And let it be noted that Iran has not attacked a single Israeli Temple, school, hospital or apartment building.

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Could it possibly be that Iran is the good guy in this

Israeli blood fest.

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They've certainly made a point of at least trying not to kill civilians. A pity the barbarians only value their own civilians, but only so much - as we know they are in fact expendable.

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Dear Abubaker Abed…I have seen you many times on the Electronic Intafada live stream. You are such a kind, strong, positive person. Do not lose hope. You are the one that gives me hope! Every time you speak to us I feel calmer and more assured. I hold you and every Palestinian in my heart.

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Gaza has centuries of Palestinian history, as a crossroads for the Levant. It breaks my heart to see Israel deliberately destroy that. Bombing historical and cultural sites like ancient mosques and churches is one element of genocide, since it is part of trying to wipe out a people's identity, heritage and roots.

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Someone should try to count the number who have died in Gaza from lack of medical care, contaminated water, and similar causes.

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*The Lancet* did. A few months back, they were upwards of two hundred thousand.

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I was not born yet during WWII and the Holocaust. I was born Jewish, but gave it up. Nothing in my life has made me as sick as does this report. And the perpetrators are the Jews, the perpetual victims who want everyone's sympathy, the people who spend the year celebrating one victimhood after another. They are the people who say "never again," but they clearly only mean never again to them.

I have said before, and I will say again, this is Biden's legacy.

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It has been said that you become what you hate. This has certainly happened to the the "leaders" of Israel. They have become like the Muslim extremists who want to destroy Israel. The current Israeli government is filled with blind, genocidal rage at all Palestinians and Muslims, even innocent children. It appears there will be no peace in the region until the extremists on both sides have managed to destroy each other completely. Sadly, huge numbers of innocents on both sides will be slaughtered as part of this fight to the death by the religious extremists. It is equally sad to see the current US government totally abandon its humanity and support one side of this pointless, lethal conflict!

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This looks a lot like false equivalency. The Palestinians want their land back. It was stolen from them. They would be fighting the Norwegians or Danes, had it been the Vikings who took their land. They aren't genocidal; they don't want to kill Jews, because they are Jews; they want the Illegal occupation to end.

I'm very curious as to what your definition of "extremists" is, when it comes to settler-colonial land theft? I'd say, one side may well fit that definition, or maybe neither does, but, for sure, resisting occupation is not an extreme position, in fact, there have been very few occupied people who didn't try to overthrow their colonial masters, including using violence.

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What did Israelies mean when they joking said they are


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I think the actions of Hamas on October 7th were extreme since it involved the deliberate massacre of innocent civilians. The Israeli response to Hamas has also been even more extreme since they've killed at least 42,000 Palestinians. I define all types of mass murder as extreme behavior.

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The term "mowing the lawn" was bantered about by the

Israelies way before Oct 7...

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

It has also been said that hate is like drinking poison hoping that it kills the other guy.

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I have never wanted to believe that an entire group of people could be evil. But of course they can not from birth but from livelong indoctrination. Such are the Mafia such were the Nazis and now are the Zionists. The Mafia do not get any protective screen from beiing mostly Italian nor did theNazis from being mostly German. But the Zionists have gathered a protective screen or umbrella by being Jewish. This is helped by the power that Jews as a religion based group of semitics have gathered by their earnest devotion to gathering money.. I am not anti semitic I have lived amongst and worked along side Jews and for the most part found them just like any other group. But their leadership are quite bad and are now identified to some extent by being Zionists. And their actions are those of extreme psychopaths. Israel is a country which was thrust into Palestine by the power in capitalism.

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If you've never seen a whole group of people turn evil, you must never have seen a lynch mob. Or seen a group of schoolkids gang up on someone they think is "different".

And, if I may, I'd like to point out that you need to be more precise and careful using words. You can' t follow a statement like Jew[']s ... earnest devotion to gathering money" (an anti-Semitic trope), With a line saying, "I'm not anti-Semitic."

But you also make good points: The money wielded by AIPAC, a Zionist organization, certainly has our Congress shaking in their boots, and since our current president is a committed Zionist, this genocide, this blood is our (U S) hands.

I grieve with you, Brother.

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World Jewry could put pressure on Israel to stop this insane

mass murder but have they tried to stop it?

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Certainly some have. Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, are two who are working towards that end. They are out spent, if not outnumbered.

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I think outnumbered says it all.

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The progressive Jewish Council Australia in above Guardian link takes the stand of US peace groups. On 2.4.2023 their media release called for "Australia must cut all military ties and place sanctions on Israel". This is part of the united progressive front needed to stop the genocide and war expansion. It just needs to be grown. Gives me hope.

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huey, there are several Jewish groups that oppose this. I'm a little surprised you don't get their e-mails. "Bend the Arc" and some others. If you provide your e-mail address, I'll forward to you everything I get. Most Americans, including Jews, oppose it. A growing number of Israeli Jews oppose it, and are trying to get Netanyahu out. Some (lots?) in the Israeli military are opposed. There's also a population of Israeli Jews who have left Israel, either in protest or because they can't stomach living there any more. And the Australian group Julie Anne linked. When every UN member country, except the US, wants to impose a ceasefire, it's hard to imagine that doesn't include at least various European Jews represented by their countries.

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Sorry, should be media release of 2.4.2024 above.

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There is one more day of this healing event with members from Israel and Palestine.

"October 6th, 7th, and 8th, we will hold virtual gatherings each day at 2:00 PM ET / 9:00 PM Jerusalem Time to honor those we've lost and envision a future of justice, peace, and safety for all.

In these gatherings, we will create a space to process grief, address the oppressive systems that perpetuate profound suffering, and foster a shared vision of reconciliation, justice, and collective liberation.

The gatherings will be facilitated by Nonviolence International, Parents Circle Families Forum/American Friends of Parents Circle Families Forum, and Combatants for Peace/American Friends of Combatants for Peace."

To register:


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Stay safe Abubaker! Thank you for doing this vital work!

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" The loser now will be later to win"...I think a Jew wrote that! The same one that wrote "The chimes of freedom flashing".

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Indeed, however these last few days, another of his lines have gotten stuck in my mind: "It's a hard rain's a gonna fall." I think I prefer yours.

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Joy in HK...I somewhat regret writing those quotes. It was what is called in the natural history world as a "displacement gesture"...for example if a nesting Raven on a clifftop espies a person approaching its nest site area it can't really dispel that threat and might peck at the turf and tear up vegetation out of angry frustration. I had composed a much more savage post regarding the bombed mosque...but retracted it as approaching the ugliness of Israeli rhetoric which is beneath me. (but I'd still like to land a blow on Smotrich's nose for stating "they can starve to death...I don't care...they are not my people")...just as the Nazis said. I don't know where the singer I quoted stands today but I doubt it is the same place as when younger more's the pity...I apologise to anyone who might perceive my comment as flippant...I assure you all that I totally uphold the Palestinian right to resistance and like all of us with a heart long, long, long for justice for them. Thanks for your reply, Jeff.

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And this Tom Petty version of Dylan's Licence to Kill. Epic.

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Take care my dear. I hope to read the lyrics as my hearing makes a hard job of understanding aurally...can you tell me...was "Neighbour Bully" a turning point in his earlier anti-war stance? I was heavily influenced in my long ago youth but once I'd heard "Trout Mask Replica" in 1969 I really never listened to anything else! The track "Antmanbee" is extremely applicable to warfare....Free Palestine! Jeff.

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