Thank you for sharing truth with the world. I am sorry that my country is involved in this destruction and genocide. I wish my shame were helpful.

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Maybe our dollars can help ease some of the suffering. There are many worthy organizations that can use our help. I try to send them what I can. If we all did that, it might make a difference. The most important thing is not to do nothing.

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Trump is just a mess and shouldn't be our president!

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Genocide Joe did this with our tax dollars. Trump had nothing to do with it. And don’t waste your breath on calling me a trump supporter. I am the furthest thing from it.

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All Biden had to do was pick up the phone. Genocide Joe's supporters and those of his warmongering party should STFU.

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Trump is a vile, capitalist, imperialist, autocratic dictator, not a president. Biden is far worse.

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Feb 6Edited

Biden & his administration (Blinken) are the cause of Netanyahu's

free for all in GAZA. GENOCIDE Joe didn't get that name for lack of trying.

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So Biden was a statesman, was he? He paved the way.

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Zionist control of the US is like a cancer.

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Exactly so, funded by bottomless wealth. What is the treatment for this cancer? I think it is action by we the people, making ourselves heard not just in mail to Congress but by getting out on the street and protesting as is our right with our precious freedom of speech (while it lasts). There is no hope of change from our government, as corrupt and taken over by Zionism as it can be. Above all, Americans have to stop being afraid of the verbal spear, the false charge of antisemitism, that is so freely used as a defense of Israel.

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Very true. I have been saying for years that Israel is going to be the death of us all.

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How the hell did the WP story of Trump taking 10 million in cash from Egypt not get more traction?

I called Congress reps today. Blow up their phones. Trump freely admitted he wants to develop the land, at the expense of US taxpayers and soldiers’ lives. Call your reps and ask them why he got Egyptian money and why Jared got $2 billion from the Saudis. This plan was crafted in his first term, long before Oct 7th. Call your reps. Email them. Send postcards.

A six year old, talking about exhaustion, sleeping on rubble. For a fuckin Trump hotel. I’m so damn disgusted and weeping constantly.

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Like you were before Trump?

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Thank you, Abubaker! Keep strong, long live Gaza! 🇵🇸

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Out in front of a synagogue daily for you and your people, flying the Palestinian flag, Abubaker. My new signs that I wear can be seen here: https://substack.com/home/post/p-156510031

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I am so sorry for all the losses in Gaza. I am call my Congress rep every day to demand No more arms to Israel

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Thank you, Abubaker, ceasefire or no ceasefire; scam or no, we cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.


You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.

Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:


Please sign the petition and share widely.

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Shame on the "moral" Israel and on the "moral" United States for creating this horror.

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I’m appalled and desperately sorry the world let you and Gaza down. Absolutely shameful. The US is Israel’s pet and the rest of the world is too weak, bound by $$, to stand up to the US. We the people, are NoT represented by our governments. Stand strong - Gaza will be rebuilt again!

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Feb 6Edited

We have to throwout or vote out any politicians that are getting money

from any one of Israels stooge fronts.

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"Donald Trump should know that these living conditions are better for me than living in a castle anywhere else in the world." ❤❤❤❤❤

I wish someone could make him understand, and more importantly - CARE. It's incomprehensible that the US is not only allowing this to happen, but supporting and encouraging it.

I think many of us who pay attention to things considered the possibility over the last year and a half that this is the plan, and as each day passes, that seems more and more likely. Israel was warned about 10/7, but did nothing to prevent it. Instead, they used it as an excuse to speed up the process of emptying Gaza. I 100% wouldn't be surprised if the US and/or Israel had agents inside Hamas planting seeds and  manipulating people to make this happen (like they radicalized young Muslim men after 9/11 and MAGA after the last election).

Kushner and DJT are real estate developers. Gaza will be the new Dubai. They will get their precious money. The Jewish religious zealots will get their genocide. (HOW CAN THEY BE SO BLIND AS TO NOT SEE THAT THEY HAVE BECOME THE OPPRESSORS?!? The entire world is afraid to criticize them for fear of being accused of antisemitism, yet they are perpetrating...I.can't.even.) The Christian religious zealots will get their holy land and try to bring on judgement day.

I can only hope that people are really waking up this time. Not to the stupid woke BS of political correctness gone wild, but to how this country really works. We can't protest bc we'll lose our jobs. We can barely think bc we're glued to screens. We don't care bc we're only focused on ourselves. And that's part of the plan, too.

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A holocaust , caused by Israel .

Genocide, caused by Israel.

Dont complain about Antisemitism .

To all Jews, just suck it up.


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Yes, if the US can do this there. They can do it here.

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I hope someone would stop this genocidal regime of USrael. Or else this will be the norm. Why is the world allowing such unrepentant evil to continue?

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