We all know whose support Netanyahu has, to brazenly attack and enter Syria’s territory illegally. Shame on our present administration to be part of this illegal activity.

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The two cartel parties are in lock step in promoting the lie that the rank and file American citizens should cheer lead and get behind this ethnic cleansing and genocide, now that the party operatives have been successfully bribed by AIPAC and the wealthiest people on the planet to support this. In my small personal lived experiences as one member of the American community of citizens (not party stooges), the American citizens are nearly unanimously horrified by this. This genocide is perpetrated by a small wealthy ruling class and their owned corporate media, not by the citizens.

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No more apt words than these for what we are witnessing:

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity."

The answer is becoming all too clear just "...what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

W.B Yeats, "The Second Coming" Was he on the mark, or what?

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Israel continues to build future resistance by its naked assertion of superiority and right to the lands of others, as is always the case with empires. Syria has three times the population of Israel. Iran has ten times Israel's population. The opposition grows and is incensed with all of the military operations in which Netanyahu glories. Ironically, this opposition plays to Israel's self-righteousness and the need for "Amalek" against which it can reiterate its view of itself as avenging the holocaust, an eternal and necessary psychological need that is the essence of Zionism. Netanyahu not only believes that Israel must always live by the sword, he wants to assure that it will happen as crushing the other through violence is a necessity of Israeli identity and is certainly not to be avoided.

In short, Israel is living the dream of its identity, made possible only through the unlimited and unquestioning support of the US. The land that was once known as standing for liberty and justice for all has made a monster of ethnic cleansing that does at it wishes while thumbing the nose at the US. It is an unstable condition that feeds on warfare, setting the stage for its eventual undoing.

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New sub, have followed Ryan on BP and Rising, just leaving this comment to say thank you to the drop site team for all you do ❤️

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Thank you!

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Another great article that we would never learn about from our highly censored mainstream media in the USA. Apparently, those of us who share independent journalists' research like this on Facebook are being banned for no given reason, but I suspect it is because of our shining light on Netanyahu and the murderous activities of his Zionist gangster government. Will try to move to Blueskies and start again.

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Thanks very much for your thoughtful and comprehensive summary of the situation.

Marlene Ross

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Hey, what’s not to like: Israel gets to blow up all the Syrian shit, the US gives them the munitions to do it, because “Israel has a right to defend itself”, dontcha know, and then the tax payers of France, Germany, England and the US foot the bill to replace it all for the next Syrian regime… so that Israel can blow it all up again on the next go-round. That’s how the international rules-based order works. Get with the program, people, and stop all this whinging!

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In report " Netanyahu declared that the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel for nearly 60 years, will remain part of Israel “for eternity,” citing its strategic importance for Israeli security. "

Security/self defence!? whatever. Any excuse to occupy/steal Syrian land the Golan. And gee whiz, there's big oil there Israel is already exploiting. Note that the UN in 2021 approved a draft resolution demanding that Israel cease exploitation of resources on this Syrian occupied territory. See Oil and gas exploration in link below.


Thanks Jeremy and Sharif. Your strength in making sense of the manipulations and mindgames you have to wade through is wondrous.

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I am confused by the Syria situation.

The news we get from Drop Site is obviously the cleanest we are going to get.

I don't like what Israel has been doing as the eternal victums are killing the innocent.

How many Syrian children is Israel going to kill now?

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Lammy really is out of his depth and an embarrassment, though to be fair, he has a script to stick to. AQ, ISIS and other headchopping fanatics were, and of course are, "our guys", because "we" regularly get into bed with highly dangerous people and act surprised, blaming other entities, when there is catastrophic blowback. This is one of those times when western duplicity, hypocrisy and stupidity are on full view.

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Thank you for providing information absent from the main stream media

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Thank you very, very much for this thorough overview!

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It's all about lebensraum...

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Hitler used the same excuses as Netanyahu.

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Excellent and diplomatic summation of the rape of Sovereign Syria by Israeli bribes and power to the weak and lost factions. The thought of IDF defacing and defiling Damascus is repugnant to me, but I do not have to be nice -- just honest. The ritual murders of Syrian soldiers, Christians and Alawites continue, as Turkey, the US and EU co-conspirators gloat. Western values at their finest have again taken a poor, disunited nation, pummeled it and raped it. In the spirit of Christmas, children in Syria have "Papa Noel" -- does anyone doubt the Zionists will restrict aid, gifts and toys to these families? I do hope, though, that Papa Noel visits all children, with sweets and fresh fruit, homemade ice cream. The West has abandoned these people to the mercy of drugged jihadists and sadistic Zionist troops. Joy to the World. Excellent report, as always

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Thank you for all of your work to keep us informed of what is happening not only in Syria but all of the Middle East.

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Israel's actions are an abomination! When does the World respond righteously and end the bloodshed and injustice? I am overjoyed with Syrian civilian freedom, yet disgusted by the U.S. support to undermine this hard won accomplishment.

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