Netanyahu is nothing if not consistent, completely defiant and committed to "finishing the job" as he said. The state of Israel knows it is a "Baby USA," a state that can operate with impunity no matter what, because of its sheer military dominance over the rest. What a disgraceful but wholly predictable progression of events. What an idiotic, inhumane foreign policy. What a poor excuse of a "Democratic" party.

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It's getting very difficult to have sympathy for October 7th as time goes on.

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I've never had any sympathy, because the Israeli government and people have engaged in this genocide behavior for A VERY LONG TIME.

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Harris won't get my vote. I hope USA (the country I were I was born) will fall hard. Let it crash. My family has been here since the Spaniards settled in the New Mexico area with the native pueblo people. I don't care if it hurts my loved ones or anyone. I HOPE USA FAILS AND FALLS INTO A COMPLETE DEPRESSION SS MANY ARE SAYING IT WILL. SO BE IT.

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You might be my neighbor. The US is digging itself into a hole where it inevitably must fail. Tax dollars are not going to maintain the integrity of civil society. It’s going to weaponry that is not defensive. To tax cuts to persons and corporations of immense wealth who buy elections. To propping up fossil fuel extraction that’s degrading and poisoning the environment while accelerating climate change. All while ramping up unsustainable debt. It’s got to crumble.

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Everyone sending those checks to Kamala because she’s so much better than Joe? Doug Emhoff will be upset if he figures out she married him for his money and not his Zionist leanings. Yeah , right. The Israeli US response to the October 7th attack should have pulled back the curtain on both Democrats and Republicans. But folks still haven’t gotten the memo. None of us have the government we thought we had. Gaza has revealed the duopoly is actually a purple monopoly.

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Although Gaza still is the most urgent issue, and we cannot turn our eyes from them, there is another grevious situation in the increasing settler violence and land confiscation in the West Bank, aka illegally Occupied Territory. There are some, too few, organizations trying to help, at least up until this most grevious situation in the West Bank, this week, where there is an actual military invasion by Israel, with public officials threatening the same death and destruction as in Gaza.

There are those inside Israel who stand for justice and humanity, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


For factual information:



And there are more.

Please feel free to add them in the reply.

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UN legal expert on Palestine Albanese says .... "Israel has no claim to self defense when engaged in an unlawful invasion. In July, the International Court of Justice issued a ruling reaffirming that Israel’s presence in the West Bank is illegal." Harris/Biden would know this yet they continue to illegally supply bombs and weaponry to Netanyahu. This isn't just about Israel. It's about American interests in the Middle East, including trade routes and fossil fuels oil and gas. There are world financial interests moven into the area.

America has military bases in UK, Ireland, throughout Europe and the world, including Australia. A big web of influence and twisted arm support for unwanted war. In Australia as everywhere there is overt suppression of protest over Gaza genocide.

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Should be "... world financial interests woven into the area". Petroleum has apparently been used for ages in parts of the world. Described as black substance oozing out of the ground. However serious exploration/drilling from around mid 1800s and subsequent discovery of large deposits particularly in Mid East. From what I've read big reason for WW1 was control of oil resources. "Concessions" to drill were given at this time to different UK European US players. The gains/spoils of war and imperialism.

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Outstanding reporting and so very frustrating. As a U.S. citizen it is a challenge to maintain my outrage at the atrocities being visited upon the Palestinian people on a daily basis. I see more and more people becoming numb to this ongoing devastation. Sadly, we can only anticipate our future leaders allowing this to continue.

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I am so disgusted with the Democrats. I'm a life-long Democrat who is not voting for Harris. Illinois is a blue state, of course. So you could say that's easy for me to do. But 40,000 plus dead Palestinians doesn't even register with Harris. She's always talking about the 100 hostages - as if is the most important issue. AIPAC must be joyous. Until electoral reform comes to pass, the U.S political system is the m most corrupt in the world. Democracy Indeed!

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Hear, hear! 💯 #truth!

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, in memory of Hind Rajab, or Dr Jumann Afra, the mother of newborn twins killed by Israel using US bombs.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Signed! Shukran Mvto Yakoke Wado Thank you 🙏

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Biden Harris, State Department, and Pentagon say no knowledge of the atrocities condemned by the ICJ in occupied Palestine, but their actions with increased weapon shipments in August say otherwise, and have throughout this funded aided and owned genocide.

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I am deeply disappointed in Harris’ absolutism toward Israel’s invasions. Hamas has not helped its own people by denying Israel’s right to exist, but it becomes clearer to me that Israel regards Gaza and the West Bank as part of their own country. The new administration, if it is led by Harris, needs to revisit our national interest if suicide bombings do resume.

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It's so galling that the U.S. State Department, a division of the DOD, plays deaf, dumb and blind on everything Israel. Would FDR have stood by "our good friend Germany" like this? (Maybe so, since it took an attack by Japan to wake up to tyranny.)

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I have a request. Trusting you as an impeccable source doesn't equate to having time to take in a long, detailed report. Adding shortish summaries to you long reports will deprive us us of much of your brilliance but will let us become a larger wised-up community.

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Why does nobody question the methods the Israeli uses to fight terrorism? Did the UK destroy roads in Northern Ireland when fighting the IRA? Did France bomb the Banlieue around Paris after the attack on Charlie Hebdo? Of course not. It is time to question every single move the Israeli forces do because they are accustomed to impunity.

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I don't blame them for reprising suicide bombings, a tactic not only of Palestinians. And such bombings can happen anywhere in the world. The chickens will come home...

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I've been saying for a long time, supporting violence like Israel commits is a direct danger to the American people. Nobody who refuses to uphold the principles of the American myth in all of our actions around the world can be called a patriot.

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