Thank you for reporting this. The document provides important insight into the horrific, future plans of the genocidal Israeli government. I hope that world "leaders" take notice and prevent this from happening, but, unfortunately, that appears extremely unlikely.

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How do they not see themselves doing stuff like this and realize they've gone full nazi?

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This was so informative and direct. Thank you for reporting on this.

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What most have not mention is that Israel is based on and run by criminals from the very beginning of its inception. Most of the leaders have been mass murderers and terrorists who got elected to power. From Ben Gurion to Menachem Begin. It is a sad and ugly country that manages like the USA, to front a facade of civility but many, many Jews have left Israel, I think I read 200,000 but don't quote me on that. US deep state works closely with Mossad and other international criminal types like Meyer Lansky who is now dead, but for sure someone stepped in to fill the gun and drug running operations and casinos.

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Any similarity between this "brilliant" plan and what the German occupation authorities planned (and in many cases did) for Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Netherlands, Norway, etc. is surely just one of those historical oddities that often perplex historians and bewilder the general public.

The differences are legion, a most important one being motivation. The Germans, simply put, were Huns intent on territorial aggrandizement. Israeli on the other hand is motivated by . . . uh . . . doubtlessly something very benevolent. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

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Israel is clearly motivated by fear and trauma. Never a stable foundation for any project and desdly in Israel's case. Israel is so deeply contracted into a horrible space I don't think it will long survive.

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Disagree. Israel is motivated by money, nothing else. And it will long survive with the help of American taxpayers and Saudi elites. Referring to the pending Saudi-Israeli-American embrace: ironic how ideology, including religion, melts away when there's money to be made. The pretext is "peace"; the reality is a land grab for money: https://www.ibanet.org/article/D2659617-4CAB-4FE9-8B60-A971485EC3D6#:~:text=The%20idea%20is%20that%20all,vast%2C%20oil%2Dgenerated%20coffers.

The Saudi peacenik for this B.S. is Mohammad bin Salman, the killer that had Jamal Khoshoggi butchered because he didn't like what the guy had to say. Bin Salman's also fond of locking up women for decades for things like wearing the wrong clothes or driving.

Trump and Biden don't have a problem with the guy, and we all saw Michael Moore's film with George Bush's arm around the bin laden family, another fine, upstanding Saudi family. And then there's the American-backed Israeli genocide. All of this amorality is oil-driven. And it will continue until and unless the people of the United States stop being willing participants in their own oppression, rebuild the republic and rid themselves of both oil and capitalism in its present form--and one other thing: rebuild education, an historically critical component of a free society. That's the reality based on the facts I see.

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I don't think it can be about money. This sounds like an insanely expensive project (also complete unworkable, but whatever). Some Jewish supremacist ideology? Some religious fanaticism? Some greed for land? And some fear - I think oppressors often fear the people they oppress.

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The evidence shows that for the dying people of Palestine, it's about ideology, but for the capitalists controlling the war, it's about money. First of all, destroying countries and building them back is highly lucrative for capitalist elites. In fact, war is used to boost economies. Once it's destroyed, building Palestine back as Israel will generate tremendous amounts of capital for elites. In this case, the vision is for an Israeli/Saudi/U.S. development project with Palestinians reduced to laborers--if anything. The report I cited above says there's $45B+ for Israel in immediate rewards to sign a "peace deal" with Saudi Arabia. Further information about Saudi/Israeli plans for Palestine is in Jeremy Scahill's Jul 9th report, including: "Netanyahu portrayed the full normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia as the linchpin of his vision for this “new” reality, one which would open the door to a “visionary corridor that will stretch across the Arabian Peninsula and Israel. It will connect India to Europe with maritime links, rail links, energy pipelines, fiber-optic cables” and "While Netanyahu’s vision for a new silk road through a Middle East without Palestine was certainly a concern . . . . "

The real ideological issue is for Palestinians isn't so much the Israeli murder of innocent people, it's the abandonment of Saudi Arabia of its Muslim brothers in Palestine: "The desired impact, he said, was likely to send a message to the Arab public about the complicity of their rulers in crushing Palestinian aspirations as they carved out agreements with Israel."

There's no question that the destruction of Palestinians and the theft of their land is about money. Saudi elites are selling out their Muslim brothers and letting them starve and be murdered against the wishes of the Saudi people. U.S. elites are supporting genocide against the wishes of the American people, and Jewish elites are committing genocide against the wishes of Jewish people all over the world. While the people of these countries who object to these atrocities have morals and political ideologies based on a set of values, capitalist elites don't have ideology. They don't have morals. Their morals begin and end with capital. Their ideology is money, period. They are supplying American bombs so Israel can blow up women and children to reduce the Palestinian population in pursuit of capital expansion. They don't care how they make their money. They live for nothing but the bottom line. The evidence is irrefutable: this is about capitalist elites pursuing capital expansion and obliterating everything that stands in the way because doing so is financially rewarding.

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There is no way Saudi Arabia will sign, or continue in, any treaty with Israel, if they go full-bore into the restoring of the Third Temple project. Apparently Trump is massively supportive of this insane project. It may be that, if elected, he will be forced to choose, but which - is an open question.

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the saudis would love to sign a treaty with israel. whether they can do so in the face of public opposition is the only question (much like our own country's support for this genocide).

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My take is the convergence pf the three Ps:Power, Profits, and p/Prophets. Never a good mix, but in this case it may destroy us all.

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Not money, nor fear, nor any of that. Land and religion. Zionists have always wanted the biblical borders or Eretz Israel without the nuisance of a Palestinian population there. That this goal has always required some mixture of ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and genocide, is Zionism's original sin. And especially now with a growing population and cramped housing, the West Bank and Gaza make for some excellent Lebensraum.

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Disgusting as always. They manage to cloak all their barbarism with seemingly ‘civilized’ terms- they have things like a brigadier general or a ‘War Cabinet’ or ‘Prime Minister’- while none of this legitimacy is proffered to the Palestinians. And then they act the straight man and say ‘look what Hamas made us do to you’ all while believing that this will win hearts and minds (you know they will just use the expansion of Hamas as a pretext for more genocidal acts). Look how easy it is for the only ‘democracy’ in the Middle East to talk about dissolving any type of democratic system in Gaza.

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Another in a long line of sociopathic and criminal campaigns by the Zionist occupiers with the purpose of genocide and land theft. America must end its support of this evil colonial entity called Israel.

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Incredible. How evil, ignorant and degenerate can humans get? We know the answer to that, and these Israelis, on an individual basis, seem to be only a few steps away. The victims of evil have become the perpetrators of evil. In the face of this, is it not incumbent on us to not be "good Americans" and pretend not to see it, or pretend it's something other than what it is?

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How can the world protect it self from Israel..They have gone mad

dog NAZI. Those poor being forgotten Palestinians. Will they ever have

a chance at FREEDOM. The blindness to this HOLOCAUST is embarassing

to HONEST people.

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Thank you for this informative article. It is very hard to read. Hard to accept that there are people who believe in genocide

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Thank you for an outstanding report on Israel's plan to brainwash Palestinians and keep them subjugated for evermore. It is a shocking plan. Will we ever reach the end of Israel's madness?

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Why pay any attention to what Isra'Hell has in mind for essentially "controlling" the Palestinians? What business has a group of European thieves got in setting any conditions on a people they illegally occupy and oppress? Who created this upside down world?

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Jon Stewart recommends a de-militarized zone between Israel and Gaza after the cease fire. The area would not include Israeli, US or European soldiers. Only Arab soldiers would be in charge.

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will never happen. first off, that zone would undoubtedly eat into gaza's territory. second of all, it would finally draw a hard line on settlements. both sides would reject the idea.

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Time is short, but the opportune iron is hot:

It’s time for the IOC to ban Israel from the Paris Olympics. Unless the entrants can prove they are not settlers and/or have not participated in the illegal occupation. Let them know how you feel. https://oscttnet.olympics.com/en-us/request-form-create/

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Thank you for this post. As an academic myself, I know how important these pieces can be. Shame on those "scholars"!

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Very similar to South Africa’s Apartheid Bantustan puppet governments.

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Except, I don't believe the Afrikaners had millions of messianic, religious fanatics, whose goal is Armageddon, or The Apocolypse, i.e., total annihilation, backing them up. We really do need a new way of thinking about this problem, because for those who are wanting to bring on total destruction, - what's a few thousands, or even a million or two on the way?

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Messianic ideology was absolutely part of the Apartheid structure with Afrikaners believing that they too were a “chosen” people. You can learn more about it in Rian Malan’s My Traitor’s Heart.

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Thanks for the book recommendation.

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