Is there a resource to send seeds to these farmers. Yes, it is horrific and so difficult. We are living in an unjust world where impunity rules. We can only help others and each other.

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DAWN has urged the ICC prosecutor to investigate and prosecute former President Biden, State Secretary Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin for their personal roles in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Gaza as part of his ongoing investigation into the situations in Palestine since 2014.


Let’s give them our support, while we still can, given this new threat to allow payment apps, and the like, to debank people for ideological reasons.

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A genocide.

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We cannot allow Israel to escape the legal consequences of their war crimes. The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.


You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.

Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:


Please sign the petition and share widely.

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If destroying agricultural land is not a war crime, the laws should be revised to designate it as such. The genocidal intent of destroying subsistence agriculture is clear.

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The depravity, the degeneracy, the perversity of the Israelis is without bounds. It cannot be fathomed how a population so quick to invoke the campaign to eradicate everything Jewish during the 1930s and '40s so brazenly embarks on the same path against a people who welcomed them into their land to escape doom. Atop this, the rest of the world aids and abets this attempt at extermination of a people, their culture, their history. If anything, the vileness of Israel, of Zionism, should be put to an end.

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and of course advocate for policy that is not supportive of these injustices. We cannot accept and we must share the information with others. Thank you for this article.

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Rasha Abou jalal, thank you for your story. And thank you to Drop Site news for your news coverage. We here in the US hear nothing about this kind of destruction. Israel rationalizes bombing of buildings because "terrorists" might be hiding there. But what is the rationale for destroying agricultural land and poisoning the ground? Do militants hide under an olive tree or amongst cucumbers? Shame.

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The white European jewish dyspora currently in Isreal. Go home to your countries and stop your holacost/ genocide of the indigenous Palestinian peoples.




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As a farmer's daughter, I weep for this loss. I am grateful for anything the farmers of Gaza can do to begin to build back. Seeds sound like a good idea, but with the blocking of just about everything, I wonder if they would make it through. (And, yes, they need to be non-GMO seeds for the future of our planet.)

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They wonder why thier is anti-semitism in the world. Look no further than GAZA!

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Can't Isreal remember the pain of existance under waring enemies? Being human requires some understanding and forgiveness

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