It almost seems like Israel owns the US government and all the tech companies, too. Bizarre. The assault described took place while Netanyahu was addressing the UN with US military supplied aircraft and bombs and afore knowledge of US government officials. WTH?

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When I read Microsoft has "internal ethics and human rights commitments," I can't help remember Bill Gates owns the WHO - or the ongoing third world vaccine trials his foundation champions. And so when something "is happening at Microsoft as no different from what is taking place at weapons companies like Raytheon or Lockheed Martin," my first unhappy thought is lethal AI and bioweapons.


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This kind of cooperation and complicity with oppression, colonialism, and now genocide, is not something that began subsequent to October 7, 2023. We need to take a close, long and very hard look at just what the US, and its corporate accomplices actually stand for. Once we see this is longstanding, and inseparable from government policy, both domestic and foreign, we will understand that we have intentionally been made comfortably numb for decades.

Time to devote our energies to finding an alternative to this death and destruction, otherwise, we are looking at the end of our species. Some might say that's not a bad idea, given what we've done to each other, and the earth so far, but that's self-fulfilling. Let's start to change things by not just not voting for either of the two Uniparty candidates, but by voting for a third party candidate who represents an anti-war, anti-genocide, pro-justice position. The MSM has done its best to slicence and supress alternative voices, let us not be partners by silencing ourselves. The only wasted vote this year, is one for either of the mainstream parties.

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I think with the two big anti-democratic decisions made by the SCOTUS, AIPAC, these hideous tech companies assisting genocide, the lies and repression of truth, Project 25 has already begun. I have a feeling that Trump is their preferred choice even though he's going senile; they have Vance who is perfect for their cause. No matter how the votes are tallied, it could end up a clear win for the loser.

(Joy, It must be difficult to live in the new HK. The old HK was an international city, like London, etc. I am hoping for the release of our "friend" Jimmy...)

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This piece complements Matt Kennard's on the mask of democracy being off of the Oligarchy.

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Via AIPAC and other so-called charities, there is an enormous and very improper influence on the U.S. government from Israel. It acts as though it owns and operates this country, and in terms of government, that certainly seems to be the case. It's sickening, and neither Biden nor Harris are aiming to do a cleanup and take the country back.

re Microsoft and AI: when I upgraded to Windows 11 and found AI embedded, I wrote AI a civil request to delete itself: it said it was sorry, it couldn't.

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AIPAC does own the US. All the top X generals and leaders who are endorsing Harris can do so because their retirement is not at risk.

What on earth does AI do in your computer? I have staying away from it. I simply don't have time.

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Arrrrghhh! Thx for the intrepid reporting. And thx to the bold employees who risk their livelihoods to speak out. Good to hear their numbers are large and growing. Sickening to think of how much $ is being poured into Israel. What a colossal stage is this playing out…

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" ... the tech world has remained largely steadfast in maintaining its business relationships in Israel." The dominant AI weapons support companies like Microsoft etc all have int HQ in America (with Price Waterhouse in UK). IT support for precision bombing. Mobiles worldwide are all trapped into this system of power and control over information. Really we're all targets.

The largest weapons exporter worldwide is USA 41.7%, next France 10.9 Russia 10.5. Countries with US bases like Australia and UK are US weapons "customers". Psychotic Israel/US manufacturers collaborate on diabolical weapons that via AI can target anyone at anytime, with no respect for children, babies, civilians. They proudly justify levelling all life. They don't care. Do people really think the Netanyahu govt/US plan for a Greater Israel will stop at Gaza and the West Bank? It won't. It's a grotesque war machine.

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I "liked" your comment but it's so tragic. "precision bombing" is how kill civilians , the press and the World Central Kitchen vehicles. Israel is a sadistic country on a par with Hitler's Germany. It took Germany 4 decades to be "acceptable" ; how many years or months will it take for Israel not be a pariah in the world? Israel is rubbing our noses in it.

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Daily the actions of the Israeli destruction now of Lebanon should make it very difficult for the

apologist now the youngest war monger Kamela Harris to with stand the kick back she will receive. The Demos won't stop till every Palestinian is.....replaced by ..... The duplicity, double red lines, lies and genocidal activity is almost over wellming... however it also makes the old tools of opposition useless. We will and have to upgrade the resistance to a much more aggressive project.

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If you be a jew and want to be free to do what ever the F'en you want to do and be save. Get the hell out of this rabid state of Isreal. Go anywhere you like and enjoy your freedom. Isreal should be your pyria.

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Let's be clear: the only thing Microsoft, Google, Amazon, etc care about is making money. Any claims to support human rights will be jettisoned if it interferes with making a profit. Since Microsoft et al. are committing war crimes by assisting Israel's slaughter of innocent civilians, can they be formally charged with war crimes?

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