What strikes me about these images is that these are all Europeans, not a Semite amongst them. We have to understand the profoundly racist nature of the Zionists.

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Your work is invaluable. Thank you for digging up, not the bodies, but the perpetrators.

What can be done to stop this madness? And what can we do to build a movement that will not allow such atrocities to reoccur?

For us, for Gaza, I had this idea last week. What do you think? Can you help or know those who can?

I was in a Zoom virtual vigil last Thursday night for two executions scheduled for Texas and Alabama. It was a moving, powerful, and motivating experience.

It occurred to me that we need an on-going, non-stop, 24/7, every-time zone, virtual vigil for all the victims of Gaza, for all that has happened on, and since October 7, 2023. (Full well knowing it didn’t start then.)

There could be religious leaders sharing their rituals honoring the dead. We could read the names of everyone killed.

Invite musicians, poets, and others to share their artistry. I'm sure that there is much else that could be part of this.

It could have people from all over the world, all religious faiths, and leaders, all us atheists too. I am not claiming it will solve the issue, but it might help ease a bit of the pain, might help build community, show solidarity, and let us know we are not alone.

Is it a good idea? If so, who has the skills and contacts to do this? How can we make this happen?

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Joy in HK, you thanked Ryan for digging up the perpetrators. But an important one he left out was Joe Biden.

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The appropriate organisation WAS the United Nations, which has been further and further sidelined by NATO facilitators, ever moving the world towards war after war. Read Jeff Rubin's book:https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/714717/a-map-of-the-new-normal-by-jeff-rubin/9780735246119

and you will see what's left of the world order after the disaster of the Biden admin. Pray for Peace, nothing else seems to work.

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Israel has generated a deep generational hatred that will haunt Zionists

and Jews for a long time if not forever.

The people of the USA can thank the Biden administraion for dragging its

people through the MORAL gutter.

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huey, I'm afraid you're right. I'm still trying to resist being antiSemitic (I was born Jewish) and antiZionistic, but it's becoming so difficult as to feel impossible.

I never had much feeling for Biden, but he's no less a war criminal than is Netanyahu. "MORAL gutter" includes the word "MORAL." That seems to be in the rear view mirror.

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Incredible journalistic work. Thank you so much for unraveling the crimes committed by a ruthless military that has checked out decency and humanity. May we the human race, know this for eternity.

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Thank goodness we have you to document everything. All this is the defense we need. These people are not going to get away from what they have done. We have the proof.

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Growing up in post WW2 in Europe, I was raised to passionately hate Germans. It took decades before we could see them as humans with a conscience. Having watched the Gaza genocide in real time, watching the recent Al Jazeera war crimes investigation and now this report, I sincerely worry about how I will view the large majority of Israel's Jewish population (and their backers in the US and Europe) in the few decades I have left on this earth.

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You are right to be worried. What the majority of Jewish Israelis have committed and endorsed for well over seven decades is absolutely unconscionable.

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If these fanatical sociopaths cases could claim that Colorado was "their promised land," they would be doing the same thing to us if they were given the opportunity. Nuremberg had the right answers for how to treat war criminals.

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Thank you for an amazing job of putting all of this information together. It's unnerving to watch soldiers render an entire region uninhabitable as though it were something routine. The human capacity for evil is shocking. Equally shocking is the realization that any of us could behave in the same way since none of us are immune to manipulation and brain washing.

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Israeli Genocidal Forces making South Africa’s case to the ICJ.

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Please send this to the international community. Thank you for all you do!

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My deepest gratitude to everyone at Drop Site! Through platforms like yours, the truth will be in the world for all to see and know.

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They proceed like it is a digital war game.

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Question : Are satellite views of the genocide available from Russian or Chinese sources ?

Request : Could you do a side by side comparison of Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto ? It might help Jews and the world see how horrible Israelis are.

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thank you, once again, for your relentless, courageous pursuit of historic truths.

"... what we see from these soldiers forces us to ask": 'WHY do the majorities needed to stop US and german weapons sales to israel not come about? are we really THAT helpless, in the face of so much imperial arrogance, bloodshed/bloodlust and impunity?' [while "never again!" will keep re-occurring?]

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invaluable work.

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I inherited an abandoned farm building, and had to remove colonies of Norwegian rats, diseased feral cats and carpenter ants. My methods of excavating communal habitats, food and water sources were exactly what these Zionists choose to erase the Gazans. The horror kept building until their smiling vacation shots closed the book for me. I couldn't read anymore. This is important documentation for the Hague war crimes tribunal. As one human holocaust did not teach us anything, maybe the trial and punishment of those documented would be some atonement? We admired Elie Wiesel - could these Palestinian journalists achieve the same? These are the most heinous and unforgivable sins witnessed here in this century. Thank you.

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