Thank you. It's so refreshing to have actual journalism from this part of the world.

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I would only add that it's not only refreshing, but essential, to have experienced, trustworthy journalists, such as Jeremy, covering the Middle East. I am hugely grateful for his work.

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We have come to a point in the US where the only information you get from the government is lies and distortions. I realize this has been going on for a rather long time, but my expectation now is that ANYTHING that the government and the MSM puts out is a deliberate falsehood. What does this say about morality in general, and the ruling class in specific? Thanks to Jeremy and Ryan for their efforts to break through the BS. Glad to be a supporter of Drop Site.

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Israel goes on an assassination spree and the US sends our troops to protect Israel!?! We have been misusing and abusing the members of the military for my entire life - Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and now we are defending a rogue terrorist nation. Exploiting our troops will not make us safer, but just the opposite while creating more disabled veterans. When will we stop allowing Israel to dictate our foreign policy?

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We, citizens of all countries who believe they elect governments to defend their lives and liberties, face the combined economic might, legal perversions and brute violence of barbarian security agencies, corrupt government officials and corporations. Gangsters is an accurate word.

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At this date, if an Israeli journalist working for an American paper told me that day follows night, I would take it with at least a 50 kg sack of salt.

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The fact Israel carried out another assassination on foreign soil and the immediate response is for the US to send multiple battleships to the region is in and of itself revealing. This is apocalyptic in scope. The US and Israel on a course to mutual self destruction with untold and unnecessary suffering to the region and perhaps worldwide. This is insanity.

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Thank you for reporting. We need to hear all sides to be able to think critically about the conflict. This journalism is important.

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There will never be a cease fire as long as Netanyahu is in charge of Israel.

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A big black mark on Biden's otherwise pretty impeccable political career.

As far as Israel is concerned, what can one expect except lies and violence which has been the case since they got that deal of PART of Palestine as a "safe" home. Unfortunately, the reputation of Jews, down through the centuries, to be a problem...still glaringly stands They are ruining the United States that only backs them and supports them with riches.

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His career wasn't so impeccable. He promoted and voted for the invasion of Iraq even though he surely knew there were no WMD there. The invasion was another violation of international law.

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Another black mark. We were fed a lie.

I think I have heard that Israel was pushing us to invade Iraq.

The human race is a disgrace.

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netanyahu specifically. one of the original neo-cons. years before that, israel had attacked and destroyed a nuclear plant of iraq's to make sure they never got their hands on the bomb. our "special ally" has been creating problems for us and getting our children killed for decades. now we are at an inflection point.

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Impeccable?? You mean the Senator from MBNA? You mean the guy who has been trying to do in Social Security and Medicare throughout his career? You mean the Joe who did his best to derail/quash what Anita Hill had to say about Clarence Thomas?

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"pretty" impeccable.....NOT completely impeccable. Nearly everybody disbelieved the female. ..... after all, she was a female, right? No one in the human race is perfect, except for Jesus.

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I blame the Zionists rather than the Jews although pretty much all Israelis are Zionists. I don’t see how Israel can survive such intense hatred and attacks on so many fronts. They think America will save them but America is disintegrating and I don’t see how we can even save ourselves.

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Impeccable? Who put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court?

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Different time...completely. Research it.

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you can provide us with your research. theres nothing good to say about biden except for some of the economically progressive aspects of his presidential administration (nlrb, ftc, etc). biden has spent his whole life as a republican running on a democractic ticket. that was practically his campaign in 2020. he loves making deals with republicans aka just giving them everything and screwing his own party. for all my critique of Obama, it was VP biden that gave away the single payer option in ACA during his "negotiations" with the senate. theres a reason most of us didnt want him to be the nominee in 2020 and the establishment had to manufacture a win for him to keep bernie out (again).

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The NYT story seemed too conveniently timed for it to be true: it makes Israel solely responsible for the assassination of Haniyeh & offers an alternative explanation to those in Iran and elsewhere who have pointed to the US role in this regional travesty. The ‘innocent’ looks on the faces of people like Blinken, Austin, & Biden when asked about the assassination makes me doubt even more the notion that Israel acted alone.

In the past when Israel really has acted alone, official responses are a mix of anger, an attempt at covering their arses, or praise. I saw/heard none of this which leads me to believe the Americans not only knew about it but had a role in it as well. Even if that role was limited to providing intelligence or giving a green light, it confirms Iran’s suspicions that it is soon going to be the target either of regime change (probably too bold at this time) or of a massive attack on its nuclear installations across the country.

Israel may well be trying to sow paranoia and mistrust within the regime, but I’d add that - given Israel’s record of sabotage & killings within Iran just in the last decade - any leaders within the Tehran regime would be foolish not to entertain some of those emotions. For them, it has to be a part of self preservation. I have no idea how the Axis of Resistance powers, specifically Iran & Hizbullah, intend to respond to Israel but they must realize the consequences will be severe.

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This is what civilizational collapse looks like. Burglary and looting of a south side store in broad daylight. News crew filming looters but no police. What do the democrats think of the ever worsening social breakdown in our cities? They don’t think anything of it. They’re too busy gushing about how wonderful Kamala is and how wonderful it’ll be when she’s in charge. America is already fighting a two front war: Internally on Trump/MAGA, externally on Putin/Russia. Now we’re on our way to a third front in the Middle East against Iran which will rapidly escalate to a global WW3 with America/NATO/Israel vs Russia/China/Iran/N. Korea. Only AI can save our sinking ship. We sure can’t save ourselves.

“Apparent Smash-and-grab thieves caught on CBS Chicago cameras.” (2 min)

CBS Chicago. Aug 2, 2024


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WOW.....if only the rest of Americans knew !!

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American doesn't have a problem. America is the problem.

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Professor Marandi probably won't drop a comment here, so I will on his behalf. Empire and its Zionist project are The Great Satan! I'm not a believer - but I believe that.

Dismantle empire.

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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America has become an arm of right wing Israel when Netanyahu can come to the U.S. and speak to Congress about its war mongering plans with applause. At the same time making Biden crawl to him was humiliating. Iran has said it doesn’t want war, yet we send warships after Israel again uses terrorism on a sovereign country’s right to be autonomous. We are bombing and starving people at the dictates of a right wing extremist, while AIPAC money coerces free elections with propaganda. We’re doomed to become a monster.

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We have already become a monster.

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