Why? I don’t know how Harris can go and campaign, big smile on her face, with her own name complicit with the Biden atrocities. This should be the end of the Democratic Party and perhaps the end of the US as it’s been. If Trump, following all his shameful acts, should return to office, this is on Biden, Harris, the DNC and all the disgusting representatives and senators that clapped for Netanyahu. This is now the legacy for the US and supporting allies. There is no going back and no redemption. Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Central and Southern American coups, the overthrow of Iran. All these acts coming into full focus due to the brutality of Gaza, the West Bank and now Lebanon. Our thoughts should go daily to these incomprehensible actions and the innocents that suffer and die at the behest of US hegemony.

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I don't want to hear about poor Israel.

The eternal victums are monsters.

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Heartbreaking. How evil can any human being be?

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I agree. It is heartbreaking. And for me, as an American citizen, it is absolutely infuriating since the US government could put a stop to this horrendous slaughter if it wanted to do so!

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What sort of evil demons giggle and dance at their mass murder of non-combatants barely surviving in a refugee concentration camp?

What sort of evil empire arms and protects such demon thieves?

If we're containers of a collective consciousness, just allowing murderous greedy sociopaths to continue costs us all - everything worthy of love.


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been radicalized numerous times in the last year but sunday night when i saw this was maybe the most out of control i felt. just want to scream at everyone who isn't paying attention or thinks that this is "sad, but it's out of our hands". i want everyone to have to see the images of shaaban dying, and have it shake them so much that they finally confront their denial, and they finally see that israel can do bad things. and i want everyone working for a free palestine (and lebanon, and... )

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We will say his name Shaaban Al-Dalou, and promise never to forget. Shaaban Al-Dalou you are here with us.

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Thank you for your continued reporting. You document and bear witness to evil many would rather remain secret (and honestly, sometimes I would rather not know because Jesus!). It is horrifying how much death governments can inflict and how vulnerable we all are to the powerful. Call your Congress folks and let them know your thoughts. Call them again. And again. (FYI...After debating myself I decided to watch the embedded video. The link worked but the video was missing).

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I will recount this story to the Ceasefire Vigil we hold here every Monday. The courage and humanity of Palestinians is what now sustains and inspires all of us. Thank you Abubaker.

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No one should have to endure this, watch helpless as the people you love are burned to death in front of you. This is the pinnacle of depravity and inhumanity. The entire US government is responsible and very obviously compromised. What will it take to stop this? This is complete madness and evil. I hope each and every one of them is prosecuted for aiding and abetting war crimes.

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Israel has become a nation of mentally disturbed people, after being lied to by their leaders for decades. And American workers are paying for the wars they don't support, for luxury illegal settlements and for the Israeli welfare state, that gives Israelis free health care, free schools and almost free education. The USA could have been a land of milk and honey for all without this ill-advised war-support. https://mariannebergvall.substack.com/p/israels-mentally-deranged-wars-are

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Thank you once again, Drop Site News. Depressing, but a necessary kick in the butt. We need nothing short of massive civil disobedience because the Empire has no ears, no morals. Until we can get moving on that massive scale, share, share, share...

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I remain uncommitted until ceasefire!

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This election should have been a cakewalk for us, but if we get Trump it's on us. Not me or you but our undemocratic party.

You know that famous adage, "His parents discover him enthusiastically shoveling the manure as he exclaims, 'With all this manure, there must be a pony somewhere!'" The pony is system-change, to go from a world running on self-interest to one where we care about each other as much as we care about ourselves. Although Trump is a nightmare global warming is an apocalypse, and pray that how unthinkably we're running the world now is what gets us to change it.

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I live daily feeling those in Gaza and WB should hold me accountable for not doing more. One day, Allah will ask me what I did..."not enough, never enough "

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Once you see you cannot forget. Once you understand our complicity in mass murders, you cannot say it is not your business to end the slaughter. Shaaban, you are gone, but you will not be forgotten.Americans with a conscience must NOT vote for either Uni party. Both are pro-genocide, and want you to endorse the idea that genocide of a people is business as usual. It is not. I suggest voting Green Party, the only party against genocide which is on the ballot in most states, or can be written in.

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