Steered by a "right-wing Zionist" organization, the campaign is using facial-recognition technology to intimidate and out activists demonstrating against Israel
I am a white American male who holds an anti-Zionist vigil, alone, on public property in front of a synagogue. I carry signs, one says Palestinian lives matter (the synagogue has a banner that says Black Lives Matter) and one that says Zionism rejects Liberty and Justice for All - Reject Zionism, it is Un-American. I have been on this vigil for over two months. All the power of Zionist wealth, all the efforts as described for face recognition are impotent to suppress my act of freedom of speech. I invite anyone to come up and talk to me and I do not hesitate to give my name, Clif Brown, and to maintain a website of 14 years that is anti-Zionist:
Though I am certainly not Superman, I do stand for truth, justice and the American Way.
Because Zionism grips our government tightly, we the people must break the grip from below. I encourage Americans, in particular retirees like me who are not subject to threats to their employment, or expulsion from school, to get out on the street and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Timidity in the face of false claims of antisemitism must end. I want my country back from its hypocritical support of ethnic cleansing Israel. This can't be done by a cowering population too frightened to stand up for liberty and justice for all. I am not afraid of "The Eagle" and stand with the long suffering natives of Palestine.
Bonnie, I had a long back and forth with a local newspaper editor here about anonymity. He insisted it is precious because it protects people who might whistleblow from being afraid to post something. He went so far as to threaten to silence my (online) comments at his site if any of them disparaged anonymity.
I yield to his point that there can be a good use for anonymity, as in the famous case of "deepthroat", but the overwhelming use of it is to free a person from taking responsibility for what they say. One can lie, insult, denounce, spew hatred freely; write things that one would be ashamed to say in person, be a troll with impunity. I think that's the case almost all the time online and a big reason some sites decide to kill comments because so much of it is high school stuff at best, sewage at worst, chasing away those who look for thought in comments.
Now here's an interesting footnote. After deciding to start my vigil, I contacted this same editor, told him what I was doing, certainly not in anonymity, and suggested that because I am likely the only American in the entire country doing what I am doing, that he as a journalist might report on it in the interest of his readers who may wonder what this guy is doing flying a Palestinian flag in front of a synagogue. Though on the newspaper site he brags of journalistic cred, he did not respond to me.
He is not alone, the press considers what I am doing untouchable, trembling at the thought of angry readers throwing the verbal spear of "antisemite!" that I mentioned above at both me and any newspaper reporting what I am doing. The grip of Zionism is tight!
The US has been Israel's apologist and proxy for decades of aggression on the global south, so this collaboration on US soil is not surprising. Israel's evil arsenal is field-tested on Palestinians to maintain apartheid, so this weaponry will be effective when turned on Americans too. Sounds like a 'home goal'?
This story has everything- right wing terrorists backed by Fetterman out to kill the First Amendment, the nanny state doxxing student and professors taking a knee for Gaza, the genocidal authority running scared of five year old Hind Rajab’s memory, and an ultra Jewish impersonator, from Tyre, running a face recognition AI company to help the Donald deport student visas. Totally bizarro New York I was wondering when the Mayor would do his cameo on a perp walk.
I am a white American male who holds an anti-Zionist vigil, alone, on public property in front of a synagogue. I carry signs, one says Palestinian lives matter (the synagogue has a banner that says Black Lives Matter) and one that says Zionism rejects Liberty and Justice for All - Reject Zionism, it is Un-American. I have been on this vigil for over two months. All the power of Zionist wealth, all the efforts as described for face recognition are impotent to suppress my act of freedom of speech. I invite anyone to come up and talk to me and I do not hesitate to give my name, Clif Brown, and to maintain a website of 14 years that is anti-Zionist:
Though I am certainly not Superman, I do stand for truth, justice and the American Way.
Because Zionism grips our government tightly, we the people must break the grip from below. I encourage Americans, in particular retirees like me who are not subject to threats to their employment, or expulsion from school, to get out on the street and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Timidity in the face of false claims of antisemitism must end. I want my country back from its hypocritical support of ethnic cleansing Israel. This can't be done by a cowering population too frightened to stand up for liberty and justice for all. I am not afraid of "The Eagle" and stand with the long suffering natives of Palestine.
I stand with you, Clif. And am also committed to the accountability that comes with signing our names to what we write. Bonnie Blodgett
Bonnie, I had a long back and forth with a local newspaper editor here about anonymity. He insisted it is precious because it protects people who might whistleblow from being afraid to post something. He went so far as to threaten to silence my (online) comments at his site if any of them disparaged anonymity.
I yield to his point that there can be a good use for anonymity, as in the famous case of "deepthroat", but the overwhelming use of it is to free a person from taking responsibility for what they say. One can lie, insult, denounce, spew hatred freely; write things that one would be ashamed to say in person, be a troll with impunity. I think that's the case almost all the time online and a big reason some sites decide to kill comments because so much of it is high school stuff at best, sewage at worst, chasing away those who look for thought in comments.
Now here's an interesting footnote. After deciding to start my vigil, I contacted this same editor, told him what I was doing, certainly not in anonymity, and suggested that because I am likely the only American in the entire country doing what I am doing, that he as a journalist might report on it in the interest of his readers who may wonder what this guy is doing flying a Palestinian flag in front of a synagogue. Though on the newspaper site he brags of journalistic cred, he did not respond to me.
He is not alone, the press considers what I am doing untouchable, trembling at the thought of angry readers throwing the verbal spear of "antisemite!" that I mentioned above at both me and any newspaper reporting what I am doing. The grip of Zionism is tight!
Well done Clif! The US won't get itself out of the mess it's in until there are a LOT more like you.
Bravo, Clif. We need millions more like you.
The US has been Israel's apologist and proxy for decades of aggression on the global south, so this collaboration on US soil is not surprising. Israel's evil arsenal is field-tested on Palestinians to maintain apartheid, so this weaponry will be effective when turned on Americans too. Sounds like a 'home goal'?
Kreepy, with a kapital K.
This story has everything- right wing terrorists backed by Fetterman out to kill the First Amendment, the nanny state doxxing student and professors taking a knee for Gaza, the genocidal authority running scared of five year old Hind Rajab’s memory, and an ultra Jewish impersonator, from Tyre, running a face recognition AI company to help the Donald deport student visas. Totally bizarro New York I was wondering when the Mayor would do his cameo on a perp walk.
Is this why they refer to these Zionist "kreeps" as "Hitler's bastard offspring"?
When Americans play, connect the dots. We thugs enabling thugs here and over there.