Israel says President Donald Trump green lit a scorched-earth bombing of Gaza that wiped out entire families and killed dozens of infants and other children.
I will *never* support Israel. And the fact that we’re having basic first amendment rights challenged for THIS government? It’s pure insanity. With Trump openly saying kill them all, what can we do besides encouraging the rest of the world to divest from the U.S. in any way that they can? Why are these fucking assholes making me root for the downfall of my country’s place in the world?
You can support Israel and still stand against Netanyahu and his extremists. It’s beyond tragic that survivors of the camps are continuing the vicious cycle, as the victims become the victimizers.
It is so hard to understand why people who have been victims of fascism can turn around and become fascists themselves. Moreover, they insist that they are still victims when that is clearly not true.
How are Jews victims of fascism? Fascism and Nazism are not the same thing. Fascism is an authoritarian nationalist ideology, while Nazism is a specific racial ideology built around genocide. Jews were victims of Nazism, not fascism in general.
I agree that the Israeli government has fascist traits, but linking these two things doesn’t serve any real purpose. What you’re essentially saying is: How can a society that was oppressed by an authoritarian regime end up creating its own authoritarian regime that oppresses others? The answer is simple—this is a common occurrence throughout history.
Yes, this is a time when we all must own the collective guilt for the inhumane and illegal actions done by our governments in our name. Doesn’t matter if we didn’t vote for it, the world sees the whole, not individual citizens. We get to face the same repercussions as those who landed us in this insanity, because INFLATION!
How, Teri? The country was founded on ethnic cleansing. It’s reigns with a violent occupation. Peace and justice will only be achieved by the death of Zionism and the modern genocidal state of Israel.
I have seen no evidence that this is some small inner circle around Netanyahu. Rather, this savagery has forced me to call into question not only how deep this venom goes, but everything that goes into allowing it to exist. The money, the weapons, the diplomatic cover at the U.N, the pressure campaigns from the U.S. on the ICC and ICJ, the propaganda that this foreign nation is an ally despite everything pointing to the contrary, the fact that there are laws in the majority of U.S. states that prevent me from openly boycotting this ONE nation, and the outright McCarthy style fear mongering and illegal repression of basic first amendment rights makes the idea that I could ever, in good conscience, support ANY government responsible for so much evil seem like a nonstarter in my lifetime.
But hey, things change. Maybe Israel will oust their modern day Nazi party members, give back all of the stolen land, pay to rebuild Gaza, jail everyone that made this genocide happen, actively seek to end their apartheid system, sign peace deals with all of those around them, and stop spending millions of dollars in U.S. politics to allow actual opposition.
And I’ve never known any entity, human or organization, that willingly admits guilt or voluntarily makes restitution to its victims. That’s what legal systems are supposed to do, if they’re not stressed to the breaking point, and ours is just about there. 🤬
You totally nailed it! The utter lack of a moral compass in Netanyahu and the RW settlers is horrifying, and the Felon is their top cheerleader. I loathe what the Israeli regime is doing to the Palestinians, and I know there is support for these atrocities. I don’t support what our gov’t is doing either, and there must be Israelis who are outraged at the crimes against humanity that their gov’t is committing in their name. The world is teetering on the edge of the abyss.
I sympathise with you I get so angry to think that the Jews in general are doing this, it’s beyond belief after the Nazi holocaust that they would be worse than Hitler. Some one like Netanyahu should be gassed for the memory of tens of thousands of children and their mothers that he murdered
This is a very dark time for we Americans and humanity, that is if humanity still exists. My thanks go out to Abubaker for his courage. I pray for his safety.
The Israeli and USA regimes need to be stopped NOW. Our way of life (democracy/the rule of law/respect of the earth and all spp. within) is being threatened/bullied out of existence. If we don't stop these 2 regimes to hell we all go.
Ceasefire or no ceasefire; scam or no, we cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.
You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.
Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:
I understand that the US is totally corrupt and that it promotes murder and genocide to generate profits for a few multi-national arms manufactures. OK, I get it. But the part I simply cannot comprehend is that the rest of the world stands by and does nothing: it looks away. The only theory I have been able to accept is that Homo Sapiens, that’s us, all of us, are a failed species, and we are not, nor ever will be capable of better. Anthropogenic climate disruption, brought about by this failed species of “we the people”, is coming for us all. And it will be here soon. Self-generated, collective punishment.
Ed, the rest of the World stands by because they are either paid off by an outfit like AIPAC, (Britain, France, Germany) has their own version or have business dealing with Israel. As per usual, it’s all about money
Our only failure as human beings is our blind adherence to the Supremacist death cult of Judeo-Christianity, the killingest ideology in world history by many tens of millions more innocent slaughtered. Humans aren't bad, but Abrahamism is factually the greatest evil on earth, based on their massive kill counts. The devout Calvinist Capitalists ( born of the same Supremacist screed) are giving them a run for their money. The problem isn't humans. The problem is horrific lack of thought in the face of evil ideology. Eradicate all Abrahamic being. Friends don't let friends believe all that Judeo-Christian Supremacist bullshit.
How can the most overpopulated, most dominant animal be a failed species?
Humans (Homo sapiens) are extremely successful—maybe too much. Weird that you acknowledge we are animals but then expect something better from a bunch of hairless monkeys with 2.5 times more neurons than other primates and the ability to sweat.
Honestly, our dominance as a species is only accelerating. I don’t know if you keep up with scientific advancements, but a bunch of really smart monkeys are figuring out some insane things.
The problem isn’t Homo sapiens itself—it’s just the natural behavior of social and territorial animals. Expecting humans to suddenly abandon conflict and hierarchy is like expecting war ants to stop raiding and enslaving other colonies. This is just our behavioral pattern.
(Disclaimer: Yes, I know "monkey" isn’t accurate—it should be "hominid," but "monkey" is funnier.)
Trump, just like Netanyahu, has no interest in the cease fire. They are both terrorists and war criminals! Netanyahu has broken the cease fire multiple times, and is now restricting aid workers from entering the area. I continue to say, “where is the world?!” If these were white people being slaughtered, you would see many countries coming to the rescue. This behavior by Israel is especially monstrous considering their history with the Nazis. Never again means Never again!!
Monsters and scoundrels have hidden behind masks of religious sanctity since before the dawn of history. This is not a new racket- it's been around forever.
I am old enough to remember the days when the Klu Klux Klan was an active social and political force. The most violent rhetoric I ever heard from white racists during the 1950's and '60's pales beside the statements I have heard from Zionists and their apologists during the past two years, and that I continue to read on social media up to this very day.
If Zionists would dial their racism down to mere Klu Klux Klan levels, even that would be an improvement.
DAWN has urged the ICC prosecutor to investigate and prosecute former President Biden, State Secretary Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin for their personal roles in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Gaza as part of his ongoing investigation into the situations in Palestine since 2014.
I grit my teeth when various members of Congress and academics excoriate Putin’s actions in Ukraine, with nary a word about the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide. Not to my surprise, I was branded a Putin lover when I opined that Netanyahu is far worse than Putin, but my critics were strangely silent when I asked them to compare Kyiv to Rafah. With a pitiful number of exceptions, U.S. politicians are owned by Israel, and America has become Israel’s client state - not the reverse.
I will never apologize for voting against every candidate who backed Israel. And I will never understand why my First Amendment rights are being taken away for daring to criticize a genocidal, apartheid regime, when I’m free to criticize every country in the world, including my own.
The huge difference for me is that Netanyahu is killing others with relatively low casualties on the Israeli side—only a few hundred dead soldiers and many wounded. That’s nothing compared to what Putin and Russia are doing. Just look at how they treat their own people. I still have videos on my phone of Russian military blocking units shooting their own soldiers trying to retreat.
Both are monsters. Somehow, I’m more fine with a monster killing others than one slaughtering its own people—the ones it’s actually responsible for.
Hell on earth. Netynahu and Trump two monstrous instigators
Absolute monsters…
They’re just going to keep killing.
I will *never* support Israel. And the fact that we’re having basic first amendment rights challenged for THIS government? It’s pure insanity. With Trump openly saying kill them all, what can we do besides encouraging the rest of the world to divest from the U.S. in any way that they can? Why are these fucking assholes making me root for the downfall of my country’s place in the world?
Sorry, I’m just at such a loss right now.
Its hard for me to come to terms with my country taking part in this horrible GENOCIDE.
Yes Charlie, we are all feeling at a loss, it’s beyond heartbreaking
You can support Israel and still stand against Netanyahu and his extremists. It’s beyond tragic that survivors of the camps are continuing the vicious cycle, as the victims become the victimizers.
Humans never seem to learn.
At least 60% - 70% of Israelis support their government. It isn’t just extremists. I will never support Israel.
It is so hard to understand why people who have been victims of fascism can turn around and become fascists themselves. Moreover, they insist that they are still victims when that is clearly not true.
How are Jews victims of fascism? Fascism and Nazism are not the same thing. Fascism is an authoritarian nationalist ideology, while Nazism is a specific racial ideology built around genocide. Jews were victims of Nazism, not fascism in general.
I agree that the Israeli government has fascist traits, but linking these two things doesn’t serve any real purpose. What you’re essentially saying is: How can a society that was oppressed by an authoritarian regime end up creating its own authoritarian regime that oppresses others? The answer is simple—this is a common occurrence throughout history.
More like 96% of Jews in Israel
Yes, this is a time when we all must own the collective guilt for the inhumane and illegal actions done by our governments in our name. Doesn’t matter if we didn’t vote for it, the world sees the whole, not individual citizens. We get to face the same repercussions as those who landed us in this insanity, because INFLATION!
How, Teri? The country was founded on ethnic cleansing. It’s reigns with a violent occupation. Peace and justice will only be achieved by the death of Zionism and the modern genocidal state of Israel.
I have seen no evidence that this is some small inner circle around Netanyahu. Rather, this savagery has forced me to call into question not only how deep this venom goes, but everything that goes into allowing it to exist. The money, the weapons, the diplomatic cover at the U.N, the pressure campaigns from the U.S. on the ICC and ICJ, the propaganda that this foreign nation is an ally despite everything pointing to the contrary, the fact that there are laws in the majority of U.S. states that prevent me from openly boycotting this ONE nation, and the outright McCarthy style fear mongering and illegal repression of basic first amendment rights makes the idea that I could ever, in good conscience, support ANY government responsible for so much evil seem like a nonstarter in my lifetime.
But hey, things change. Maybe Israel will oust their modern day Nazi party members, give back all of the stolen land, pay to rebuild Gaza, jail everyone that made this genocide happen, actively seek to end their apartheid system, sign peace deals with all of those around them, and stop spending millions of dollars in U.S. politics to allow actual opposition.
And I’ve never known any entity, human or organization, that willingly admits guilt or voluntarily makes restitution to its victims. That’s what legal systems are supposed to do, if they’re not stressed to the breaking point, and ours is just about there. 🤬
You totally nailed it! The utter lack of a moral compass in Netanyahu and the RW settlers is horrifying, and the Felon is their top cheerleader. I loathe what the Israeli regime is doing to the Palestinians, and I know there is support for these atrocities. I don’t support what our gov’t is doing either, and there must be Israelis who are outraged at the crimes against humanity that their gov’t is committing in their name. The world is teetering on the edge of the abyss.
I sympathise with you I get so angry to think that the Jews in general are doing this, it’s beyond belief after the Nazi holocaust that they would be worse than Hitler. Some one like Netanyahu should be gassed for the memory of tens of thousands of children and their mothers that he murdered
My heart goes out to the suffering Palestinians as my hatred grows for the monsters of zionism.
Take it to the streets.
Your heart isn't enough.
We need regime change.
This is a very dark time for we Americans and humanity, that is if humanity still exists. My thanks go out to Abubaker for his courage. I pray for his safety.
Netanyahu and Trump are committing genocide and should be arrested for war crimes.
Biden too
This is genocide and trump is making it happen, along with Netanyahu. Two very evil men, and there are more.
The Israeli and USA regimes need to be stopped NOW. Our way of life (democracy/the rule of law/respect of the earth and all spp. within) is being threatened/bullied out of existence. If we don't stop these 2 regimes to hell we all go.
Refuse Fascism
Oppose Oppression
dear comrades
Ceasefire or no ceasefire; scam or no, we cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.
You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.
Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:
Please sign the petition and share widely.
I understand that the US is totally corrupt and that it promotes murder and genocide to generate profits for a few multi-national arms manufactures. OK, I get it. But the part I simply cannot comprehend is that the rest of the world stands by and does nothing: it looks away. The only theory I have been able to accept is that Homo Sapiens, that’s us, all of us, are a failed species, and we are not, nor ever will be capable of better. Anthropogenic climate disruption, brought about by this failed species of “we the people”, is coming for us all. And it will be here soon. Self-generated, collective punishment.
Ed, the rest of the World stands by because they are either paid off by an outfit like AIPAC, (Britain, France, Germany) has their own version or have business dealing with Israel. As per usual, it’s all about money
Our only failure as human beings is our blind adherence to the Supremacist death cult of Judeo-Christianity, the killingest ideology in world history by many tens of millions more innocent slaughtered. Humans aren't bad, but Abrahamism is factually the greatest evil on earth, based on their massive kill counts. The devout Calvinist Capitalists ( born of the same Supremacist screed) are giving them a run for their money. The problem isn't humans. The problem is horrific lack of thought in the face of evil ideology. Eradicate all Abrahamic being. Friends don't let friends believe all that Judeo-Christian Supremacist bullshit.
You are aware that Islam is an Abrahamic faith, right?
How can the most overpopulated, most dominant animal be a failed species?
Humans (Homo sapiens) are extremely successful—maybe too much. Weird that you acknowledge we are animals but then expect something better from a bunch of hairless monkeys with 2.5 times more neurons than other primates and the ability to sweat.
Honestly, our dominance as a species is only accelerating. I don’t know if you keep up with scientific advancements, but a bunch of really smart monkeys are figuring out some insane things.
The problem isn’t Homo sapiens itself—it’s just the natural behavior of social and territorial animals. Expecting humans to suddenly abandon conflict and hierarchy is like expecting war ants to stop raiding and enslaving other colonies. This is just our behavioral pattern.
(Disclaimer: Yes, I know "monkey" isn’t accurate—it should be "hominid," but "monkey" is funnier.)
Trump, just like Netanyahu, has no interest in the cease fire. They are both terrorists and war criminals! Netanyahu has broken the cease fire multiple times, and is now restricting aid workers from entering the area. I continue to say, “where is the world?!” If these were white people being slaughtered, you would see many countries coming to the rescue. This behavior by Israel is especially monstrous considering their history with the Nazis. Never again means Never again!!
Monsters and scoundrels have hidden behind masks of religious sanctity since before the dawn of history. This is not a new racket- it's been around forever.
I am old enough to remember the days when the Klu Klux Klan was an active social and political force. The most violent rhetoric I ever heard from white racists during the 1950's and '60's pales beside the statements I have heard from Zionists and their apologists during the past two years, and that I continue to read on social media up to this very day.
If Zionists would dial their racism down to mere Klu Klux Klan levels, even that would be an improvement.
DAWN has urged the ICC prosecutor to investigate and prosecute former President Biden, State Secretary Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin for their personal roles in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Gaza as part of his ongoing investigation into the situations in Palestine since 2014.
Let’s give them our support. Maybe they can expand their complaint to include this latest US administration.
I grit my teeth when various members of Congress and academics excoriate Putin’s actions in Ukraine, with nary a word about the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide. Not to my surprise, I was branded a Putin lover when I opined that Netanyahu is far worse than Putin, but my critics were strangely silent when I asked them to compare Kyiv to Rafah. With a pitiful number of exceptions, U.S. politicians are owned by Israel, and America has become Israel’s client state - not the reverse.
I will never apologize for voting against every candidate who backed Israel. And I will never understand why my First Amendment rights are being taken away for daring to criticize a genocidal, apartheid regime, when I’m free to criticize every country in the world, including my own.
What if we compare Bakhmut to Rafah?
The huge difference for me is that Netanyahu is killing others with relatively low casualties on the Israeli side—only a few hundred dead soldiers and many wounded. That’s nothing compared to what Putin and Russia are doing. Just look at how they treat their own people. I still have videos on my phone of Russian military blocking units shooting their own soldiers trying to retreat.
Both are monsters. Somehow, I’m more fine with a monster killing others than one slaughtering its own people—the ones it’s actually responsible for.
your news rips me apart,
i ask myself, am i human? if i am...HOW can i possibly sit here in comfort while your people are left starving then blown to pieces
while senators schumer and gillibrand refuse to even speak to us
government has FAILED humanity
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”
Petition for the immediate release of Mahmoud Khalil who was kidnapped from Columbia University.