Even beyond the rank dishonesty, to take AIPAC money is to support genocidal slaughter in Palestine. Bell apparently lacks any moral sense at all.

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Wow, that's some cold-blooded s***.

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Wow, you can’t make this sh*t up. Bell has the audacity to scoop your story and rewrite history to attack Bush for the call. Eternal victims who somehow also have all the power and money, AIPAC makes a mockery of “democracy”.

Thanks for your reporting and your standards for journalism, even if those principles sometimes get turned on you. Reminds me a bit of the Times asking for a correction regarding the “nephew in-law” lol

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He did the same thing to me. I had a petition for body cameras on police officers back when Michael Brown was murdered. Wesley and another man I think his name might be Courtney Called me on the phone with the owners of change.org during the chaos and pressured me to switch the petition from my name to his so he could steal my idea and act like the body cameras were part of their policy.

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are you serious?? wtf.

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Dead serious. Was pretty young at the time and didn’t think about it until I was older.

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have you tried reaching out to ryan/jeremy? if you have any documentation at all, they might be able to publish something before the end of the week.

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also worth trying ken klippenstein.

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i wish there was an effective way to amplify your message across the district. we're t-minus 5 days and im going to cry like a child if aipac takes out cori. without at least a couple actual progressives in congress, i could really care less who takes the white house come january. the democractic party at this point is mostly yesterday's neo-cons and corporate dems that might as well call themselves neo-cons.

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I'm in St. Louis and I so appreciate this article. Locally, there has been a total lack of any articles that are critical of Bell or examine his record at all and there is so much. Most of it has been publicized over the years and mentioned on his Wikipedia page, etc, and still crickets.

A few things he's done include running a debtor's prison that he and the city were sued over, helping a cop cover up his targeting of black women, misappropriating funds in the prosecutors office and t attempting to cover it up when the media started asking questions, failing to do any of the things he ran on for his current role, allegedly engaging in inappropriate relationships in the prosecutor's office and is currently subject to a sex discrimination suit.

That's not even everything. But yet the local media focuses on fact checks of Bush accusing him of being a Republican (he's gotten a lot of GOP money and GOP operatives are organizing people to select the Dem ballot instead of the GOP ballot to vote for Bell) while giving no attention to her walking red flag of an opponent. So again, thanks for publishing this.

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that's crazy. it sounds like he is acting like other people that are willing to do anything for money. huh. who would have thought. crazy. i don't know what to believe anymore. really.

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What does it mean to be progressive or left if a colonial oppressor and move to eradicate the indigenous people to western standing ovations? It’s hypocrisy to use AIPAC to join the choir. What’s next on Bell’s agenda, cop city palantir?

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Why are monied interests from foreign governments allowed to leverage and even purchase elective US representative seats? It’s presented as business as usual but when considered closely, it’s mind blowing this is even allowed. In the instances where AIPAC is a player, it looks a lot like a revolving door closed loop. The US government sends billions of dollars yearly to Israel in aid, and Israeli interests invest some of those dollars to purchase US government seats to further their agenda. Shouldn’t this be illegal?

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And those seats vote to give Israel more money.

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as well as to keep what "should be illegal" perfectly legal. its a game where they're all winning and all of us and the world over are losing.

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"If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner." - H.L. Mencken

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Why is AIPAC money legal and lets say ARPAC American Russian Political Action Committe

not OK?

Zionist control of our living environment is almost total.

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As much AIPAC money comes from Christian nationalists, I'd say the only reason we don't have a Russian AIPAC is because it doesn't tickle their fancy as much, and, pardon the pun, simping for Russia isn't as kosher to the general public

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historically, most of the money behind the zionist project has come from non jews. including well documented anti-semites.

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Seems like on the evolutionary tree, the human scruple bit lags far behind the “what’s-in-it-for-me” bit. Pity, that.

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Personal pet peeve but can we stop referring to self-proclaimed "progressives" who take corporate and/or dark money as progressive? Goes for Bell and 90+% of the Congressional "Progressive" Caucus. If you work for the corporations and wealthy, you aren't progressive by any definition of the word.

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They ALL know what they're getting into. To be a politician in this country these days means selling out to some ugly monied interests, and only speaking out in their favor. One has to play ball to stay in that life. Imagine being a US politician that can't stab people in the back and nobody wants to buy off anymore. You'd have to get an actual job.


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Speak out, you got to speak out against the madness

You got to speak your mind, if you dare

But don't, no, don't, no, try to get yourself elected

If you do, you had better cut your hair, mmm

Long Time Gone - CSN

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