One wonders what it will take to get people to wake up. Clearly it isn't reading the NYT, or listening to their so-called elected leaders. In the mean time, and that's what it is, casefire or no ceasefire; scam or no, we cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.


You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.

Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:


Please sign the petition and share widely.

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Haaretz had an article about the Hind Rajab Foundation and the risk posed to IDF soldiers traveling outside Israel.

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Israel is getting desperate to find a reason to start the war again! Of course with co-emperor Trump's blessing they will probably just start bombing the civilians without a reason!

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There seems to be only one person really standing in the way of peace its

Netanyahu. He has to go one way or another.

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It is not rocket science to figure out that Netanyahu and his Knesset aren't interested in any kind of negotiated settlement. They want all Palestinians gone, or at least, under a similar government control as the sellout PA which is a direct proxy of Tel Aviv. And the support from the US is getting stronger every day.

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They've got hacks writing about Hamas's mistreatment of hostages, which echoes the beheaded babies bullshit. The first hostages released in the swap looked in pretty good shape all things considered, while we know that all manner of subhuman brutality is visited on Palestinians, often arrested randomly, in Israeli cells, so there may be another propaganda exercise beginning. All futile, as those of us with eyes to see know what the Zionists are capable of. So do our "leaders", of course, so they - and their apologist hacks in the media - are in the same foul pit as the Zionists.

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Thank you Mr. Scahill for the really great coverage of this maybe historic event.

You can't call Netanyahu and the Israelies a class act. They seem to plum the depths

of inhumanity. The world sees how low they can go.

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Can any party in this world pressure the US to stop supporting Israel? Americans are cowered by local threats to their country to worry about genocide by Israel. Trump has cowered all US 'allies' with tariffs. BRICS won't emulate the US hegemony they despise. Is the UN completely toothless?

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What Israel has done and continues to do to the Beautiful Palestinian people is unspeakable, evil, and will have damaging effects on the Jewish people

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What will make Israel commit to the Ceasefire Agreement?

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With Trump in office, absolutely nothing. We went from a president who could care less about Palestinians to one that actively loathes them.

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The only thing the Israelis will ever commit to, is GENOCIDE.

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Get rid of Netanyahu.

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Israel is BAD business.

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Since we know Israel places no value on Palestinian life while at the same time wants them gone and there is nothing stopping the killing, fully backed by Trump, then it is no surprise that the killings go on, more on one day, less on another but continual. It's simply an extension of the philosophy of Zionism broadcast to the world in 1948 but extending back before then.

I wonder what Jews of 1948 would think if they could have seen the future and know that the price of ethnic supremacy in Palestine would be endless killing of non-Jews, that Netanyahu would declare that "we must always live by the sword". That is proven false by the full integration of Jews in the US where they live in peace with all fellow citizens including Arab-Americans.

Life is precious, except that Jews may take the lives of non-Jews as much as they want and on into the future without limit? The incredible thing is that this "privilege" is in Israeli minds somehow justified by the holocaust. A horror of the past that ended and cannot be changed thus allows unending horror into the indefinite future that no international law may stop. From traditional victims to unconstrained killers with a clear conscience! It is group insanity, fully protected by a corrupt US government bought with Zionist wealth.

My synagogue vigil continued today with a new sign: STOP THE STEAL - GAZA FOR GAZANS https://clifbrown.substack.com/

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Tony Greenstein's Zionism During the Holocaust sheds light on how little Zionists cared about "ordinary" Jews and in fact betrayed them. These days Jews here in the UK who oppose the Zionists and their treatment of the Palestinians are dealt with even more harshly than non-Jews.

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Another book to read in regard to your comment is Grodzinsky's "In the Shadow of the Holocaust" in which is related the extreme pressure put on the residents of the displaced persons camps after WW2 including beatings in order to get Jews there to state that they wanted to go not to America but to Palestine. If that isn't a sign of fanaticism, what would be?

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Sadly I think Israel is going to start bombing in Gaza again and maybe also in West Bank. And the US is giving them the weapons with which to do it.

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No morals

No respect for human life

And they lie.

The Israeli war criminals should face the same justice as the Nazis .

I'm against capital punishment for all except the murderers of children,

They have no place in society.

There is no point in saving them.

A fitting demise would be the gas chamber.


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