Thank you for calling Netanyahu who he is, an international criminal and fugitive . It is mind boggling how our US government is not acknowledging and not accepting international criminal court’s decision declaring Netanyahu guilty of human rights violations. This cannot go on and Israel, US and Europe will have to face consequences of their crimes against humanity.

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This week its Netanyahu. Next week he's hosting Modi. Trump and his madmen.

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Netanyahu should not have been allowed into UN memberstates air space nor into the USA. THE ICC needs to be taken seriously as does international law. Netanyahu should be at the Hague or in jail in Isreal. Hopefully prostate cancer will do the job our politicians are incapable of doing. Stopping this psycopath in his tracks.

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What if the perpetrators of this holocaust faced the same legal process as the perpetrators of the first holocaust


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State of the World, 2025, after Biden bombed the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and UNRWA- despised convicted felons meet in the White House to discuss war and peace.

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Fellow Americans, we the people have to take action, to speak out, to demonstrate opposition to the absurd idea that ethnic cleansing is compatible with liberty and justice for all. Today I was on the street corner in Evanston in front of the Beth Emet synagogue as usual, timing my presence to catch rush hour traffic even thought the short winter day in Chicago makes it dark by 5:30. I have a new flagpole, a length of aluminum tubing, from which I am flying the Palestinian flag, speaking for those long suffering people as my country whose government is all-in for ethnic cleansing Israel, does all it can to keep we the people from using our freedom of speech. USE YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Today I had a screamer standing about 100 feet away from me. About all I could pick out of his rant was the frequent use of "god-damn". After about ten minutes he ran out of steam. There was a good breeze so my Palestinian flag was flying very well. It certainly grabs attention which is exactly what I want in the name of the people who are not being asked what THEY would like to happen, it being left to the war criminal Netanyahu in consultation with rabidly pro-Israel Trump. The US and Israel sit morally isolated.

I am going to start posting regularly on my Substack because I just realized that my blog at https://endoccupation.blogspot.com/ does not support following and that means people who are interested in what I am doing would not be notified of any new posts. Please drop by, but more important, think of how you can make some noise for liberty and justice for all, now all but forgotten in the name of ethnic supremacy/ethnic cleansing Israel. Remember the Pledge of Allegiance. Forget what the neighbors would think. By all means read DropSite, but support the Palestinians openly. Do not be The Timid American who fears being falsely called an antisemite.

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Across America, people are standing up against the Genocide, even though it doesn't get much press. We have been protesting the Palestinian Genocide every week for the past year in the small town of Olean, New York.

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That is very good news, Nevin. I think if spontaneous protests started all across the country but ordinary citizens it would have a good effect. Campus protest has been shut down entirely from what am seeing in the news.

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That was excellent Jeremy! Thanks so much.

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Trump alluded to nuclear war with Iran.

How much you wanna bet Elon has convinced Trump he can live in space, while the world explodes?

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Will any journalist ever get a chance to ask Trump—and not one of his flak-catchers—whether any agreements or undertakings have been entered into regarding Miriam Adelson’s offer of $130M if he cleans out Gaza of its refugees and supports Israel’s exclusive reoccupation?

Has anyone documented how many avowed Zionists, including foreign born Zionists, run the US State Dept?

Bryan Newson

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This is the Prime Minister who The NY Times reported (Dec. 30,2020), welcomed-home to Israel Jonathan Pollard, the American spy for Israel who caused $2.5 billion damage to US cybersecurity (Letters, Economist 8/6/2015). Ronald Olive, the naval officer who led to Pollard's capture, wrote that he had never in all his career seen such lobbying for a traitor.

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Netanyahu is interested in Netanyahu, and Trump is interested in Trump. Both are criminals and neither is interested in Israel, much less the Palestinians. As usual, thank you, Jeremy, for a very informative interview, it is much appreciated.

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Interesting discussion. Thank you all. I'm disappointed that Saudi support for Palestine is based on expediency rather than morality, but i shouldn't be, and besides, they're right that only the US can deal with the Israeli monster they created.

(Jeremy, again your mike was significantly quieter than your guests.)

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Isn't this all just a business transaction? Jared Kushner has been pretty up front about his "development" plans for Gaza, as have the oil/gas and other "interests." What is the value of destitute human beings compared to the value of money?

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Production Note: The audio needs equalising

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Somebody is letting somebody know who's the boss.

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