I hope Ireland provides a strong response to this US violation of their sovereignty! With each passing day, we learn more and more about the US government's contempt for other countries laws.

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Every bit of push back saves a few lives. Stopping all armaments would save many lives. But so many more deaths will still happen post ceasefire because back to normal will take decades. We have over 40,000 USA soldiers stationed in the Middle East. They should be protecting Palestinians not helping their genocide. They should be defending Jenin.

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Love the good news. Great to hear BDS is getting some traction.

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Arrest Netanyahu at the United Nations

On Friday, September 27 at 10:00 AM Benjamin Netanyahu is slated to come to New York City and speak to the United Nations. People of New York! Don't let this war criminal, carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people, walk the streets of New York City without facing massive protests. Arrest Netanyahu for genocide and crimes against humanity!

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There are those inside Israel who stand for justice and humanity, made up of committed Israelis and Palestinians working together to protect the Palestinians. We need to give them all the support we can. They are taking huge risks.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


For factual information:


Gush Shalom has been on the side of peace for many years:














If now now


These are only some of the courageous groups working for justice in Palestine. They all need y/our support now, perhaps more than ever. How can we allow this to happen?

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October will mark one year since Israel began its genocide in Gaza, yet the U.S. government continues to be a collaborator in Israel’s crimes against humanity. Just recently, Vice President Kamala Harris made it clear that she would not support an arms embargo on Israel – at the same time the State Department notified Congress of a new $20 billion weapons sale to Israel. We anticipate a joint resolution of disapproval (JRD) will soon be introduced in the Senate. This is the only way to block this sale — and we need to act fast! 


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If there is any purpose to religion, it should be to help make life better for all of us. The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to go to Gaza, or now, to the West Bank. Make his stand in Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. Not in our name, not on our watch.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, in memory of Hind Rajab, or Dr Jumann Afra, the mother of newborn twins killed by Israel using US bombs.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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I read that the Pope calls the head of the Christian church in Gaza daily. I think him visiting Gaza and Bethlehem is a brilliant idea.

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Another Democrat defending the indefensible, as one would expect. The Democrats never fail to disgust and horrify me. But money talks, so despite the ethical and basic humanity bypass of the likes of that Dem schmuck and the West in general there may be some kind of progress, as corporations realise they are implicated in Israel's catalogue of atrocities and follow AXA.

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"Join bereaved Israeli and Palestinian peacemakers in NYC and Boston, September 15-26! www.parentscirclefriends.org/september2024

This tour will be the launch of our new peace education program, Listening from the Heart: www.parentscirclefriends.org/listening

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It should read French Insurance Firm finally wakes up to the fact that

its Israeli banks are financing Palestinian GENOCIDE.

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