I remember last fall some people wanted the Houthis nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for trying to end Israel’s war on the Palestinians. I think the Houthis would stop their attacks on Israel if there was a ceasefire but Israel doesn’t want one. The Houthis are the biggest defenders of the Palestinians and I admire their grit and determination.

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Iran Cuba Venezuela China India Pakistan Russia etal....a level playing field to play on sandbox earth. If only the UN was respected by all nation states and all equal. Maybe than there would be a chance thru dialogue and debate for a much better world than present.

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What does it take for the US to give Israel a RED LIGHT?

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In obligating American citizens in America living in 38 states to sign loyalty oaths to a foreign nation that takes away these citizens' first amendment rights, the politicos of two cartel parties have violated their pledge to defend the Constitution and sold rights to Israel to shadow-govern American citizens. There is no red light. If one appeared, it would be for sale too.

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There is a light at the end of the tunnel. What color who knows?

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Does Israel EVER think about just having a 'sit down' chit chat with others in the neighborhood?? Constant killing solves nothing!!

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Diplomacy seems to be a lost art of the Biden/Netanyahu administration.

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The Hind Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They can use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

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JFK evolved to being against assassinations of foreign leaders, and shortly after he took office was appalled at the murder of Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected head of the Congo, the CIA and colonial Belgian interests. He felt such assassinations only invite retribution.

If the US continues to allow this, we're inviting another 9/11 and probably worse. 9/12 would never have happened if justice had been extended to the Arab world, particularly the Palestinians.

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Combatants for Peace, https://cfpeace.org In the USA, you can support through the American Friends of Combatants for Peace at https://www.afcfp.org

This Israeli organization is made up of former soldiers and fighters, both Israelis and Palestinians who have turned their life efforts towards peace. They can use your help.

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Is there noone to stop Israel from slaughtering with impunity?! It puts me in a fit! they do whatever they think of and want!

Carol Benson

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It's only a matter of time before this all spins up into something beyond tragic. And "world leaders" continue to look the other way. We humans truly are a failed species.

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The cancer of Zionism grows metastasizing to Yemen_ Iran_ Syria_ Lebanon_ Gaza_the Arab world_and even into the halls of Congress. Time to cut this cancer out.

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Giving the brain dead massive bombs,arms and intelligence with your tax dollars is Brain Dead, too. We are the only ones who can stop this Holocaust.

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Israhellis are so braindead

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