I once told an acquaintance how I'd love to be proven wrong more often when it comes to my suspicions of government. And I'm beginning to believe that may be the case with my earlier doubts about the sincerity of Lina Khan. It's remarkable she's enough of a troublemaker to empire's king-of-the-hill business-as-usual at FTC that billionaires lobby against her.

Tip o' the hat, Lina.

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If I thought it would make a difference.. no, scratch that. If I thought it would actually get read, I would write to Kamala and let her know just how many voters she's pissing off by even looking like she's going to give Khan the axe, like she's going to drop the current wave of enforcement that's been happening under Khan's watch.

But it wouldn't help and I know it. I'm not important the way money is important. Money is speech, and speech... isn't.

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Gross, not my Presidentress

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Lina Khan seems to be doing what shes supposed to do.

The honest David standing up to the dishonest big Goliath.

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Another reason to vote for Jill Stein, as if there weren’t enough already.

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I’m right there with you unless Kamala makes a drastic change on Biden’s Israel policy. She refuses to even acknowledge we need to end the weapons shipments to Israel and lately said Iran is our greatest ally. Not to mention all the crap they pulled during the primaries

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Are there 50 Green senators who will confirm Jill Stein's nominee to the FTC? As it is, the GOP is favored to win the Senate, how many of Jill Stein's appointees are they going to confirm? Since there are only 33 Senators up for election every two years, did ~17 Green senators secretly win office last year and the incoming 33 senators will complete the Green majority, with Vice President Ware breaking the tie?

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How many Democrats will get confirmed?

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The Democrats have made it perfectly clear they don't want my vote.

I'm happy to accommodate. Next year's Democrat is just this year's Republican - look at how that soulless ghoul Harris has embraced the Cheneys. I remember when the shitlibs thought he was the devil.

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Yes, that's the Bill Clinton who whacked workers with NAFTA and whose USP was deregulation and dressing it up as the third way. I can see why the predators like him.

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That "leading private equity investor" is slightly correct. Kamala does sound like Clinton, but she also sounds exactly like Obama. They're both campaigning to be the voice of the "people" and "middle-class," only to court and appoint the worst corporate actors in their cabinet or advisers.

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Harris’s stances and affiliations become more disturbing with each revelation. As though genocide, expanding wars, “the most lethal fighting force on the planet”, war criminal Dick Cheney’s endorsement and corporate Wall Street alignments aren’t negatives to a campaign. The DNC takeover of the Democratic Party has not been a vote getter. This American experiment in democracy seems to have lost its way. Thanks Citizens United. The Supremes must be so proud.

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Harris is wobbly about capitalist crime no indication from her California legal activity she is what we used to call progressive... "progressve corporate " more likely. On Genocide... she's on the wrong side, Biden's wars all the way

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Even with a San Francisco accent, it still sound like: "The bidness of government is bidness."

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Now that they have killed yet another Hamas leader , who they accuse of October 7th the very military action of resistance that Natanyawho was informed about and let it happen so it could be used to justify yet another military display of barbarism by Israel. It is Natanyaho that has rejected all negotiations , rejected all possible ceasefires and continues to deflect any attempt to stop his March into history ..Read last months news and note that the obstacle was Israeli warmongers who are determined to end Palestinians in TheGreater Israel.

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I know this isn’t an economics Substack but I do appreciate this coverage of monopolies and power

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