Thank you, Mr Kouddous, for your (as usual), excellent coverage. I know this must be heartbreaking work for you, as it breaks the hearts of we who read it. It also inspires us to do what we can, whenever we can.
Remember, Capitalist slavery was the invention of devout Calvinists who revived the Judaic concept that "God plays favorites and clearly favors the wealthy." More oppressive Abrahamic thought.
Time to eradicate Abrahamic being before they kill and rape everyone else, as is their long habit. Abrahamism celebrates Genocide, obs. Today is a great day to stop being Jewish.
Israel just continues to tighten the noose around Gaza. The western colonial settler countries are cowards. The WHO and similar organizations are cowards. The politicians in my country (USA) are cowards and I have no respect for them.
The god of the old testament is a vengeful god who appears to lack any compassion. This may help explain the cruelty and viciousness we are now witnessing.
A glaring example broadcast to the world of just how much a regime can get away with. I always thought the Jews were intellectuals and wondered why there was antisemitism...we are beginning to understand ...a bit. It's in their religion the Torah and down deep inside them like the German inclination of Naziism.
Yes, the Jews stand for the intellect, for scholarship, for education, for decency, for humanity, for culture, for what is life-affirming, and for more. But I draw a distinction. The Israelis and the Zionists (I see these as synonymous) are something wholly apart, the antithesis of what being Jewish stands for, cynically usurping and speciously expropriating all of those estimable qualities in order to camouflage, obfuscate, and propel their supremacist virulence on the innocent. They are not Jews, they are instead what they call others, "human animals."
Thank you for speaking out on this. MSM has not said a word about medical staff not being able to enter Gaza. This is one more clear example of genocide. Israel could not do this without the support of the US and other western countries. This is colonialism in action. Our leaders in the West , in govt , in education , in the press, in technology and social media, in healthcare do not care if every single person in Gaza will be killed. They will do anything to keep their position of power. They will not speak out nor take action to stop this genocide. The one country brave enough to take a moral stance against genocide in Gaza is Yemen. And now the US is going to bomb them even more
So Israel, the Epicenter of Evil in the world, blithely cuts off health care, in addition to food, medicine, fuel, and other basic goods to expedite the genocide, goes apeshit when Ben & Jerry's attempts to end sales of its ice cream in the Occupied Territories. The next two paragraphs from an NBC News item ( are just grotesque, but thoroughly Zionist in nature:
"Unilever [parent company of Ben & Jerry's] sold [its Israeli business interests] to Avi Zinger, the owner of Israel-based American Quality Products Ltd, who had sued Unilever and Ben & Jerry’s in March in a U.S. federal court over the termination of their business relationship, saying it violated U.S. and Israeli law.
"Zinger’s legal team said the decision by Unilever was part of a settlement. He thanked Unilever for resolving the matter and for the 'strong and principled stand' it has taken against BDS. 'There is no place for discrimination in the commercial sale of ice cream,' Zinger said."
Thank goodness there is now no question as to where discrimination against human beings - indeed, their very survival - and the primacy of international law stand in relation to ice cream in the Zionist consciousness.
This is ethnic cleansing. Absolutely cruel.
Cleanse Tel Aviv not Gaza.
Refuse Fascism
Oppose Oppression
Palestine will be free
Thank you, Mr Kouddous, for your (as usual), excellent coverage. I know this must be heartbreaking work for you, as it breaks the hearts of we who read it. It also inspires us to do what we can, whenever we can.
The killcount of the west is much more higher than all terrorgroups, dictators, mafia and gangs together. Think about that
Factually, Abrahamism is the killingest, rapingest ideology in world history by many tens of millions more innocent murdered and violated. How divine!
Remember, Capitalist slavery was the invention of devout Calvinists who revived the Judaic concept that "God plays favorites and clearly favors the wealthy." More oppressive Abrahamic thought.
Time to eradicate Abrahamic being before they kill and rape everyone else, as is their long habit. Abrahamism celebrates Genocide, obs. Today is a great day to stop being Jewish.
Israel just continues to tighten the noose around Gaza. The western colonial settler countries are cowards. The WHO and similar organizations are cowards. The politicians in my country (USA) are cowards and I have no respect for them.
The god of the old testament is a vengeful god who appears to lack any compassion. This may help explain the cruelty and viciousness we are now witnessing.
Get those Jews out of Palestine.
A glaring example broadcast to the world of just how much a regime can get away with. I always thought the Jews were intellectuals and wondered why there was antisemitism...we are beginning to understand ...a bit. It's in their religion the Torah and down deep inside them like the German inclination of Naziism.
Yes, the Jews stand for the intellect, for scholarship, for education, for decency, for humanity, for culture, for what is life-affirming, and for more. But I draw a distinction. The Israelis and the Zionists (I see these as synonymous) are something wholly apart, the antithesis of what being Jewish stands for, cynically usurping and speciously expropriating all of those estimable qualities in order to camouflage, obfuscate, and propel their supremacist virulence on the innocent. They are not Jews, they are instead what they call others, "human animals."
History = Humans lack of compassion
Thank you for speaking out on this. MSM has not said a word about medical staff not being able to enter Gaza. This is one more clear example of genocide. Israel could not do this without the support of the US and other western countries. This is colonialism in action. Our leaders in the West , in govt , in education , in the press, in technology and social media, in healthcare do not care if every single person in Gaza will be killed. They will do anything to keep their position of power. They will not speak out nor take action to stop this genocide. The one country brave enough to take a moral stance against genocide in Gaza is Yemen. And now the US is going to bomb them even more
Israel's behavior has put anti-semitism as a scar in the minds of decent people.
So Israel, the Epicenter of Evil in the world, blithely cuts off health care, in addition to food, medicine, fuel, and other basic goods to expedite the genocide, goes apeshit when Ben & Jerry's attempts to end sales of its ice cream in the Occupied Territories. The next two paragraphs from an NBC News item ( are just grotesque, but thoroughly Zionist in nature:
"Unilever [parent company of Ben & Jerry's] sold [its Israeli business interests] to Avi Zinger, the owner of Israel-based American Quality Products Ltd, who had sued Unilever and Ben & Jerry’s in March in a U.S. federal court over the termination of their business relationship, saying it violated U.S. and Israeli law.
"Zinger’s legal team said the decision by Unilever was part of a settlement. He thanked Unilever for resolving the matter and for the 'strong and principled stand' it has taken against BDS. 'There is no place for discrimination in the commercial sale of ice cream,' Zinger said."
Thank goodness there is now no question as to where discrimination against human beings - indeed, their very survival - and the primacy of international law stand in relation to ice cream in the Zionist consciousness.
Anyone familiar with "holocaust industry"?