Israel is a monstrous, murderous, out-of-control spoiled brat created and continually aided and abetted by the US. The US has allowed its criminal sidekick to take us into a lawless, terrifying world where, literally, anything goes.

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Hubris!!! It will destroy them.. I hope so.

I've had it with the GD Israelis! I consider ALL Israeli civilians to be synonymous with the IDF and Netanyahu

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Asking Israel politely to watch out for civilians is just plain useless. The U.S. and Israel's other allies have to take strong action: embargo on weapons would be a big help. It's beyond time.

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It's an effen joke.

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Israel never seems to have considered getting along with any of the countries in the region. So they want to wipe out Lebanon as well as Gaza, West Bank. It seems driven by emotion rather than tactics that relate to the future of Israel in the region. They want permanent war, supported by the U.S. and parts of the EU. But the effects of war are so foul for everyone, civilians included. And, of course, at this point Israel isn't "defending itself" it's just set upon massacre after massacre. It'simpossible for me to see any sense in Israel's behavior.

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It's the sense of Messianic religion. To true believers, both Christian and Jewish religious Zionists, it makes sense, to the rest of humanity, it's utterly insane.

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The dancing and singing celebrating these horrific events makes no sense to me unless in the context of a society completely out of joint and running amok.

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'Don't let Hezbollah endanger your lives and the lives of your loved ones. Don't let Hezbollah endanger Lebanon.' The idiocy of Israel's rhetoric while it's murdering Lebanese civilians and children is ludicrous. Who do they think believes this guff?

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Same old playbook.. "all civilians, even kids, in Gaza are synonymous with Hamas."

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Exactly! Now it’s Hezbollah.

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Other than voting Green Party Stein/Ware, calling and writing my electeds on the daily, what can I do to stop this madness? Appreciate your coverage.

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There are all kinds of organizations who have been working, and continue to work, for justice in Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen. Donate money to them, join them, some risk their lives trying to protect Palestinians in the West Bank against illegal settler rampages. There is much we can all do, not the least is educating ourselves, and others, so that the truth of what is going on can no longer be hidden.

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Joy, could you share links to these?

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Your vote won't make a difference in the results of the presidential election (though it may help drag some of those around you out of loyalty to the 2-party machine) or the escalating reinvasion. Direct action will - taking down the weapons manufacturers, colonial armies, & ultimately nation-states responsible for this. You can start small - campaign against a company making some part, a diplomat making some visit, etc.

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Do not listen to such bullshit. If this only ends up Jill Stein's best year, there is a reason to vote against the evil in the world. It's not all about winning or losing, which is the narrow thinking of others; it's about having a huge number of growing voices heard that our world is too fragile for the existence of an Israel in its current form, or the existence of a USA that backs it.

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Unfortunately, as badly as Biden has handled this, a vote for Stein is not a meaningful vote for a third party. It's a vote for Trump, who is even worse than Biden.

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For god's sake.....Harris is NOT crazy Trump plus crazy Vance....those 2 could really F up everything. Voting for a third party is completely irresponsible. Want to make a strong gesture? Then tattoo a message on your face.

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How do you suggest poor people to take down these massive institutions you are talking about? You don't make much sense to me. Of course we need to take all those you mentioned out of service. We have but one peaceful avenues that is barely alive and much in the news about the sanctity of our votes for whomever. We are in a time when phones, walkie-talkies, pagers can be rigged to explode. I suggest you don't run for offices.

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Vote Socialist in 2024 Vote Claudia Delacruz for President 2024. To begin a movement that can work towards peace and justice

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When genocide is on order by the two approved parties, then those with a functioning moral compass, and integrity, do not find other issues more compelling. How anyone can find that other interests outweigh opposition to genocide is not within my ability to comprehend. I never understood the Good Germans, and it's difficult to understand their equivalents now, altough I am trying to. The one thing I will not do is to vote for either of the main-stream, Uniparty, candidates. By voting for Dr. Jill Stein, we, each, send a message to both TPTB, and to each other, that we are strong. The MSM has suppressed alternative voices, we should not be accomplices in that silencing.

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A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump, who is worse than Biden. It is possible that Harris will not continue Biden's approach, and that Netanyahu knows it, which is why he's escalating this now, before the election shuts him down.

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It's just horrifying and that US money and weapons are enabling this in to me so deeply shameful I'm without adequate words.

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I think the people have to consider Zionist control of US government.

With that blind funding of GENOCIDE Israel by the Biden administration

there is no way to stop the Netanyahu regime.

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You're talking about AIPAC. And you're right.

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I am an American patriot, a liberal Democrat, someone of Jewish decent and someone convinced that Donald Trump represents a unique and existential threat to American democracy.

Having stated those premises, I find Bibi Netanyahu to be essentially the equivalent of Donald Trump--plus about 40 IQ points. Better, but not fundamentally different. However, Israel is and has been under a credible existential threat since its foundation 76 years ago, and thus, as a Jewish American, I am prepared to give its government wide latitude in determining how best to preserve Israel's existence. That said, I pray that the next election will produce a more balanced government coalition in Israel, one that recognizes and adheres to fundamental Jewish ethical principles.

The United States' democracy is also under threat--but from Donald Trump. As such, I am convinced that every true American patriot must vote for the Democratic candidate, whatever their underlying political philosophy may be. Once the scourge of this clever phony is safely in the rearview mirror, we can go back to arguing about marginal tax rates and the proper degree of government involvement in our nation's economy. But as long as the GOP remains the captive of this self-seeking, unscrupulous demagogue, everyone must vote for the Democratic candidate, regardless of their underlying political views.

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Most of the "credible existential threat" to Israel is of Israel's own making. They have supported illegal settlements in Palestinian territory (the West Bank and Gaza Strip), attacked Palestinians, and treated them in a way that has been labeled "apartheid." October 7 didn't come from nothing. It was an attack by Hamas, which had been encouraged and funded by Netanyahu. You need to ask yourself why they were combative instead of grateful. A part of the puzzle is missing.

I, too, grew up Jewish. I gave it up for various reasons. But one of them is that the Jews have made a career out of claiming to be everyone's victim. They never ask the Lieber and Stoller question sung by the Coasters: "why's everybody always pickin' on [us]?" I agree that the Jews needed a safe homeland after WWII. They got it, and lots of support from the US. They botched it.

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we got 2 fighters in the ring with no officiating other than the UNs pleas for a cease fire. A cease fire would resolve all this craziness. It's what Hamas want, it's what Hezbolah wants, it's what the Houtiis want, it's what Iran wants. It's the rabid dog Israel that's keeping this war ongoing with US/NATO support. The Arab population want peace through peaceful coexistance while Isreal wants to expand and expand...,Not sure when their lust for killing Arabs to expand their colonization willl be sated.

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The UN minus one veto power: the US.

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There are those inside Israel who stand for justice and humanity, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians. We need to give them all the support we can. They are taking huge risks.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


CfP’s Solidarity in Action Campaign: https://drove.com/.2Mcf

For factual information:


Teach-in Network educating for justice


Gush Shalom has been on the side of peace for many years:


New Israel Fund






Christian organisations:






Jewish organisations:



If now now


These are only some of the courageous groups working for justice in Palestine. They all need y/our support now, perhaps more than ever. How can we allow this to happen?

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Empire can no longer survive without war, or laundering tax-dollars through its military industrial complex. It would fall tomorrow. The dems held no one accountable for the Cheney/Bush Geneva Conventions violating torture program, almost like they were in on it, and now those same war criminal torturers support Harris / Walz. Gee, go figure why Israel could give a sh*t what anyone thinks.

It's apparently a big baby-killing torture club and I ain't in it (thank the universe).

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Eisenhower warned us ~70 years ago about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. And here we are.

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Boycott Chevron. Israel’s biggest oil and gas supplier. Texaco is part of Chevron. Look for opportunities near you.

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The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to go to Gaza, or now, to the West Bank. Make his stand in Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. Not in our name, not on our watch.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, in memory of Hind Rajab, or Dr Jumann Afra, the mother of newborn twins killed by Israel using US bombs. Now, sorrowfully, we must also add Aysenur Ezgi Egyi and Matt Nelson’s name to our honor roll.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Christ on a raft! Leave Biden alone to worship in that corrupt institution if he so pleases.

And, Pope Francis would not be safe inside Israel....we know what happens to those who try to help. Bad accidents.

Thanks for the many sources. I will research each one.

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The world is watching Israel with horror. War crime after war crime with no end in sight. So the hostages are now just a vague memory. I hear very little about them since their country seems to have abandoned them for richer rewards and lots more "blood and treasure."

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Israeli leaders never gave a hoot about those inconvenient hostages....those they didn't execute via the Hannibal Directive before they were taken into Gaza. I believe the hostages that haven't been bombed by the IDF are doing as well as the average Palestinian.

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What I don't understand is why there's so very few who saw this coming. My only guess is that the rest of the world is not as evil as Israel and could not imagine it. You have to imagine evil to predict it and fight it; authors like George Orwell and Ray Bradbury saw it coming and probably knew, had they not ensconced it in fiction, their novels might never have seen the light of day; and that dear comrades, is how long all the what I will call "BS" has been going on, yes, and much longer, as a well organized, preplanned, death knell to the poor; towards a world rid of poor people where only elitism can flourish. No "amen" here to that, because evil will have triumphed. While greed and other things religions list and exist in all in of us as sins, they become evil when they are compromised. Unless we don't recognize the evil in ourselves, esp. when we come under stress for food or other basic necessities, we can be like those gifted with the knowledge of how to control others; their labor and the taxes the US government collects supposedly to aid all who contribute but who is doing basically nothing for its people right now. The best people and leaders who actually represent them, are those in MHO, who contribute to a world that needs the things they build, not hanker after a created desire for shit they don't need or need to build. A people able to provide for its own needs in a healthy and sustainable way, can like a well tended garden, have extra to share with others. Upon that kind of trade should a monetary system be built. Profit, on a small planet in a very dark and unknown universe should not be based on the profit of a few, but the hands of the many.

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