It is extremely painful to read this description of the hoorifying situation in Northern Gaza, and, at the same time, to realize that the Biden administration bears the major responsibility for it. It reminds me of how I felt when Nixon and Kissinger were bombing Cambodia.

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Thank you for your vital and courageous reporting on the US-backed genocide of Gaza.

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Please someone tell me how those who like to tell the world of their victim status continue to commit the most despicable acts with no regard for age or innocence.

It is beyond my understanding.

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It's beyond everyone's understanding. I have studied and studied.

We might be meeting the devil incarnate.

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I keep trying so hard to think this is not about Jews, and it's not about Israel. It's about Netanyahu, and Biden's weakness.

It's a good question, sherm gallay: "is any humanitarian instinct left?" If there is, it's not easy to detect. Anyone who imagines US government would be better if Harris was president will recall that when she has been asked if she would do anything different from Biden, she said no. And even if she would, if she wins the election, it will be months more that Netanyahu has to annihilate as many more Palestinians as he can, and Biden very clearly won't stop him. In fact, he enables this.

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Voted for her. No choice, given the alternative.

But, now I hate that b*tch!

She PLEDGED support of that disgusting Nazi regime Israel.

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You knew that when you voted for her so own it. I will vote for her rather than give my country over to a fascist regime. Voting third party or not voting at all will not help the Palestinians. I don’t believe that Harris will continue to provide the Israeli genocide tangible support. Our job as I see it is to get her in office and then put relentless pressure on her end US aid to Israel.

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I don't hate her, per se. I just think she's weak, and she's afraid to be assertive.

I thought Sen Harris was amazing in her interrogation of SCOTUS nominees. She was focused, she was tough, and she was my first choice for president when she announced. Until the primary debates, when she turned off the focused and tough Harris, and replaced it with the cute little girl. She showed us some of her ability in her debate with Donnie, but she never recovered her confidence and the things that made her a prosecutor, an AG, and a Senator.

I don't hate her. I'm very disappointed. But, as you say, what's the alternative? Please stick with me here. The Nazi regime isn't Israel. It's Netanyahu, and all the past Israeli governments that didn't make a move when illegal settlements were erected, and Palestinians were attacked. Israel isn't worse than the British empire was, when "the sun never set on the British empire," and it isn't worse than the US, when we decided to "go west," and wipe out Native Americans. It's just that someone had to stop them and us, and no one did.

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She HAS to say this sh*t...because , you know,: the Lobby !!! That lobby has all our politicians right by the balls and wrapped around their fingers and ....what else??

As far as the history of the British empire and the American Indians ..that was then...this is NOW. Plenty went on in the past, even the recent past, like pol pot, plus other wipe outs..... BUT, this in NOW...our US leaders knew what was happening in Israel...every country did and just let them get away with a genocide that started 70 years ago. BECAUSE, it was by those poor Jews who had suffered and died so horribly. Germany is psychotically supporting a genocide, due to, god knows, part guilt, part still having that genocidal blood running through their veins. This is the human race at it's worst. And, our government is fine with it. Begging please stop the killing....in small letters. THEN: Sending more 2000lbs bombs.

Yes, Israel is worse. Creating antisemitism, creating their own destruction. The eternal victims. Taking the USA down with them.

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And that's our biggest problem: private money in politics. It's totally corrupting. I remember one day several months ago that Biden had the UN Ambassador block an otherwise unanimous call for a ceasefire, then go right to an AIPAC event. As long as we have private money and protracted campaigns, we're sunk.

I don't know how Germany is supporting this genocide. Maybe they are, and I just don't know about it.

Yeah, Joe reportedly says "Bibi, might you consider a ceasefire?" And Bibi says "First of all, go fuck yourself. And second, send us more weapons to wipe these people out." And Joe says "OK. Just a thought."

It is absolutely true that the Jews have made a millennia-long career of being the victims of one group or another. But I always think of the Lieber and Stoller song, "Charlie Brown," sung by the Coasters. It has a recurring line that goes "Why's everybody always pickin' on me?" The Jews never ask (themselves) that question.

I grew up Jewish (I gave it up), and this year, I went to a Passover dinner (Seder) that was focused on the Palestinians. That's the theme of Passover: remembering suffering, and vowing not to let that happen to anyone else. Few Jews remember the second part. But even if almost all of them did, the problem is Netanyahu. They need to get rid of him, like the Russians need to get rid of Putin.

I'd say we need to get rid of Biden, too, but I'm not remotely confident that Harris would be any better. Either she says she wouldn't, or she's playing those cards close to the vest for fear of upsetting those lobbyists you mentioned, and any pro-"Israel" voters she thinks are out there. But as I said, every week, and day, and hour, and minute she waits, Netanyahu wipes out more Palestinians.

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My mistake, apparently. I read just this AM that a majority of Israelis favor the murderous assault on Palestinians, and the taking of their land. I wanted to think this wasn't about Jews and Israelis, but it appears I was kidding myself.

It would still never have happened this way without Biden, so he holds his place on the list, too.

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"Yet at the same time, White House national security spokesperson John Kirby stressed in a press briefing that the letter was intended not as a threat, but as a way to “reiterate the sense of urgency we feel and the seriousness with which we feel it, about the need for an increase, a dramatic increase in humanitarian assistance.” "

Is this how the richest and most heavily armed country in the world deals with a genocide it is partially financing? The USA, if there is any humanitarian instinct left, should tell Israel to stand aside, and take over humanitarian support of what's left in Gaza. Otherwise, all that is left for the USA is pure unforgettable shame.

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The Biden admistration is delusional and corrupted by Zionist money.

Israel is a foreign country that has for years been buying US politicans.

Arms sales profits are way up. They don't give a crap about the Palestinians.

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Biden has violated ALL Democratic, Humanitarian and Faith principles!!!

He has created and permitted the invasion, ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing, starvation and state terrorism of the Palestinian people, by Israel!

Biden's horrific cruelty, hypocrisy and complicity has been exposed around the world, and may cost Democrats the election, next month - setting US up for

Nazi, Germany style of Fascism under Trump!

Biden, with utter impunity, has also Violated multiple U.S. and International laws!

And, he has allowed and protected Israel’s new invasion of Lebanon, and the bombings of Yemen, Syria, Iraq and even Iran, setting up the possibility of a vast Middle East conflict!

Only God knows how this will end!

As for me, I want to end my comment by Apologizing to the Palestinian people for the horrific, unimaginable suffering and a second Holocaust they have been made to endure!!!

And apologizing to the Palestinian people in the U.S. who have always been strong supporters of the Democratic Party, who have had their pain and suffering inexplicably ignored and exacerbated in the past 12 months.


The powerful Zionist Israeli lobby in the U.S. has sought to curtail and demonize free speech by Pro- Palestinian people and allies, violating moral, humanitarian and existing Constitutional rights!

Pro- Palestinian advocacy and activism

has Nothing to do with antisemitism-


Latest Death statistics:

Israel: 2,000 or less

Palestine: 41,000 or more

(This includes 15,000 children)

These numbers also do NOT include the thousands of bodies still trapped under the rubble of carpet bombed Palestinian cities!

Injured Palestinians: 100,000 or more!!!

This is NOT A “WAR”

This is an Invasion and a GENOCIDE!!!

It is NOT a “War” when out of 3 players

Only 1 side has:

Fighter jets


Iron Dome

Unlimited bombs

The latest military weapons








This is :






God Help us ALL!!!

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It is so difficult to know how to digest these stories without feeling tremendous grief and outrage. We keep rallying, boycotting, writing letters, pressuring - it seems that this genocide is the very ground we stand on - we will all fall if Palestine falls - I truly believe that we will have lost everything that means anything.

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I so agree

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Shame on the U.S. and its half-assed attempt to appear concerned for the unarmed, impoverished, and houseless Palestinian civilians being murdered in the streets. Shame on the U.S. for cheering on the bloodshed for over a year, with no attempt towards a ceasefire, and no guarantee of humanitarian aid. I am disgusted by this assault, feel completely distrustful of my government, and realize most of the political world is unwilling to help in any real way. Thank you to the journalists, who risk their lives every day, that others may know the truth and sing it loudly! Stand up against Netanyahu, stand up and be a voice to those no longer having one!

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This finally brings home the point of this war from the start. Hamas was a side show and a pretext to fulfill the Zionist dream of "Greater Israel". Let's see if the larger press picks up on this story before it's too late.

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It would appear that the US will stand by this murderous Israeli Gvt and its military so long as it retains eyes and ears and who knows what else on the edge of the Middle East, through Israel? The US will permit the Israelis to assassinate who the US has deemed Terrorists, assassinate senior figures in Iran and other countries. how many countries borders and air space has been invaded and how many political figures assassinated? The Palestinians are absolutely expendable to this horrendous geopolitical plan. It’s deeply deeply horrifying.

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BDS,BDS,BDS, BDS......NOW!! For pity's sake. Damn you US and your sycophantic, timorous western countries.

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Better than Hitler!

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What the F--- can you say to this? Even if one were inclined to discount 90% of this, which I am not at all inclined to do, the interpretation that makes the most sense is that the Israeli government and its military are cynically taking advantage of the horrific single day of 10/7 a year ago to advance an agenda of ethnic cleansing, to as quickly as possible remove all Palestinians, dead or alive, from Gaza, and turn it into rubble. It reads like one long, unbroken crime against humanity. That is the unavoidable impression. Tragically, I see no reason for the government of Israel to alter course as long as the flow of weapons, diplomatic cover and other forms of cooperation from/with the U.S. continues. And anyone who would claim I am offering support for Hamas is either terribly misled or flat-out cynically lying. Gaza has long since been called an open air prison. It now appears that every prisoner, every man, woman and child, has been given a death sentence. Only the execution date is unknown. How much more dystopian can it possibly get? But I'm still voting for Harris. I admit, she may be little different, if any, from Trump on Israel, which is so horrifically frustrating, but she is far, far better on a whole host of other issues (climate change, Supreme Court nominations, economy, women's rights, etc., etc.), and she won't turn the U.S. into a fascist state. You do what you can.

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There is some chance that the history of this time will never be written. The world knows that Israel has nuclear weapons, and the last 12 months should convince the world that Israel might just make the choice to use them. Israel is the Frankenstein monster created by the western colonial powers, and it now runs amok amid the carnage of its own creation.

But if the world squeaks past this modern holocaust, historians will not be kind to the world and its leaders who have either facilitated or turned a blind eye to the murderous campaign of the three horsemen of the apocalypse: Bibi, Biden, and Blinken. The “rules based international order” turns out to be nothing more than a cover for power and greed of the few over the many. There is not enough soap in the universe to wash us clean.

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Back in the USA we used to think the Klu Klux Klan were bad.

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