Toss a coin to pick a faction your gonna support cause why the F#%# not; it keeps the insatiable war machine well greased killing folks somewhere forever. The vampire empire feeds on dark blood. Assad had his many faults but -the Empire- has many more. Our foreign policy is demonic. Killing Palestinians is demonic. Precipitating the Russian war with Ukraine is demonic. Death star Empire is demonic. Our Congress is demonic as is our capitalistic system of oligach rule. Why are the few in control whythe majority sleeps....wake up!
SDF is not comparable in conduct or structure to other factions in the conflict, imo. This is one of the rare instances where US support is (coincidentally) good, although I'd be more happy to see other powers be interested in supporting AANES in the face of Turkish expansion.
Maybe African countries telling Western exploiters to 'please leave' will become a contagious thing everywhere, you know, like a gain-of-function bioweapon. ;(
May the many factions find the will to work together - for their people, instead of against each other - for empire.
Toss a coin to pick a faction your gonna support cause why the F#%# not; it keeps the insatiable war machine well greased killing folks somewhere forever. The vampire empire feeds on dark blood. Assad had his many faults but -the Empire- has many more. Our foreign policy is demonic. Killing Palestinians is demonic. Precipitating the Russian war with Ukraine is demonic. Death star Empire is demonic. Our Congress is demonic as is our capitalistic system of oligach rule. Why are the few in control whythe majority sleeps....wake up!
SDF is not comparable in conduct or structure to other factions in the conflict, imo. This is one of the rare instances where US support is (coincidentally) good, although I'd be more happy to see other powers be interested in supporting AANES in the face of Turkish expansion.
Maybe African countries telling Western exploiters to 'please leave' will become a contagious thing everywhere, you know, like a gain-of-function bioweapon. ;(
May the many factions find the will to work together - for their people, instead of against each other - for empire.