Boy, it continues to appear that the upper echelons of the Democratic Party sure wants to lose the election by dissing the wishes of 83 percent of their constituents. They may as well be working for the Trump campaign. Democracy has been denied to the Palestinians and it may be denied to the American populace by this disgraceful charade.

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where did you get 83% of the voters?? Most Americans think Hamas is the bad guy...that it started on Oct 7. And, that the Palestinians are terrorists. I read The NY Times comments and either the most "recommended' comment is by a Jew, approved of by Jews and those crazy Christians who donate to the Lobby that controls the government. It's sickening. I'm damn close to suspending my online subscription to the Times...I have been a subscriber for 50 years...It's becoming more and more less essential. I just donated $ via the UN to the relief fund for Palestine....how the F are they or anyone going to get relief into Gaza? This is the worst GD thing ever. and there's plenty of competition.....It ranks with the Nazis.

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The NYT, WaPo and the rest of legacy media are a major component in the steamroller heading towards us right now. They used to be great newspapers but these days they are in bed with those they should be exposing, and certainly no longer believe in free speech.

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83% of Democratic voters, not all voters, he said. Anyone with sense understands it did not start October 7, that October 7 was resistance to ongoing apartheid and killing.

Israel are the terrorists, not Palestinians overwhelmingly.

Otherwise good comments and thanks for donating to aid.

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Seven in 10 likely voters — including majorities of Democrats (83%), Independents (65%), and Republicans (56%) — support the U.S. calling for a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza. From recent polling.

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It's time to cancel that NYT subscription. Between the censorship of it's journalists coverage of Gaza and the sane-washing of Trump, NYT has proven it has no moral compass. Too bad, its food section and puzzles are worth the price of a subscription, but nothing is worth what amounts to tacit approval of its complete lack of journalistic standards.

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I feel the same. NYT has become selective about the commentary as well. The reporting falls in line more as flowery opinion than actual reporting.

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Read the new Ralph Nader report.

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I just saw on youtube: the 6 hostages killed by Hamas. They were speaking, yelling at Netanyahu to make a deal so they can go home. They blamed Israel for their capture, their suffering and for the fear they have due to the constant bombing. Very powerful. Obviously NOT coerced to speak by Hamas. They were speaking the truth. After hundreds of Palestinians were killed in a capture of 2 hostages, Hamas decided that in any capture attempt by the iDF, they would kill the hostages that are their bargaining chips. Israel WAS responsible for their capture and would have murdered them if they had a chance to put into action the Hannibal Directive. If the IDF hadn't been completely ineffective as security for their safety, there would have been fewer deaths and no hostages. The following is from The Times of India but probably paying on many channels.


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Netanyahu and his crooks don't want a ceasefire, and neither do the US leadership. The rest of the world leaders who still have some decency left should demand a stop in Israels relentless, daily bombardment of the children of Gaza.


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Thanks for link to your substack and your archaeological forensics on dominant religious beliefs. Old and New Testament stories"rally the troops" in a far more political manipulative than spiritual/caring way. Netanyahu's chum John Hagee and others on the Christian Right in America are stark proof of the willingness of followers (internationally) to view so called biblical truths as reason to vote/fight for vicious extreme imperialism, ie in Palestine now and past capitalist wars. Hagee openly names the Middle East, China, Russia, anyone not accepting Jesus, as the "other" to be destroyed. This in the age of laws in the western world which claim to prevent racism sexism etc but slavishly excuse hateful religious indoctrination. It is no coincidence that Israel's govt is now dominated by religious extremists who call for "The Greater Israel". Hagee calls for the same. This is a huge stumbling block to resolution.

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It's wonderful how the "enlightened" West now goes along with the kind of Old Testament prophesy favoured by the extreme Zionists ie the Netanyahu coalition and, sadly, much of Israeli society these days.

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Depressing reading, but essential to understanding what the actual facts of the situation are, rather than bullshit about "working night and day" to find a solution, as is claimed by Harris, and others. "Closer than we've ever been to a solution"! Oy.

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Right on target. The Democrats are working day and night to keep sending weapons to Israel. That is their "solution."

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Harris is full of it, just as Biden was/is. They are bending over backwards to cater to the Jewish Lobby. I said right away when she became the choice...she better keep her lips zipped. Or, the Lobby will make sure trump takes the white House. Because that idiot is a sure fire win for Israel...(although Israel is in the dumper already; we just don't want to join it.)

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It's a misnomer to call what is being negotiated a ceasefire, or even a negotiation really. All Netanyahu has to do to stop the "war" is to stop, full stop.

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Thank you, Mr Scahill, and best of luck to you and Mr Grim with Dropsite.

I always appreciate your take on U S foreign shenanigans. Since *Blackwater* and *Dirty Wars*, your work has been instrumental in informing my perspective.

Netanyahu and his gang don't want this conflict to end. Their political fortunes are dependent on this genocide going on forever. Such waste, such tragedy. When the U S postures as "wanting peace" it rings hollow. Simply by ceasing to pour gasoline on the fire, simply by cutting off arms to Israel, this horror would end.

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Yes, But. Israel may not have any "political fortunes" after this.

We thought we had stamped out antisemitism: they have brought it roaring back.

I wondered years ago if Jews have an unconscious desire for victimhood.

It sure looks like it.

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Blinken is nothing more than Netanyahu’s lawyer.

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Although Gaza may still be the most urgent issue, and we cannot turn our eyes from them, there is another grevious situation in the increasing settler violence and land confiscation in the West Bank, aka illegally Occupied Territory. There are some, too few, organizations trying to help, at least up until this most grevious situation in the West Bank, this week, where there is an actual military invasion by Israel, with public officials threatening the same death and destruction as in Gaza.

There are those inside Israel who stand for justice and humanity, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


For factual information:



And there are more.

Please feel free to add them in the reply.

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I do not think that inside Israel there are any affective voices standing for justice and humanity, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians. There are some but they are shut up by the 95% if Israelis who have been taught from kindergarten about those filthy rats: the Palestinians. Like the few silent "good Germans" during Hitler's rule. I think there are few Jewish Americans who don't support Israel. It's been years of propaganda and pleas for money. My good friend in NYC, who had no heirs, left her entire estate to Israel...millions$$. She would often go to Temple and hear even more about the Holocaust. It's drummed into them

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This is ideal thinking, but the situation is so dire there’s not much hope for a peaceful resolution dealing with tyrants. I’m not sure how the people of the this world can stand against ideological hate that’s hellbent on dominion.

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, in memory of Hind Rajab, or Dr Jumann Afra, the mother of newborn twins killed by Israel using US bombs.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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I donated to the UN mission in Gaza and will donate to fajr also...

Did you know that the IRS will not accept tax deductible donations for causes outside the USA? Did you know that donations to any Jewish cause , inside or outside the USA is tax deductible?.........Or, perhaps I am wrong and it's donations to Jewish causes in the US that is diverted to Israel?

The Catholic Church won't excommunicate Biden: it supports dictators.

If funds for Gaza was tax deductible, I would give a whole lot more. I am 85 and can't take it with me.

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UNRWA is tax deductible. Doctors Without Borders is tax deductible.

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Kamala’s mask is peeling off layer by layer and the ugly, racist Biden is shinning through. Nice to see more layers peeled before November. Keep going!

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I am VERY ANGRY at Harris for what she said...but, like anyone running for an office in the USA, when it comes to Israel, KEEP YOUR LIPS ZIPPED.

After Oct 7, I educated myself. I find the USA disgusting: run by corporations and "special interests" . Never mind "the people". Campaigning just to put your scummy interests over the other guys...

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And yet trump and Republicans are far worse. We need to defeat Democrats taking AIPAC money in coming elections, not have trump in office.

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Not happening. Dems sabotage anyone left of Reagan, who they now even praise. They gave the stage to Republicans, border patrol and sheriffs. They danced while Gaza burned. You really can't get much worse. Guess where Black and LGBTQ+ people and elderly/disabled/migrants are overrepresented again? In homelessness. So what'd they do? Sabotage Cori Bush who fought for the precariously housed and the unhoused more than anyone. Neither party fears the people and governments should fear the people, not vice versa. And we should be very afraid as everything they do to "them" will be turned on everyone who dares object. If voting changed anything it would be illegal. Money talks. You got the $$ to dethrone ALL these sellouts for AIPAC? Here they go. I've grown cynical as hell and even I was amazed, they own my entire "blue" state https://candidates.aipacpac.org/page/featured/

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It ain't easy defeating AIPAC's 80% owned candidates. Bernie was the enemy of AIPAC yet outraised his opponents... Until then, we have genocide and right-wing policies.

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I am older than Harris and younger than Biden. I learned a long time ago that anything anyone tells me is a story. Two people in the same place at the same time, interacting with the same people, will tell different stories. The only thing that's not a story is what I witness and experience myself.

Biden and Harris are adults, they are educated, and they have experience in government. "Vice President Kamala Harris released a statement endorsing Israel’s version of events on the captives discovered in Rafah and echoed Netanyahu’s pledge to eliminate Hamas. 'Hamas is an evil terrorist organization'" is entirely unacceptable as a conclusion reached from one side's version of a story. Especially if that conclusion is reached based on accepting one person's, or one side's story. And Biden and Harris have gotten tens, or perhaps hundreds, of thousands of people killed over accepting this story. And our alternative is Trump, who never in his life spoke a true word? (Well, he did say he wanted to have sex with his daughter. That was probably true.)

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It makes me sick to my stomach that this is being done in my name, with my money. No one in power is willing to do anything about it, and I don't see anyone on the horizon willing to, either.

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Agreed. I've lived through the Vietnam war, Reagan's dirty war in Central American, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. I do not trust the American State Department nor the "leaders" of our so-called "democracy."

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AND, stop sending $ to Israel. They are being VERY VERY bad. Every day there's new horrors that they are getting away with....

We're Americans and practically as bad as Israel. Actually, As bad. When will the USA wake up and stop supporting slaughter.???

BTW: are your contributions to Israel tax deductible? Because that's against IRS rules.. I have been giving money for Palestinians and it is NOT tax deductible because it's out of the USA...even through the UN. (which is in NYC...but, of course it's not an American institution)

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Convert to atheism.

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Before al-Nusra or ISIS, before Al Qaeda or the MEK, before the Afghanistan mujahideen or the Contras, Israel preceded them all as a terrorist proxy for empire. Empire does not believe in diplomacy, its State Dept is little more than official-cover CIA infiltrators. Why would anyone expect better from one of its terrorist proxies? US has always had a problem with treaties, not in signing them - honoring them. Something about temporary kings that change politics every four years.

This genocide would not have happened without the United States. Whether discussing money, munitions, intelligence, White House, Congress, media or fascist police enforcement - empire approved every step of this and owns it. Telling me Trump will be worse for Palestine is actually just complete admission of guilt by the war crimes establishment.


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At this point, I'm not sure if Sec of State Anthony Blinken is incompetent, heavily biased or just plain "weak". I thought John Kerry was bad at this when he was Sec of State, but Tony is on another level! Maybe one immediate demand should be to have somebody else handle this (embarrassing as it might be for a sitting Sec of State).

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Fwiw, Blinken's step-dad was Robert Maxwell's lawyer, as in Ghislaine Maxwell's father. There's a good chance Ant-knee is Israel's Epstein Files liaison to DC with access to that dirt.


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Yes, the Truth if very hard to know, only "Mother Nature" (or one of Truth's other aliases) knows it for sure, but it seems there are people on the US team that are trying their best to not know The Truth. This is my perspective as a 79-year-old biological scientist who is still doing my best to seek The Truth. My credentials include publications supported by NIH and NSF in the USA and Hungary and publications supported by the Soviet Academy of Science and the Russian Academy of Sciences in Russia and the Max Planck Sociaty in Germany.

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Then you understand the devastation of the Red Sea, the desert, the Mediterranean coast and the limited aquifers left. Humans are truly a short-sighted and self destructive species. Max Planck ( I am only familiar with a branch in the Netherlands) does excellent work on brain development in children under fire. These conflicts are uniformly devastating

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Thanks Alex -- I worked at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry ( https://www.biochem.mpg.de/en ) on a campus adjacent to the another Max Planck Institute with which I had some important interaction. I'm interested in brain development too, and the relationship between brain development and treatment of psychiatric disturbances. I have a publication in a Russian in biological psychiatry ( Korsakov journal of neurology and psychiatry. Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova) that was translated and published in English by Springer Science ( https://www.springer.com/us?srsltid=AfmBOoq6vOshZyoPyyn4gUYbwhnYAhpxtRw4OY76Di_WstzrtagrFE0S ) without my knowledge.), In the early 1990s I wrote a successful grant proposal with Russian colleagues that bought money to Russia to do the research. I have publications in three areas of biological research: 1) green plant photosynthesis; 2) novel type of photosynthesis involving retinal-proteins in microorganisms; 3) biological psychiatry. I care about science in the international public interest -- making things better for everyone -- not destroying the World.

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The entire population of Gaza: PTSD. There is no solution that will put them in a future that is not 100% Hamas fighters.

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I like you too, Marilyn -- contact me if you want -- I haven't hidden my identity.

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If you prepare food in your kitchen, you must remove the cockroaches. The Likudnik Zionists have proven they will consume their own to reach their fanatical religious goals. The region must unite and remove the Zionist plague -- the sooner the better. Words are wasted now. All the Zionists understand is force. So be it. Excellent and fair report.

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Blinken is a Zionist. As is Biden. They have to accept Israeli lies. Or, be accused of antisemitism. ...gosh, they sure wouldn't want THAT

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Sometimes a picture is worth considerably more than a thousand words! Take another look at the faces of Netanyahu and Harris in the photo at the top of this article/commentary.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If a six-week temporary "ceasefire" begins before September 25 or so, it will expire before the election. If it expires before the election, will the Biden-Harris Administration be able to persuade Netanyahu to delay a new offensive until after the election? A "ceasefire" ending right before the election might be the Democrats' worst nightmare!

Consequently, will the Biden-Harris Administration wait until after September 25 or so to get serious about putting pressure on Netanyahu to agree to a (temporary) "ceasefire"?

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I have been hoping that it's possible. She certainly can NOT do it before the election....

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