
What a great piece of work putting together this bio of Mohmoud. Thank you.

He and so my others that show a humanitarian response for doing and acting strongly against the genocide taking place in the Middle East by us our allies and Isreal are all courageous and wonderful caring slice of humanity. Their word must and actions need to be heard...constantly.

Those that express alt views to our sociopathic leaders are not appreciated by those in power or their sycophant followers. What a crazy Orwellian world we live in.

Refuse Fascism

Oppose Oppression




dear comrades

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Thank you. How misrepresented is he. Utter shame. He is a hero of our times.

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Khalil should be recruited by the US State Department.

US has been a hegemon for so long that the US has lost the skill of diplomacy. He could teach the US a thing or two.

He is a threat because he is so competent.

He is a threat because his life is a model of what is needed in troubled times.

His life shows the risk to the US constitution from Zionism.

Thank you for this wonderful article.

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Thank you for this beautifully humanizing portrait of Mahmoud. We must find a way to keep building the movement against this attack on free speech, integrity, and our ability to live according to the values of justice and liberty. I see Mahmoud as a symbol of so much of what is good and what must be protected.

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My heart hurts for all those being targeted for objecting to the genocide. Mahmoud, specifically, is clearly a mensch who has suffered and learned much. A natural leader, a diplomat, and a compassionate human doing his best to good and do better. We are such an unwell society. Hoping the tide turns before we are all disappeared.

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Thank you! I have my Free Mahmoud Kahlil sign out in front of my house. I am glad to read and have a better understanding that Mahmoud is an even greater, more genuine and sincere person and leader than I thought! He is the opposite of what they are. They are shallow and transactional and they hate people who aren't!

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Thank you for this human articule.

Is this America or a reinactment of what it was like in NAZI Germany.

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This is a lot. I will comment on a method for understanding change over time. Not who or what, but When.

The current administrative branch of the US Gov denied massive federal funding to the University. The next day they disappeared Mahmoud Khalil.

Each action emboldens the few.

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Thank you for this description of Khalil Mahmoud. I had heard, otherwise trustworthy sources, that he was linked to working for the UK government, but not specifying which branch. I did find it hard to match his peacemaking/diplomatic personality with the shade of zionist collaborator though, but i couldnt find much else. Let's bring Palestine's own Ghandi home !!!

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What a thorough, beauiful profile of a true leader. It's so insane that Trump has picked their peacemaker a its more visible target. Let's make sure it backfires!

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This profile is a brilliant and exquisite piece of work. It deserves to be broadcast and read widely as it serves to revise the distortions and humanize the narrative which has been tarnished by hate.

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If we really wanted to make america great again...we'd have to start by honoring men like Mahmoud Khalil...share this with everyone!

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There have been three recent pieces in the Boston Globe related to Mahmoud Khalil, one a guest essay humanizing him by his friend Jeromie Whalen ("My friend Mahmoud Khalil is no terrorist sympathizer"); another on Columbia's capitulation to Trump ("Columbia yields to Trump in widening crackdown on universities"); and a Globe Editorial Board entry on that capitulation ("A hostile takeover at Columbia").

In the over 700 (to date) reader comments to those pieces, it has been distressing (to say the least) to find that the majority - the majority! - perhaps two-thirds, are filled with vitriol, hatred, small-mindedness, jingoism, misinformation, disinformation, ignorance, and regurgitation of propaganda. Okay, not a scientific sampling of the sentiment of the general population (at least I hope not), but nonetheless, in brief, the villagers are marching through the streets with pitchforks and torches in hand.

Speaking of information, and a presumed obligation on the part of the press to speak accurately, truthfully (how naive I am) to the public, I took the Globe Editorial Board to task "for its passing off this tripe - larded with leading statements, bogus assertions, reliance on Right-wing front groups, the acquiescent smearing of scholars - as an editorial worthy of reading. It is nothing more than an exercise in Hasbara." To my surprise, I got nine "thumbs up" to eight down. (I did get one negative reply from a villager who cited Wikipedia in an attempt to dismiss one of my points (Alan MacLeod's jaw-dropping investigative piece in Mintpress on Mahmoud Khalil's dean at Columbia, Keren Yarhi-Milo), so you can see what sort of savants we're dealing with here).

I endeavor to keep mentioning two other sleazes at Columbia, who shouldn't be allowed to slink away, the strident Israeli sympathizers (agents?) Shai Davidai, assistant professor at the business school, and David Lederer, junior at the college. They helped finger Mahmoud Khalil for DHS and ICE. True "heroes of Israel." And beyond doubt foot soldiers for Campus Watch and Project David, two pet projects of Miriam Adelson to control, influence, and set the narrative on Israel and the Zionists on campus.

Think the odds are against us?

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Great article and one so unlike the mainstream media cheese whiz stuff written to polarize, pigeonhole, and dehumanize people. I despise the dehumanization of people by corporate media and by BOTH cartel political parties.

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This remarkable story follows the most consistent and grotesque thread that defines this conflict. It illustrates the single most critical process the Israel must insure, and insure at ALL COSTS. It is that any hint of peace must never be tolerated. From villages in 1948 to college campuses in 2025. How many Kahlil's have been silenced, in the womb, as children and adults and elders. All realizing that Palestinians and Jews have a rich history friendship. Friendship that is unthinkable not only to Zionists, but also to all other Jews who are poisoned by their hate. (See the film: “Israelism”)

This is made exponentiallly worse by the American government who takes subservience to Isreal's most infinitesimal demands to new levels every single day. So much criticism of arming Ukraine, however not a peep about how American tax dollars are THE defining factor in a genocide.

Supporters of this war, freely cite their actions serve the one any only true “God”. What really awaits them is the ninth circle of Hell, the deepest and coldest, is reserved for treachery, and is divided into four regions based on the type of betrayal committed, with Satan himself residing at its center.

We here are indeed fortunate to have DropSite bringing these stories to us. One can only hope that they serve as the foundation for the justice the Palestinian’s deserve and for the final judgement this demands. “Justice that will be swift, righteous and without mercy.” (From V for Vendetta”)

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Thankyou for this moving profile of this good man Mohmoud...his journey has been remarkable and we hope it will extend into the future where his obvious humanitarianism can only enhance everyone he comes in contact with...unless it be Trump and his obnoxious henchmen and women and their like. Mohmoud is exactly a person they are most afraid of although they would deny that, but deep inside their frightened core they do know it and their actions prove it. All the bluster and swagger they can sum up cannot over-reach such a good man...they are merely petty and vindictive officials, destructive but of no substance. Cowards. Free Mohmoud and Free Palestine.

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Thanks. Forgive my mistake...Mahmoud! I make numerous mistakes every day but one I've never made...siding with bullies. Good wishes.

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