Sometimes I wonder if our species has passed its high-water mark, and is rapidly flushing itself down the extinction drain. Seems if we don't want that to happen, we actually have to figure out how to step back from the brink of annihilation, and fast! Thanks for your important coverage. If only all it took was being informed to lead us directly to correct action.

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An incredibly powerful interview. Forgive me for not giving it a like. That the dead (martyrs) are honored and their former lives documented and counted is a tribute to the lives lost to genocide and terribly misguided US and Israeli actions. The details revealed show the death numbers are low due to only deaths directly related to military actions are tallied. Those that die indirectly due to lack of healthcare and sustenance (food) are not part of the total. This is a tragedy continuing to unfold and supported by the US government. A stain on all our souls.

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Documented facts reveal the lies within propaganda. Facts should be spread widely , at least as widely as the propaganda. Thanks for this.

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