It’s absolutely sickening and ridiculous that we are on the brink of WWIII because of these two men - Biden and Netanyahu! Whoever they were that convinced Biden to drop out of the race now need to go back to him and show him how his ”ironclad” support of Israel is destroying his legacy and may easily take his heir-apparent down with him.

A majority of Americans, including a majority of Jewish Americans, want a ceasefire. A majority of Israelis want Netanyahu removed. Biden has more than enough cover to pull US support by framing it as pulling support for Netanyahu who is out of control and endangering the people of Israel and the very existence of the state of Israel. And as the chief obstacle to getting back the hostages.

It’s beyond insane that one stubborn old man and one corrupt politician hold the fates of millions in their hands. I am 74 years old and a lifetime Democrat, but I am supporting Jill Stein. I went to DC on 7/24 to protest Netanyahu. I’m horrified by the slaughter and our facilitation of it. And I totally agree that Blinken is a feckless embarrassment as well as John Kirby and Matthew Miller who never miss an opportunity to gaslight us.

Maybe if Biden can be convinced that the path he is on is a losing one, maybe if he is convinced that the hundreds of thousands of uncommitted voters have the power to determine who is president, maybe then he will pull his ironclad support for Israel.

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I agree. And not only is N endangering the Middle East, but also the US, Jewry and world.

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i appreciate your disgust but by all accounts the old man that can only work 6 hours a day probably isn't (effectively) even our commander in chief. the system is a whole lot of lobbyists, working for monied interests, paying off bureaucrats who hope to land jobs with aforementioned monied interests. its a well oiled machine. you oil it up with the blood of palestinians, ukranians, latinos, etc and it generates money. and its not much different in israel.

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Wishful to believe it's just two creepy guys. What happens if we escape Netanyahu's lameduck "opportunity?. Or if enraged Israelis finally remove Netanyahu? Everyone will have seen Gaza destroyed in a way unprecedented since World War II. American neoliberals and MAGAts will still compete: The new U.S. government will still take catastrophic risks (that did not start with Israel and does not end with Russia) and the new Israeli leadership will pursue old and new forms of ethnic cleansing -- now well-advanced in the West Bank, and whatever liberal Zionists want for "post-genocide" Gaza.

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At this moment, it's two creepy guys that are responsible for the current genocide. I don't disagree with your comments on the powers that be in Israel and the US. It's why I am supporting Jill Stein.

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Thanks again, Jeremy. This is important reporting.

For some years it has looked to me that Israel/Netanyahu has two big objectives: 1. Expand Jewish-dominated territory and control. 2. Get the USA into a major war with Iran. Neither of these goals is in the best interests of the American people. Accomplishing either or both of these goals would not improve the daily lives of Americans, nor would they enhance USA‘s standing in the world. So, in addition to the horrific impact on humans and the environment, USA‘s support of these Israeli policies is strategically ill advised.

America‘s leaders, applauding and giving standing ovations to Netanyahu‘s lies, is as disgusting as anyone celebrating the attacks of September 11, 2001.

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Its not just two creepy guys it a congress and the administration

soaked in Zionist AIPAC Israeli money.

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Yes to all of this.... But no one is talking about the far right evangelicals (who are behind the Neo-Con agenda (fueling white nationalist and MAGA) actually give more money to Israel than AIPAC. The group, Christains United for Israel, who I'm thinking got Trump to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem, has raised MILLIONS more than AIPAC. Evangelicals are in Israel now, picking fruit and cleaning bathrooms.

Evangelicals have been brainwashed for decades, with their end of the world, apocalypse, second coming prophecies. Christain Zionist WANT Israel to kill or drive out all non-jews from the region to fullfill their wackadoodle prophecy. Now, I peronally think the Military Industrial Complex is just co-opting the religious extremism to further their reign on global resources (oil, gas, cobalt, water, wheat), mix all that with patriachial capitalism driven by mass greed so a few more guys can join the global oligarchy club, that Putin and Saudi Arabia have marketed so well and here we are.....

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Kshama Savant had interesting words on why she endorsed Stein. And what the Preen Party is not.


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Again, Biden is turning out to be the most dangerous president in modern history. And that’s saying a lot. I keep reflecting back to the three original UN ceasefire proposals. Each time, Biden’s UN representative vetoed the resolution. And each time I was left with a feeling of disbelief. What in the world is he thinking? And now Blinken continues to push the farcical narrative that a ceasefire is imminent. You know, that which the US previously vetoed. As a US citizen I am in an unbelievable situation. One in which I hope the US is put in its place and there is an end to the forever imperial games and damage inflicted throughout the world.

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if it makes you feel better the UN has been passing resolutions against israel for 70 years and the US has been vetoing any action at the security council for just as long. if anything, we can feel a little bit of hope now that maybe just maybe, the resistance will put an end to this sick game. lobby your representatives to bring our country's kids back home now.

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Thank you for your brave insightful articles.

With congress loaded with AIPAC money and Israel calling the

shots. Get ready, seems the US will be killing alot of people for


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Thank you for your conscientious reporting on such a tragic topic.

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I don't know what Dems DO want. I suspect they're afraid that there's enough American support for Israel that they're afraid that pulling the plug will cost them votes/the election. But Biden's reportedly being Netanyahu's long time friend is not a reason to annihilate entirely innocent Palestinians, aid workers, and journalists.

And Netanyahu doesn't care if it's Biden, Harris, or Trump. He's just trying to keep is ass out of the slammer by distracting everyone. And he adopted Trump's scheme: I'm not doing this to protect US; I'm doing it to protect YOU. How stupid does he think Americans are? (Oh, yeah, now I remember.)

And Blinken's idea of "break[ing] the cycle" to get a ceasefire is to keep arming the Israelis, who are allergic to a ceasefire? I didn't major in math, but something tells me that math isn't going to work.

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I know what the Dem's want: Win big in November, including down-ballot. Ergo a SMALL part is that is what Rabbani said: distract from Israel's Gaza obscenity. Slightly larger is keep it completely off the "issues" radar for most U.S. voters -- as sadly it is now -- the "logic being: 1. Kamala is the not-Trump and 2. If you have to think about genocide, Kamala is nicer, softer, and maybe will not wholeheartedly underwrite and get wagged by Israel.

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Who's distracted (or unaware), and off of whose radar, is the "Gaza obscenity?"

Harris is being wagged by Israel, or whatever she thinks the voters favor, now. Unless you think, possibly correctly, that Biden won't relent in his "ironclad" support. He is, after all, the president, and Harris isn't.

I don't care how nice and soft Harris is. Every day, more innocent Palestinians get killed. They don't have time to hope she's nice and soft and gets elected on hopes she'll change course, which she's given no indication of doing.

I sign petitions, sometimes more than one, every day. I suspect you do, too. I don't know how many members of Congress boycotted Netanyahu's circus act. I know one who didn't displayed a sign that said "War Criminal." But she was there. What's going to convince Biden and Harris to stop this NOW?

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Courage, brother. Gabor Mate helps us on this stuff. He said -- and I have confirmed it listening to Palestinisans and Palestinian-Americans, that even though we (Demonstrators, pundits, et al.) do not save a single finger on the hand of a single Palestinian child, we can still say "I see you" to a people whose story has been disappeared into mainstream (which IS Zionist) propaganda. Yes, that is important to Palestinians in Palestinre and the diaspora, (I stand on a busy corner for an hour or two with a Palestinian flag and a handful of other people. It's hot, it's lonely, and it can be depressing. I make comments, jokes and have semi-t=random emcounters. it also is what little I can offer of what you see among Palestinians: SUMUD.

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Very thorough explanation of the role of the U.S. in aiding and abetting the genocide by Israel upon Palestinians!!

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Who is the client and who is the lead?

Israel calls the shots in the Middle East and in many US elections, via AIPAC.

Netanyahu has been PM for decades, he is American from Boston.

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The game is on. "We may well end up looking at the past day in hindsight as the Middle East's Sarajevo moment. And by Sarajevo, I'm not referring to the Yugoslav wars of secession [in the 1990s], but to 1914."

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I need a drink.

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I have a bad feeling about this.

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Excellent interview!

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The world cannot survive if it does not learn how to work with one another's countries, being respectful of the cultural differences between countries is a start, but one needs to acknowledge there's no perfect answer that answers most of us and answers the "elite" at the same time. They depend on our exploitation. We acquiesce to their narrative. There must be another way, tho I see those taking control of USA had a careful plan to implement over a decade or more. These assholes are some serious planners. Admire them for that. Like any hunter wanting a kill, patience, time, careful planning, and wealthy connections. How do we defeat that when we have none of it and what little we had is fading?

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I’d like to see more investigative journalism done on the Israeli government’s knowledge or lack thereof of an immanent attack pre-Oct 7.

A friend of my partner from Switzerland was one of the organizers and DJ’s at the music festival that was attacked. He says that they had been planning it for almost a year in another location and had already set up all of the stages and infrastructure, sound system, portable toilets and etc. They’d flown in artists from all over the world and had sold thousands of tickets. Then suddenly 48 hours before the event was supposed to begin they were told they had to move it all to another location, near the Gaza border, where they later got attacked.

He found a hole to hide in for several hours and watched as his friends were being shot and killed trying to escape, so he stayed and tried not to move.

He also said that some of the attackers were speaking English amongst each other when they were alone.

I don’t know what all of that means but it is curious.

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