I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Jeremy at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival where the film "Dirty Wars" premiered (Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdDdaahMRuo). It was the most informative 30 minutes of my life. This interview provides a huge amount of insight into why he is one of the best, if not the best, investigative journalist on the planet. You add Ryan and Nausicaa along with the rest of the organization and you will understand why Drop Site News will return investigative journalism to its true mission. Providing the unvarnished truth to a deserving and fact-starved public.

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one of a kind. you guys are doing terrific work.

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I’ve been following Jeremy‘s work for decades, and I knew some of the background stories. Still, I enjoyed this interview. I appreciate the attention to current events, along with personal and historical background. When you watch this, notice how much Jeremy knows and remembers, without notes! As you reach 50 and beyond, Jeremy, live healthy and stay safe. You are a treasure to the world.

I’m looking forward to your interview of Amy Goodman.

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PS: I thought the Cheneys took up with Harris because they recognized one of their own. They're not stupid and they're probably right. That doesn't augur well for an embargo on weapons and any other pressure on Israel to cease its bestial behavior towards the Palestinians and the people of Lebanon. Or any other kind of new approach to foreign policy.

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It's such a relief to read/hear straight views, without on the one hand and on the other. Mainsstream media aren't reliable on Gaza, for example. If you open the NYT website in the morning the first thing that hits your eye is a full color picture of a recipe, or something on "wellness"--ugh.. And the news from Gaza seems minimal and way down below a lot of less important stuff. But Gaza is the central issue today. Mainstream media have become lazy, decadent.

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Nader Stein Stein Stein voter on the west coast of Wisconsin, I have thrown elections for decades . New here, I have followed alt media for as long as it has been airing. WORT FM Madison. I own books, I subscribed to magazines. I have worn birkenstocks, also German American settler farmers' daughter on Ho Chunk land, 1964 boomer/genx cusp. I am not crunchy. Glad to be here .

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Came to fangirl about Scahill stayed to fangirl about Amy Goodman

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I have the deepest respect and admiration for Jeremy Scahill and his forebears! I support more working class journalism! Shame on journalists not covering the truth of Palestine, of Lebanon, of the looming possibility of a larger War no one should ignore.

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This was an excellent interview. Jeremy Scahill is such a great journalist!

I did, however, note that at around the 60 minute mark there were some sort of obtuse references to The Intercept. I'm not sure what led to Scahill and Grim leaving The Intercept, but I want it to be clear that The Intercept continues to do outstanding journalism, and we need more of it in these dire times. Here's an October 24, 2024 article published on the impact AIPAC is having on our elections. It's the best article I've seen on the subject to date.

I hope that The Intercept - as well as Drop Site News and Zeteo - continues to deliver well researched and important journalism for many, many years to come. And, I hope that whatever issues led to Scahill and Grim leaving don't prevent them from acknowledging and promoting The Intercept's excellent work.

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The amount of passion that Jeremy has when he speaks is tangible.

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" And you know, these elites are corrupt, and they might be inveigled into making some deal with Israel, but their people are furious. I mean, Americans have no idea, because our news system is broken, and so what’s going on in the Middle East is not actually being reported on." Juan Cole


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"And you know, these elites are corrupt, and they might be inveigled into making some deal with Israel, but their people are furious. I mean, Americans have no idea, because our news system is broken, and so what’s going on in the Middle East is not actually being reported on." Juan Cole


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I can’t remember the year, but I saw Jeremy give a talk at Madison area technical College ( might have been Edgewood college)in a small classroom with about seven to ten other people. I can’t remember the specific topic but it would have been in the heat of the Iraq war and GWOT.

I have a T-shirt of a masked person, throwing a carp and it says “don’t mess with Wisconsin”. I’ll have to check, but I had Juan Gonzalez Amy Goodman, Sharif Abdul Kadus, all sign it and I can’t remember if I ever got a Jeremy signature.

Obviously a huge fan.

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Have been following Jeremy Scahill for a long time and knowing more about how he got into the job and how he proceeds with integrity gives me a little hope that the future journalists will finally understand the true meaning of the craft. More impressive, he doesn't seem to need his ego massaged like so many independent, still reliable, journalists. Thanks for this interview.

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Excellent! You guy have the start of something really good. The next one should be Sy Hersh.

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Terrific interview. I greatly appreciate real journalism whose only allegiance is to reality as much as it can be defined.

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