Is there any Western, Arab, Muslim countries willing to really

help the Palestinians? I mean a few off course rockets sent by

Yemen is not going to get it. Boycott takes too long.

I hope thats not all the WORLD can do.

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Phenomenal reporting!! Thank you, Ryan.

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What good is it to know this if the law cannot be enforced because the empire supports this as well as genocide? I appreciate your reporting but can understand what good this knowledge is, kids are starving to death and our leaders go unpunished.

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yTirawi always delivers. Great work!

I recommend some coverage on this Dutch article about leaks of secret EU conversations about sanctions on Israel. No international coverage of it yet


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Unfortunately the EU may delay action because..

Israel is believed to have between 90 and 400 nuclear warheads. The country’s nuclear triad of delivery options includes F-15 and F-16 fighters, Dolphin-class submarine-launched cruise missiles, and the Jericho series of ballistic missiles.

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Like many, maybe most, diaspora Jews, I have tried to think this is not representative of Israel and Israeli Jews. But it is.

And $165 a day? That suggests to me that the people likely to take up this offer of work are Palestinians, not Israeli Jews.

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Uh....no. Look up the average monthly wage in Israel in 2024 and divide it by 30.5: It comes out to $120 a day. And only 24% of Israeli adults even have a college degree. I think the state propaganda has you imagining Israeli Jews as educated and prosperous beyond the actual reality. Make a third higher wage AND hurt Palestinians? Plenty of Israelis would jump at that chance.

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Help make the Holy Land holy again. The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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I seriously doubt the Pope is likely to offer himself as a possible martyr, but I wish he would surprise me. I believe the the hardhearted and unrepentant blatant criminal Zionists of their pariah state would not in the least be moved by that to act differently.

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Joy I couldn't agree more with you. As the supposed representative of Christ, Pope Francis has a moral obligation to stand with the oppressed in all of occupied Palestine. This is a profound opportunity he has to truly be in solidarity with the very people Christ was a member of. Chirst was a Palestinian. This reminds me of what Father Munther Isaac spoke of in his gut wrenching and beautiful sermon "Christ in the Rubble" where he speaks of the gospel message being tainted by so called Christians who do not stand with Palestinians during the genocide. Also for him to actually put himself in danger from zionist terrorists would truly show what it means to be in communion with the people of Gaza and all of Palestine 🇵🇸.

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The Hind Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


I think they can use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

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So Daniella Weiss, "godmother" of the violent religious extremist Israeli settler movement since the 1970s, accompanies the Housing and Construction Minister to figure how to settle Gaza. Weiss believes her God has declared the West Bank also belongs to Israel. Palestine is not welcome. And Israel's Housing and Construction Minister, in total denial of any decades old plan and actions to destroy Palestinians, says "Jewish settlement here is the answer to the terrible massacre" and the criminal charges of the ICC!! This is insanity.

Israel will never take responsibility for their violent expansionist aggression while people like this and like minded US zealots are lauded and get elected.

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Thanks to Younis Tirguri for story.

I found this about Netanyahu plans for Gaza back in May and wonder how long it has been in the wind. Would Indian workers be employed in Gaza perhaps.


India news Sept talks of recruitment of 10,000 Indian construction workers for Israel. It says that the framework for agreement was made in May 2023. Before Oct 7.


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