The revelations in this piece are beyond disturbing. It’s almost as though a shadow government and influence network has infiltrated a wide spectrum of American society. AIPAC buying congressional seats. Rahm Emanuel, US ambassador to Japan, not attending the Nagasaki memorial because Israel was not invited. Israel expelling nine diplomats from the Norway for their work for Palestinians. It’s like a black listing of truth or information not complementary to Zionism. And now false allegations not being rescinded essentially perpetuating those very falsehoods. I hope this reporting finds a wider audience.

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Actually, the Nagasaki memorial issue has worsened. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom will also not be attending. Evidently it is more important to stand with Palestinian genocide than commemorate atomic genocide. Reuters refers to it as an embarrassment to the Nagasaki mayor. I would flip that assessment to it being an embarrassment to the non attending nations.

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An embarrassment is not strong enough. It's an affront to humanity, decency, and the necessary contrition that the US perpetrators need to never stop showing for their use of atomic weapons on two Japanese cities.

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CBS “News” has been one of the worst offenders, promoting Israel’s POV and propaganda while barely acknowledging the Palestinians.

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"It’s almost as though a shadow government and influence network has infiltrated a wide spectrum of American society." INDEED! That shadow government was there before JFK's time; he wanted to rid our gov't of it. The "it" is fascist, racist, very white centered, focused on world control. All readers or most note the number of moral, ethical, principled leaders, and the upcoming young, killed by police forces, assumably, in our lifetimes. All of those high profile murders/assassinations in my life time and recent, were killed doing one thing in common and that was to bring the power of the people that capitalism sucks the blood out of, together and say no. I will forever love how Fred Hampton, a 21 year old black American was targeted for his most excellent life saving talent of bringing together poor white people and "the black cause" as shared by poor whites, targeting a shared economic oppressor. The few videos I see of Fred makes me think him among the founders of "rap" and his was political and targeted and so right on.

We will see that young man's wisdom about power and how to turn it, someday soon, I hope, alive and well in the world. What a fabulous leader for a " justice for all" nation he would have been, as would have been his predecessors were they not assassinated; were had the will and love of a people been respected and represented; the world that might have been created, HAD ALL OF THEM LIVED, we, the entire world was robbed by some hidden world funded by our taxes and placing us on the edge of WWIII. Looking at it, some masked bs against terrorism, control of the ME seems paramount to Western powers, who very well may have contributed to demonization rather than democratic methods of exchange and fair trade with other countries whose leaders refused to sell the nation's wealth to private corporations.

These assassinated leaders around the world wanted to use its nation's geographical wealth to aide the people of their nation. No wonder the West's recent claims on the vote in Venezuela. Look up the world's oil and gold reserves and find Venezuela in the lead.

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Imagine how many more stories there must be like this. Kudos to Arvind for having the integrity and bravery to put this out.

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Infuriating that the nyt has stooped so low in its journalistic standards to the point of being at least partially responsible for the Israeli government's genocide of the Palestinian people. Thank you for continuing to bring these matters to the attention of the public.

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Arvind ! You are a decent, brave and courageous human being. You are a true journalist...... and all your team @ the Drop-site. Keep it up !

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Is any of this even remotely shocking at this point?

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"the Times is not alone in breaking with standard journalistic ethics" as is nbc et al. There is no such thing as "journalistic ethics" these days.

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Not amongst the MSN. You can find integrity in independent media, some of it, anyway, such as here.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

"Believing a correction to the Times story was in order—or at least an update, to give readers a fuller picture—I shared the police reports with Leland—who told me that he had already gotten them and, despite the explicit contradictions, no correction would be issued. When presented with the police reports, management at the Times also declined to reconcile them with its coverage. Instead, managing director of external communications, Charlie Stadtlander, said in a statement that the article was “thoroughly reported, fact-checked and edited, and we stand behind its publication.” Goldberg did not respond to multiple requests for comment."

It would have been so easy to make this correction too, probably 5 minutes. I get it, papers cannot update every single statement of fact as new information unfolds. But they can at least get the ones brought to their attention. Pride, laziness, and just plain ignorance of how this harms their credibility.

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The New York Times is no longer a "newspaper of record." It doesn't seem to care that its reputation is crumbling.

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'Tis too the paper of record -- broken record.

"Israel uber alles . . . [scratch] . . . Israel uber alles . . . [scratch] . . . Israel uber alles . . . "

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Agreed. Too many - at best- misrepresentations. Their spin jobs carry unfortunate consequences for many innocent humans.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

It's pretty hard for me to wrap my head around the level of human corruption visible in our media and ruling power structure. And the corruption is like a virus, growing and infecting so many of the people it touches. I have been saying for several years now that humans are a failed species and this is further proof of that thesis. We are heading down a road from which there will be no return.

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I too fear that we, the last of the hominids, are following in their footsteps to extinction, unless we, the people, wake up and take action to stop this. If we can't do that, perhaps we don't deserve to continue, but then I listen to Bach, and I think we do.

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For a real eye-opener on the international reach of and intimidation by this lobby, read the TIKKUN July/Aug. 2010 periodical on the editor's (Rabbi Lerner) home being vandalized by right-wing Jewish extremists.--in "liberal" Berkeley. Locally, the Berkeley Daily Planet's advertisers were also threatened. I know the latter is true because I know the perpetrator.

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This New York Times article says that even if Trump makes it to the White House the democrats will do everything they can to destroy his presidency just as they did after he won in 2016. In what sense does America still exist as a country? No doubt the disastrous failure of the American experiment has already drastically altered the course of world history.

“But the early timing, volume and scale of the planning underway to push back against a potential second Trump administration are without precedent. The loose-knit coalition is determined not to be caught flat-footed, as many were after his unexpected victory in 2016.”

“If Trump returns to power, he is openly planning to impose radical changes — many with authoritarian overtones. Those plans include using the Justice Department to take revenge on his adversaries; sending federal troops into Democratic cities; carrying out mass deportations; building huge camps to hold immigrant detainees; making it easier to fire civil servants and replace them with loyalists; and expanding and centralizing executive power.”

“The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started.”

Yahoo News. New York Times. Jun 16, 2024


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"We’re now at 220,731 subscribers, 4,990 of whom are paying either monthly or annually."

This is why we can't have nice things.

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That's not bad! Our year-one goal is 10,000 and I think we'll get there

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I cancelled my NYT subscription because of this...

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So in other words you're saying we should support truly journalistic outlets like Drop Site News with our hard earned money, right?

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"If it's the blacks, it's a mob. If it's the Italians, it's the Mafia. But if it's the Jews, it's just a coincidence, and must neve be spoken of."

Imagine if China or Russia openly boasted about influencing US elections, or kept a running tally on social media of the politicians they own. Only Israel, but to point out the obvious is to be smeared as antisemitic or "blood libel."

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Well, it might help if we don't, inaccurately, call it "the Jews". Most of the money that goes into AIPAC is from white christian zionists. Support for Israel's genocide is about 50/50 among American Jews. Kind of stupid to say they support one side or the other.

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The quote is Chappell, but I agree with the sentiment.

While your point (zionists come in all flavors) is well taken, the original question remains: who, but Israel and their political apparatchiks in the US, could openly brag about pulling strings in our politics and businesses? You don't like the stereotype? Don't embody the stereotype.

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Well in recent news, Hoffman and Larry Kudlow who are openly and explicitly discussing who will "buy" positions in the incoming cabinet. The corruption in our government is a wide open book for the whole world to see. AIPAC is one of a few examples.

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Here‘s a data-based analysis that shows early development toward this particular failure by the New York Times. “If I had only one short sentence to describe it, I’d say that journalism is FACTUAL REPORTS OF CURRENT EVENTS. At least, that’s what I used to say, and I think it’s what most people imagine journalism is. But reports of events have been a shrinking part of American journalism for more than 100 years, as stories have shifted from facts to interpretation. Interpretation: analysis, explanation, context, or ‘in-depth’ reporting. Journalists are increasingly in the business of supplying meaning and narrative. It no longer makes sense to say that the press only publishes facts. New research shows this change very clearly. In 1955, stories about events outnumbered other types of front page stories nearly 9 to 1. Now, about half of all stories are something else: a report that tries to explain why, not just what.” The quote is from 2013. https://www.niemanlab.org/author/jstray/ That short article is worth a read, and it presents a useful graph of how American journalism changed over time.

The shift from FACTUAL REPORTS OF CURRENT EVENTS to INTERPRETIVE STORYTELLING is presented factually, in the 2013 article referenced just above. I suspect that, increasingly, American journalism may be moving toward PUSHING THE NARRATIVE and PERSUASIVE WRITING. Regarding the story of a person claiming that her house was broken into, the New York Times was not primarily focusing on factual reporting of current events. Instead, NYT was using a snippet of current events to push a narrative and to persuade its readers. So when the reporter uncovered an important fact that was contrary to the narrative, and would tend to dissuade the reader from NYT’s preferred narrative, the important fact was deliberately kept from readers.

Thank you, Drop Site News, for factual reports about current events. Cheers!

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