Facebook's algorithms are programmed to take down Dropsite news articles. Every one I have shared with a Best Democracy Group has been taken down, including this one. Two were restored upon appeal. We will wait to see if this one is. That the ultimate sacrifices made by those who died trying to alleviate the suffering of other human beings had to be "leaked" in order to be communicated to American citizens and get past censors of cartel political parties and self-appointed governments is an abomination.

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Mind sending some screenshots of this happening? I have heard this from a bunch of people. ryan@dropsitenews.com

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Same here! Just now! I will send my screenshots to you.

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Ryan, FB programming is specifically targeting your name "dropsite news" and not the article content. Another resource reprinted your article with proper credit. I shared it:


and it sailed right through the FB censors to our Best Democracy FB group.

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I attempted to repost this article as well, and it was taken down within seconds - twice.

/Users/gerryhenkel/Desktop/Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 8.20.34 AM.png

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Looks like they are staying up now. I shared this to FB over an hour ago and my hubby shared it yesterday.

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Good work, the sneaky operations need to be exposed since they float around the actual news and pollute reception.. The propaganda machin of the Zionists/Isrealis is formidable needs exposing and dismantling. best rgd sf ca

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Maybe C/C the main parts. they can't see that.

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End the Zionist project and dismantle empire..

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Bravo!! That says it all! "The people" had exactly NOTHING TO SAY about the creation of either one!

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The greater of two evils is the bipartisan consensus for Biden’s forever massacres. As if Iraq wasn’t horrid enough he looks to establish the mother of all killing fields in Gaza. The killer perps will all be in attendance tomorrow. Hailing their champion dropper of 2000lb bombs on tents ahead of the Olympics.

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The Truth shall set you Free! The World And especially the USA!

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Good luck on "truth". The billionaires do everything to block truth. Stupid people buy it.

But, I do have to say:

THANK YOU DONALD TRUMP!!! Because of you, a female, kinda ethnic/Black/whatever is now absolutely acceptable, downright desirable!, to become the next President of the U.S. of A.


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If it's true that FB is taking down these articles, this should be reported on Breaking Points. Ask MZ to come on the show w Ryan and Krystal

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Its a pretty sad state of affairs for the US to allow Netanyahu a

genocidal murderer to speak before a standing ovation congress.

This asshole is a cold blooded killer.

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beyond that, he's right in line with Hitler. and those 99% of Israelis who think it's the right thing to do. Just like those Germans who fell in line then and are now in line supporting fascist Israel.

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This fkn idiot had the balls to compare Oct/7 to Pearl Harbor

and congress aplauded. Whats going on?

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This total support and enabling of what’s being done to the Palestinians has destroyed our moral credibility and global leadership ability and greatly strengthened the Russia, China led BRICS.

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Breaking Points with Krystal & Saagar which also reports about how most Israelis support what is being done in Gaza. Truly awful.

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I started studying this Oct 8. Hamas is NOT the bad guy. Israel is beyond words bad. Frankly, I think Israel and it's supporters want tffg as President. Much more malleable for their interests..(as if Biden as not been a pushover) Didn't tffg say in that "debate", "Israel should just finish the job"?

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“The Israeli-Gaza War Did Not Start on Oct 7.” (15 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Feb 25, 2024


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NO, really? I've known that since early on, like oct 10. The history of Palestine being given to Jews ( in lieu of inviting them in)...and, then how the Jews dealt with the indigenous population. There had been Jews living peacefully along side Muslims and Christians for centuries in the Arab world.

After 1948, things changed drastically. Palestinians were forced and murdered out of their towns and villages by these determined war like Zionists. Jews in Arab countries found living among Muslims uncomfortable due to information seeping out about how muslim Palestinians were being maltreated. Many went to Israel and found that they were 2nd class to the European Jews. Israel is a VERY racist country....anything is justified to get rid of that filthy population on "their" land.

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Why did Israel’s government ignore warnings from Egypt, our CIA and even their own female soldiers left alone on the Gaza border who said there were warnings from Palestinians in Gaza that Hamas was planning a major attack? Where were most of the soldiers? They’d been redeployed to the West Bank to help settlers steal Palestinian land. And why did it take them 6 hours to make it back to the southern border which meant that those female soldiers had already been killed or captured along with many civilians? It’s amazing that so many people say and believe that there was a “cease fire” before Oct 7 which Hamas violated which means Hamas is responsible for the destruction of Gaza. Truly bizarre.

“Bombshell: IDF Had Hamas Oct 7 Blueprint. Did Nothing.” (10 min)

Breaking Points. Jun 18, 2024


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I follow John Mearsheimer and Glenn Greenwald for information on Ukraine and Gaza. Both are appalled by the media lies. Both say Ukraine has been destroyed in our proxy war against Russia. Both say Gaza is genocide/ethnic cleansing and that Israel has made itself a global pariah by doing this. Both are obviously right. Our msm is a corrupt farce that has no interest in truth and only mostly just promotes the lies of our ruling class.

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Youtube is far more reliable fr the real news than The NYTimes or WaPo

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Not YouTube in general but specific sites like Mearsheimer, Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Lena Petrova, Real Clear Politics and many others. The democrats have the quantity with their msm but we have the quality with sites like these.

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I'd read the blogs or .com's of those but I already do too many hours on my Mac...

I have a TV (first one in 12 years) and it has youtube. I'm paying the Mexico price of $9 a month to rid it of commercials. No cable, no live anything; I get msnbc after it airs. A LOT of youtube. A proxy for PBS and those streaming only accessible in the USA. ..........

Mearsheimer is terrific! He does a lot of talks in Australia ... It's amazing how much they are tuned into US politics...like we're the greatest show in town.

I said for years that one HAS to pay attention to trump; he's the greatest show in town...(a horror show)...but now, I am hoping that Kamala will continue to be the better show in town.

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But we ARE the greatest show on earth! Too bad we can't charge for tickets.

Just sent an email to vice.president@whitehouse.gov to encourage the Honorable Vice President Harris to read Matt's article on the Hoffman 'donation' and subsequent 'demand' to fire Lina Khan. I let her know it's important not to be seen as bending to the bullying tactics of corporate tyrants, and that I'm looking forward to her creating her own legacy in the White House. TRUMP MUST NOT WIN if we really believe in the Constitution and the American Experiment.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

I’ve seen his talks from Australia. I think he even had one from India. We certainly do have a global civilization now. No denying that. I liked Vivek better than Trump in the primary. Super smart and a great debater. No denying though that Trump has so easily dealt with the years of the intense hate campaign waged against him. Not many people could have done that. Plus now he can also point to his “clipped-by-a-bullet” ear as proof that God is on his side. How many people can say that and point to their ear as proof? Maybe he should get that ear tattooed with red ink so people will always notice it and be reminded of this.

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Facebook has removed this article from my posts. Twice. I am so done with antisocial fascist tech.

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Is there a link to this leaked report?

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For source protection reasons we can't post it

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Here’s some excerpts from an article I copied 8 years ago before the 2016 election that Trump won against Hillary. Title of the article is “Here’s Why FBI Director Comey Can’t Give Hillary A Free Pass.” Yet she was given a free pass as have many other democrats. None have ever been held accountable for their crimes. We long ago lost the rule of law in this country. In what sense then does America still exist as a country?

“The fact that the administration under which Mr. Comey serves has conducted itself with unprecedented partisanship and lawlessness makes it even more important for him to uphold the law and recommend indictment. The American people need to see that both lawlessness and dereliction of duty are not given a pass and that no one is above the law.”

“The country is now at the edge of an abyss from years of obfuscation, unaccountability, subterfuge and law evasion by the Obama administration that have numbed much of its citizenry into an acceptance of government corruption and abuse of power. Resetting Americans' trust in government needs to start with holding people in high office, like Hillary Clinton, accountable.”

“Here’s Why FBI Director Comey Can’t Give Hillary A Free Pass.”

Investor’s Business Daily. July 2, 2016


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Can we go ALL THE WAY back? And how far back does it go, anyway? If it's been going on since the American Revolution (as I suspect) then we'd be doing more harm than good pursuing all corruption at the top levels (and down from there). We could however resolve ourselves to no longer going along to get along - IOW any malfeasance from here out does get prosecuted and the perpetrators are held accountable, no matter who they are. I'd like that.

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I guess this is what we get when the human race is put in charge....anywhere and always.

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I’d like that too but we keep going in the direction of more corruption, more censorship, more demonization of “Whiteness!” and of Trump who is condemned as “another Hitler!” and one of the most monstrously evil men to have ever walked the earth. This is just not working at all.

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I shared this on Facebook and got a notification from Meta that says, “we removed your post. See why”

I clicked

Then it says, “why this happened. It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.” Then it shows the image of my post. (I didn’t even have a header with my own words.) and it says “this goes against our community standards on spam.” WTF?!

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Exactly: WTF!

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Is Putin speaking before Congress next? Good job Capitol Hill, as always.

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Putin is a vastly better leader for Russia than our ruling class is for America.

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that is...not the point, among other things

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The point is…our society is rotting and collapsing, among other things.

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I wonder if Netan'Yahoo's hoods have to kill one of Biden's relatives before he takes action against this 'plain to see' genocide?

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“Michigan voters supportive of Palestinian rights, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, were holding out hope that a Harris administration would be less ideologically rigid in its support for Israel’s war.”

In August 2019 Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris claimed on Twitter that Mike Brown was “murdered” by a racist white cop 5 years ago in Ferguson. They knew that’s a lie, their fellow democrats knew that’s a lie, the msm knew it was a lie, most white leftists knew that’s a lie, Obama knew that was a lie. Yet none of these people much cared because they felt it was a useful lie since it would once again get blacks to vote for the Democratic Party. This is evil and this is what the democrats have become. How can we possibly ever trust such people?

“On Ferguson, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Told a Terrible Lie.”

National Review. Aug 12, 2019


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Debatable, but likely won't be revisited.

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It’s not “Debatable.” It was proven to be a lie by Obama’s DOJ under Eric Holder.

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It sure won’t be revisited by the democrats. Even the assassination attempt on Trump is being memory-holed by our media which is now in a frenzy of praise for Kamala.

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I call it an extermination attempt on trump. That kid knew what he was doing; he was NOT crazy and he acted alone, which the trump worshippers will never accept. It HAD to be a conspiracy. ... more alternate bullshit world of no facts facts.

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UN workers, food aid organizations volunteers, medical staff, workers and volunteers. Anyone and everyone is collateral damage in Netanyahu’s Israel. The blaring travesty behind all of this was 9 months of Biden enabling this genocide with weapons shipments, UN ceasefire vetoes and bringing along allies such as the UK and Germany in supporting the slaughter. Biden accomplished something even Trump wasn’t totally successful at. Revealing the full US imperialist war machine. Biden was to return the soul of America. Failed beyond belief.

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Israel counts on reactions/objections to the conditions they have held the Palestinians in...they use it to go in and "mow the lawn"...which is a few thousand dead and hundreds of homes destroyed. Over and over. They never cared about the hostages because those people are just collateral damage...they would prefer they had been killed, by the IDF, before they could become a problem for Israel, having to barter to get them back. If they hadn't been away the Hamas fighters who were pretty sure they were on a suicide mission, there would have been no hostages. And, a lot less civilians killed. Hamas was after Military. They just "got lucky" when NO IDF was there. There could have been a rape but I doubt it. What soldier would lay down his weapon and take the time to do the dirty when they had to believe they were going to be shot in the back any second?...Rape happens in war when the enemy has control of a population. Hamas had no idea they would have so much free time to go balistic.

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Open borders, dumbed down schools, the demonization of “Whiteness!” and the war on meritocracy which is being replaced by Equity aka Equal Outcomes are just a few of the many ways the democrats have ruined America yet many of our “fellow Americans” are very much in favor of this. No society can survive this level of stupidity and flat out insanity.

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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