin veneer of democracy, the outcome of such power grabs seems to amount to a predictable amount of quibbling of typical consequence. There can be devastating impacts but this is par for the course in the normal functions of US governance - which by now in many respects operates as a sort of constitutional police state, on behalf of wealth, the owners - a militant plutocracy - a white Empire of capitalist and bigoted conquest, ongoing.

The only exceptions that could create a severe constitutional crisis might be if the one party police states becomes seriously divided within and against itself, or if the growing throng of progressives can actually begin to wrest significant power from the police state on behalf of the people. In either case, another potential "constitutional crisis" could gain real teeth and help push the country farther right into more police state tyranny or left into a more human rights based democracy.

Thus the crying need for the growing leverage of progressive independents and progressive Democrats - made increasingly possible by progressive independent media and the best of social media as the People's media. Drop Site posts like this one are crucial in this regard, as are other and similar independent and progressive media and cultural efforts.

If there are especially serious police state divisions in the seemingly uni-party police state of the US, it would be good to know and understand that too.

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Dems should see union members who successfully lead and win strikes as candidates for political office. It takes tremendous grit, leadership, and strategic campaigning to organize one's colleagues to sacrifice their livelihoods and walk the picket line. And to win, especially in a right-to-work state like Nebraska, demonstrates these worker leaders already know how to connect with and mobilize people across party lines.

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When a good Independent candidate emerges, they tend to do well. For some reason, independents escape the spoiler label. If only more right minded electable persons and voters would see beyond the two parties only option, there could be a trend away from the horrible dilemma the country has found itself in. I have been a registered Democrat my entire life but the party has lost me. I intend to switch to Independent in hopes of an actual future.

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It's not beyond the realm of possibility for a non-conservative to serve as a senator from Nebraska. After all, Bob Kerrey, a Democrat, was both a senator and governor of Nebraska. I'm hoping the Democrats do NOTHING to "help" Dan Osborn, or he will lose.

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If he does win the uniparty will try to politically or even physically assassinate him. They won't tolerate a threat to their power.

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I'm an outsider could you advise me on Osborns position on Israel?

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If 2016 taught us one thing, it is NOT to trust polls, in the age of social media. Former MAGA is leaving a cult, don't expect them to declare it publicly. They saw Jan 6th and all of Trump's firings/smear tweets. They know they need to vote in secret.

And Kamala may have raised a ton of money and is gaining in youth, Gen X, women, PoC voters, but she is still female, and not many are going to publicly declare "I won't vote for her", regardless if it's about policy or her flip-flops.

IDK what to expect, but I am storing food.

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