Will a consortium of world nations not join together to oppose the evil and unjust rogue nation the US has become?

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What would it be like if Biden and Blinken were charged with war crimes?

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And why have they not? The world is afraid of the huge military machine that is US diplomacy. Even Turkey, who has been outspoken on the Gaza genocide is blocking an aid ship in its port. The ICC took the first steps to advance arrest warrants but they were never issued. The whole world seems frozen first by the Trump administration and now the good guy Biden is a genocide enabler and war sycophant. The current US election offers two crazy voting choices and an alternative that is a protest vote. No good outcome either way. Gaza is a sacrifice to hegemony. My heart and mind breaks.

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Well said. It’s a shame because the majority of us don’t want this, even with all the propaganda they throw our way nothing will erase the images I’ve seen since October 7th. I can only imagine what they were doing before I was paying attention. My heart burns with rage every time I hear “Israel has a right to defend itself” when this is what the “defense” looks like. This needs to stop and if Kamala can’t see that then I sure as shit am not voting for her.

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You said it - US diplomacy these days is the military machine. How anyone can respect these monsters in the Biden administration and the Democratic Party is beyond me. Presumably they simply don't have what the rest of us would call a conscience.

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The Israeli and Us regimes are the excrement of Satan...the Palestinians and all who support their just cause are the nectar of humanity! Jeff.

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Both regimes are paid for with Zionist money.

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If my r/l friends are any example, I’m willing to bet that most Americans have no clue about most of these atrocities. They get 100 percent of their “news” from corporate media, which have whitewashed not only Israel’s atrocities, but also the role of the United States in supporting them. Any attempts I’ve made to clue people in are quickly met with “But Trump”.

Thank you for writing this.

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ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL. In America our fight back against our own country the USA, will be Not TO PAY OUR TAXES IN 2025. We need to do this because this government isn't listening. We don't support USA HEGEMONY. We want to stop funding Israel and we definitely don't support the killing of innocent civilians.

Having said that things are not good in the US. Besides most large companies firing people left and right, now large businesses are closing such as Walmart, Amazon ,and many smaller businesses. There aren't any jobs! People are fiing for unemployment benefits. We can't afford our food and basic stuff. Families can't afford to go to restaurants, we can't afford to spend money recklessly. From what I am hearing we have to be weary of our BANKS!... Of all things. It's unbelievable we are living through these times. I don't know how this going to end. THE WORLD HATES THE UNITED STATES AND I DON'T BLAME THEM. I HATE IT ALSO. DO WE NEED TO TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST OUR OWN GOVERNMENT?

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The world knows there are good people like you in America. Lots of govts suck. US and Israel just excel at disgusting now.

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Its a fight against zionist control of the US and Israel is

thier home town.

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You left out capitalism, the corporate control of our government. All they care about where else they can make the buck. That's it. There's no care for human beings or protecting nature. Not all of them are Zionists. Their being is the 💵.

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Yeah but the zionists are the apogee of the capitalist game.

They are at all the pressure points and they have a group agenda.

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It’s not just the zionists unfortunately, look at Saudi Arabia and all the businesses that have captured our government. The Master Planners are winning

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I hope the Arab organize and send Israel to hell, where it belongs. There is no room on our planet for people who behave like this.

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We cannot solve this with violence. We need to arrest Bibi and everyone involved with this genocide, including the TikTok soldiers. We need peace not complete annihilation of another group! I feel your pain truly, but violence only begets more violence.

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Its disgusting how greedy for Israeli money and cheap oil is the US and the UK?

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Nobel War Prize

This year, in order to reflect the realities of the world we live in, we are introducing a Nobel War Prize. This Prize is designed to recognize exceptional brutality in the conduct of war and the elevation of self defense to genocide.

Third prize goes to Russia for its invasion and killing and destruction in Ukraine.

Second prize goes jointly to the Sudanese government and the Rapid Support Forces for their indiscriminate brutality and the displacement of over one million people.

First prize is awarded jointly to Israel and the United States. The systematic, calculated brutality of the Israeli Defense Forces, made possible with American weapons and unconditional support, is unmatched by any evil of modern times excepting only the Holocaust.

This Prize is based in part upon the following activities:

1. Killing over 45,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and untold thousands who suffered and died under the rubble.

2. The wide spread and indiscriminate bombing of civilian residences under the pretense of killing Hamas operatives who were hiding in these homes.

3. The targeting and destruction of hospitals, killing, imprisoning and torturing medical personnel, targeting ambulances and rescue workers, cutting off medical services to those maimed by the bombings.

4. The targeted killing of journalists to prevent exposing the atrocities to the world.

5. The intentional destruction of a majority of the buildings in Gaza.

6. Targeting schools, relief agencies and mosques.

7. Bombing “safe” routes and refugee encampments.

8. Demanding repeated evacuations from unsafe places to unsafe places.

9. Preventing water, food, fuel and medical supplies from entering Gaza, causing starvation and spreading disease.

10. Israeli Defense Forces laughing at the humiliation of helpless of Palestinians and making a game of killing and wounding defenseless people.

Due to the refusal of Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden to appear in person to accept their Prize, it is being awarded in absentia.

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Hey hang on the Israelies and the US are going for 1st place

next year.. Just wait till they add up the slaughtered in Lebanon,

Yehmen, Syria and maybe an all out with Iran..You can't say they aren't

trying. OH and throw in the UN countries on that line in Lebanon.

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Jeremiah...say it like it is man! Fabulous post...right on!

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I can't bear it. What else can we do? I go to the weekly local vigil, and I write to Joe and Kamala, and I give money to various groups. It feels insane that we can't stop this.

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Boycott Chevron. Israel’s source for fueling attack aircraft , provided by the USA.

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Here's something we can support, The Hind Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


I think they might could use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

Here's something else:

There are those inside Israel who stand for justice and humanity, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians. We need to give them all the support we can. They are taking huge risks.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


CfP’s Solidarity in Action Campaign: https://drove.com/.2Mcf

For factual information:


Teach-in Network educating for justice


Gush Shalom has been on the side of peace for many years:


New Israel Fund






Christian organisations:






Jewish organisations:



If now now


These are only some of the courageous groups working for justice in Palestine. They all need y/our support now, perhaps more than ever. How can we allow this to continue?

And we can vote for third-party candidates. Anything else is a waste of your time/our vote.

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Thanks for the list of organizations. I already give to some of them, and I'll look at them and consider adding some.

I'm going to push back on voting third party. Bibi is Trump's good friend. He wants Trump to win. There's even a theory that he's expanding the war to make it harder for Kamala to win. Why should we go out of our way to help Bibi? Vote for Kamala and upset Bibi.

And then harass her unmercifully.

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She has repeatedly shown who she is. She is willing to lose this election to Trump over her support for Israeli aggression. Her husband is a Zionist who immediately travelled the country to tamp down on university campus protests and labeling them as anti-Semitic. Third party voting is something that has been hardwired into our thinking as a vote to manifest the worse of two evils. It is a last act of protest.

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The problem is Kamala shows no signs of breaking from Biden’s Israel policy. That’s why I’m voting for Jill Stein. I wasn’t going to vote for Biden if the genocide didn’t stop and I sure as hell won’t vote for Kamala after they rigged the primary

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I usually have nothing against voting third party. I voted for Ralph Nader, I think twice. And I think Jill Stein. Maybe others too. I've reached an age where it starts to blur together a bit.

But this Donald creature scares me like none of the other evil Repugs. He's threatening to sic the army on us when we demonstrate! And saying we never need to vote again. And I think he means it. This isn't about liking Kamala (I did sort of used to like her - I'm a fellow Bay Area girl, and have watched her career a long time, and she has been kind of appealing, even if I never actually liked her politics exactly). It's about being terrified of that other guy. And about not wanting Bibi to get what he wants.

I'm not trying to tell people what to do, just trying to explain my reasoning.

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"Surrender or starve" is essentially what the world told apartheid South Africa about its racist fascism, finally boycotting it into oblivion. Without unqualified support by the racist empire of greed, the world would right now be similarly explaining this to Zionists in Palestine.

On a related note: Israeli fighter/bombers cannot reach Iran without US mid-air refueling, or bomb Iran targets without US satellite intelligence (used in Gaza and Lebanon now), meaning any such mission would be planned by the US from the very start. Where is any War Powers Act enforcement?


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Exactly! When did Congress vote for this? To be fair though they definitely would vote for war with Iran! What a sick joke this country is

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From report ..."" Vice President Kamala Harris recently told 60 Minutes that Iran was the U.S.’s “greatest adversary,” a position that contradicts the conclusions of multiple U.S. intelligence and Pentagon assessments. ""

A lot said here. A pity Harris is just a mouthpiece for the military industrial horror show. Can we kick this human shield BS to the kerb. I live in Aust close to an air force command base across the road from residential streets. There is another big base close by next to a suburb of over 5000 people. This is happening world wide. Defence force people go home each night to families close by or even on their base. Mossad have a base in northern Tel Aviv. All Israelis over 18 have to do military service. Where are they living?. On Mars !! Please !!This propaganda reality contortion about Palestinians is just an excuse for murder. These reports are difficult to read. Manic US/Israel genocide has to be stopped. But how.

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Yeah and even if they were using “human shields” you don’t just carpet bomb the whole block to kill the people holding hostages lol. It’s so frustrating hearing people whitewash this crap when we have countless evidence of what they’re doing. I was talking to my grandma about this the other day and she just kept excusing it saying “War is hell”. When in reality this shit isn’t war it’s genocide!

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Thank you for finding and demanding that we know each of these atrocities so that we will be mobilized immediately whenever we can make a difference

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If I am an indication, people in the US are paralyzed and stunned by this horror. We need to wake up and disrupt business as usual.

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The USA and Israel or so very evil. We must stop their evil ways. How?

Vote em all out and replace them with us decent folk. Also destroy all defense brick and motor establishments...fight fire with fire. Get creative stay stealthful but stop them by any means. Watch out causeI Israeli surveillance systems are everywhere.

Trick ot treat dear citizans.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

Rain tomorrow, but on Wednesday I will be back out on the street sandwich-boarding.

My signs will say:

(front sign)


by the Nazis


but by Israel


by the USA


No War with Iran

(back sign)





Fully Supplying the


with no end in sight

No War with Iran

Did I mention on comments here that while picketing the other day I was approached by and had a 30 minute conversation with Norman Finkelstein's brother?! It made my day.

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Wow. My favourite Jewish dissident is Norman Finkelstein. He's a treasure to humanity. You are SO lucky.

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He is a treasure indeed and as testimony to the truth and power of his arguments, he never is invited to appear on MSM. I do see him on Glenn Greenwald and Breaking Points from time to time.

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Every day a fresh hell. It is beyond comprehension how this can be happening and be condoned by elite powers.

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