Thank you so much for this update. Georgetown is one of the top law schools in the Country. There is a battle going on across the Country between the law and Constitution vs. threats of loss of $$$ funding by Trump/Musk/AIPAC/Zionists. It always comes down to money in this oligarchic Country. How far will this Mccarthyism go before these Universities join together and find the courage to vocally stand up for what they teach? If they do not, the forces of repression are guaranteed to get worse and they will very likely lose their funding anyway. They could, we all could, take some lessons in courage from the Palestinians and Yemenis! The money is not worth the moral loss.
Standing against the US Constitution is the ultimate declaration of hostility towards the state. A regime that has taken the oath to defend the constitution and yet stands against it, is negating its own legitimacy.
Our task is to be present in defense of our Constitution, especially the First Amendment, in numbers.
We're always wrong when we think we can't sink any lower. Watching the Venezuelan deportations is sickening. Bad enough the unlawfulness of the procedure, but add the utter depravity of the treatment being inflicted on the boys. I have thought the pleasure Trump takes in inflicting pain was his most abhorrent quality, and here it is, even more severe. How can we stand this? I don’t see how, but it’s kind of like the pot is boiling and at least we are smarter than frogs. Somehow, some way, some kind of effort to save ourselves has to come..
"A gift from the people of France, she has watched over New York Harbor since 1886, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by Emma Lazarus in 1883: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.''
Pro Israel groups are unAmerican. This is America not Israel.
"...accusing him of downplaying the October 7 attacks."
Accusing him of what? So what if he did "downplay" something, or anything, or nothing?
Whatever subject he may or may not emphasise, those are his rights as a human being, recognised and protected by US law. We are endowed by our Creator with the inalienable right to speak or not speak on any matter, whatsoever, and our laws recognise this; they do not grant our rights. They recognise the fact that they exist.
The special interest pressures groups engaging in this type of persecution obviously have no understanding of the law, or do not care.The evidence of their behaviour points to the conclusion that they are mentally ill.
And, yes, no matter what they say, deep down, it is about race.
The whole world sees this. Only the largely still-naiive American public are slow to catch on, but catching on they are. The Lobby is playing a losing game. The more draconian their tactics become, the more unpopular they will be. They are out of soft power. Blackmail, coercion, bribery and violence are the only options they have left.
I'd like to say I'm shocked by this, but I am not! I just watched a talk and interview given by Francesca Albanese, the UN rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, in Germany. The political situation in Germany is now similar to that in the US. She couldn't give her talk at Berlin University and had to find a small venue. Amazing talk, but it's clear that German democracy, like US democracy is in great trouble. The US seems farther down the road to dictatorship than Germany at this point, but it appears the world order established after World War II is collapsing. I guess we, the people, have to will determine whether we have a universal democratic order, or totalitarianism. We need to stand up whenever and wherever we can!
Thank you so much for this update. Georgetown is one of the top law schools in the Country. There is a battle going on across the Country between the law and Constitution vs. threats of loss of $$$ funding by Trump/Musk/AIPAC/Zionists. It always comes down to money in this oligarchic Country. How far will this Mccarthyism go before these Universities join together and find the courage to vocally stand up for what they teach? If they do not, the forces of repression are guaranteed to get worse and they will very likely lose their funding anyway. They could, we all could, take some lessons in courage from the Palestinians and Yemenis! The money is not worth the moral loss.
Exactly, thank you! Darkness spreads across the land like a dismal fog, silencing all.
Let’s deport these pro-Israel groups who don’t respect the first amendment and are spreading their DEI woke agenda! 😊
Standing against the US Constitution is the ultimate declaration of hostility towards the state. A regime that has taken the oath to defend the constitution and yet stands against it, is negating its own legitimacy.
Our task is to be present in defense of our Constitution, especially the First Amendment, in numbers.
We're always wrong when we think we can't sink any lower. Watching the Venezuelan deportations is sickening. Bad enough the unlawfulness of the procedure, but add the utter depravity of the treatment being inflicted on the boys. I have thought the pleasure Trump takes in inflicting pain was his most abhorrent quality, and here it is, even more severe. How can we stand this? I don’t see how, but it’s kind of like the pot is boiling and at least we are smarter than frogs. Somehow, some way, some kind of effort to save ourselves has to come..
"A gift from the people of France, she has watched over New York Harbor since 1886, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by Emma Lazarus in 1883: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.''
Pro Israel groups are unAmerican. This is America not Israel.
"...accusing him of downplaying the October 7 attacks."
Accusing him of what? So what if he did "downplay" something, or anything, or nothing?
Whatever subject he may or may not emphasise, those are his rights as a human being, recognised and protected by US law. We are endowed by our Creator with the inalienable right to speak or not speak on any matter, whatsoever, and our laws recognise this; they do not grant our rights. They recognise the fact that they exist.
The special interest pressures groups engaging in this type of persecution obviously have no understanding of the law, or do not care.The evidence of their behaviour points to the conclusion that they are mentally ill.
And, yes, no matter what they say, deep down, it is about race.
The zionist entity is going for broke.
The mask is off, and so off come the gloves.
The whole world sees this. Only the largely still-naiive American public are slow to catch on, but catching on they are. The Lobby is playing a losing game. The more draconian their tactics become, the more unpopular they will be. They are out of soft power. Blackmail, coercion, bribery and violence are the only options they have left.
I'd like to say I'm shocked by this, but I am not! I just watched a talk and interview given by Francesca Albanese, the UN rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, in Germany. The political situation in Germany is now similar to that in the US. She couldn't give her talk at Berlin University and had to find a small venue. Amazing talk, but it's clear that German democracy, like US democracy is in great trouble. The US seems farther down the road to dictatorship than Germany at this point, but it appears the world order established after World War II is collapsing. I guess we, the people, have to will determine whether we have a universal democratic order, or totalitarianism. We need to stand up whenever and wherever we can!
Seriously, who’s running DC, The White House or Tel Aviv. Or maybe it’s the same thing.
I've heard contact with israelies feels like getting a bad case of hemorrhoids.
Go work at the Dunkin Donuts in Pakistan.
That sound more like your kind of work.
I tried to get a job there. They turned me down because I wasn't Indian.
Racism and antiworking people sentiments often go hand in hand.
Didn't I meet you working at my local 7-11.